Saturday, August 31, 2019
Week Dqs
More specifically a leader can Influence employee motivation, development of employees' knowledge and skills, shared beliefs and values, organizational structure, programs, systems, and the placement and use of resources to meet objectives (Yuk, 2010). An organizations success hinders on the managers, and how they interact with the employees. If a leader/manager cannot motivate the employees to achieve the goals set out then that means that the organization as a whole is not meeting the goals. I have worked for organizations where the managers did not have the skills to lead and it showed through the stores performance.But yet when I transferred to a different store, the managers there were more focused, had wonderful leadership skills, and outstanding communication skills and the store was #1 in the district for sales, production, and overhead reduction. Not only had that but the store had the lowest turnover rate in the trig-state area. I contribute this to the management staff and their Influence over their employees. Reference: Yuk, G. A. (2010). Leadership In organizations (7th deed. ). Upper saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. What Is a significant employee behavior Issue managers confront?According to organizational behavior theories, how should It be addressed? Organizations strive to promote positive, healthy working environment for their employees and customers. However, managers are confronted with behaviors in which this concept can be extremely challenging. Behaviors that do not follow organizational policy or norms can be Identified as deviant workplace behaviors (Robbins ; Judge. 2011 Examples of deviant workplace behaviors are such: swearing, pushing chairs, yelling, or even physical aggression. Behaviors such as this can destroy team cohesion, productivity, or financial wellbeing of an organization.According to organizational behavior theories, noxious conduct such as deviant workplace behavior must be addressed. The manager is not only responsible for confronting these behaviors but is also charged with investigating the source of the discontent (Robbins ; Judge, 2011). Managers need to be cognizant of employee stress levels, intervene appropriately, and enforce a zero-tolerance for lateral violence (Stack, 2003). Battling deviant workplace behaviors Is daring for even the best manager to tackle. However, managers will need to evaluate employee workloads and ensure duties are assigned 1 OFF managers must intervene at once.Not investigating the origin cause for the poor actions will not bring resolution that is needed. Mangers can also encourage vacations, De-stressing classes, as well as encouraging employees to seek employee assistance programs (Stack, 2003). References Robbins, S. P. , ; Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th deed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Stack, L. (2003, October). Employees Behaving Badly-How managers can recognize and combat employee â€Å"desk rage†. HER Magazine, 48(10), 111-116. 1 . What is the difference between managers and leaders?Is it possible to be an effective manager but not an effective leader? Provide examples. Managers want to get things done and have their subordinates perform better, compared to leaders who want to know what things mean to others, and how to get their followers to agree about what the most important things are that need to be done (Yuk,2010). I do believe that it is possible to be an effective manager while not being an effective leader. For example a person can be great at delegating what tasks need to be done, and assigning those tasks to operate efficiently.But when it comes to a manager actually having the proper communication skills necessary to be an effective leader they can be lacking. With my first management position I was more concerned about getting everything done and getting it done quick to try and impress my bosses at district that I never really took the time to get my employe es input about the tasks. I later found out that this was a big mistake, if I had taken the time and put in the extra effort to listen, and ask for their opinions I would have known that it would have been easier to do the tasks in a different order.A few of my employees had been employed at the store for almost 10 years, so they knew the shortcuts to get the store re-sets done easier and quicker. I think that to be a truly great manager you also have to be a leader. But it is possible to be an effective manager but not an effective leader, you Just won't be a great one. Reference Yuk, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations (7th deed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. 2. According to Robbins and Judge (201 1), a leader must acknowledge three primary roles as a manager.What are these management roles, and how do they affect the purpose, positions, and skills required by management? Provide an example from a current or past work experience that conveys these management rol es. Reference: Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. According to Robbins and Judge (201 1), a leader must acknowledge three primary current or past work experience that conveys these management roles. * Interpersonal roles * Informational * Decisional roles The purpose of the interpersonal role is to act as a figurehead, leader, and liaison (p. ); one that others look-up to for a sense of accomplishment or guidance as well as a networking relationship, all of which build trust. The interpersonal role will put management in the forefront of the organization and community. Skills required will include the ability to clearly communicate to others as well as effectively direct and dead subordinates. The informational role as described by Robbins & Judge (2011) carries out three objectives; to collect and distribute market information; to represent the organization.The purpose of this role is to realize customer trends and send that information back to those who can make the changes need ed to remain competitive. Again, management will need to network effectively with others to better understand changing market trends. The skills will require management to understand what tools will be needed that would deliver the best source of information. The decisional role consists of four elements; the entrepreneur role; the assistance handler; the resource locator; and the negotiator (p. 7).The entrepreneur role will allow management to use the market information that he or she has gathered to better align the organization to remain competitive. The disturbance handler puts management at the forefront of critical issues that may hinder performance. The resource locator will require management to understand what sources will be needed, including human capital, to accomplish the organization's goals. The negotiator role will require management to pull all of these resources together and to collaborate a way to be successful.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Barilla Spa (a)
BARILLA SpA (A) Table of Contents Part One: Executive Summary3 Part Two: Immediate Issue4 Part Three: Systemic Issues4 Part Four: Qualitative Analysis5 Part Five: Alternatives6 Part Six: Recommendation8 Part Seven: Recommendations Implementation Plan9 Part Eight: Monitor and Control10 Part One: Executive Summary In order to respond to extreme demand variability and incidents of high stock out rates Barilla is currently applying pressure to both its’ manufacturing and logistics departments to restock distribution centres as quickly as possible. This is resulting in high distribution costs and a reduction in overall profits.In the long term I am recommending that Barilla SpA implement a Just in Time Distribution (JITD) system to reduce excess inventory and eliminate stock outs at the distributor to market level of the distribution chain. The new system will include a forecasting and planning system based on information provided by the distributors on a day-to-day basis. The JITD will reduce inventory to acceptable levels and will reduce inventory carrying cots. It will also flatten demand resulting in cost savings at the manufacturing and shipping levels. It will also provide an opportunity for new sales promotion types and levels.Initially the new system will be implemented on a trial basis and at the end of the trial with successful performance indicated; the system will be presented to internal departments as well as distributors. This report will be used as a basis for discussion in our production meeting at the end of the week. Giorgio Maggiali Director of Logistics Barilla SpA (A) December 4, 2012 Part Two: Immediate Issue Barilla SpA is experiencing difficulty in the manufacturing and logistics sectors of their operation because of an extreme variability in demand of their pasta products.Though demand for pasta in Italy is flat Barilla has been experiencing sudden spikes in demand for varying types of pasta from different areas. Because of rigid man ufacturing requirements and lengthy lead times from placement of order to delivery, stock outs have been experienced between the distributors and retail stores. Part Three: Systemic Issues Sales Operations: Nature: Tactical Timing: Short Term Distributors are encouraged to purchase product based on discounts rather than product demand at their customer’s locations.The sales representatives are given specific sales targets to meet and are conceivably focusing on the discounted products because they are an easier sell to the distributors. Distribution: Nature: Tactical Timing: Short Term and Long Term Lead time from placement of order to delivery ranges anywhere from eight days to fourteen days, though the average is ten calendar days. This includes production and shipment of the product. Most distributors do not rely on forecasting systems to place their orders; they simply count stock on a cycle and place orders to refill to the previous level.There is no analysis based on pr oduct type, time of year etc. Stock outs are happening between the distributors and the stores; the lead time to fill the product gap is too long. Manufacturing Process: Nature: Strategic Timing: Short Term and Long Term The pasta production process (particular sizes and types of pasta require fixed heat and humidity settings in the kiln) makes it difficult to replace a specific type of pasta that has sold out at a vendor’s store because of unusually high demand. The production process cannot be changed or sped up without risking a decline in quality of the product. Part Four: Qualitative AnalysisBarilla SpA is the largest pasta producer in the world. They offer both dry and fresh pasta as well as a variety of other products including cookies, cakes and breads. Currently, the demand for pasta in Italy is flat with only an approximate increase in demand of 1% per year. Barilla competes with other pasta providers (approximately 2,000) by utilizing innovative advertising techniq ues and by using high quality raw materials in their products. In order to compete in the Italian market they utilize the traditional method of distribution to their customers via their own distribution center as well as a number of independent distributors.Distributors may place orders when they choose; each year is sectioned off (referred to as canvass periods) and specific products are offered at discounted rates in an assigned period. The type of product that is offered in each canvass period is decided by the sales department. There are also volume discounts offered on certain products which may be specialized by the Barilla sales personnel (i. e. free shipping for full truckload orders). Sales staff has set sales targets for each canvass period which results in pressure sales to the distributors.The distributors will purchase more of the discounted products in order that they can pass the savings to their customers to achieve higher sales. The majority of distributor’s periodically review their stock of Barilla products and place orders with Barilla based on re-stocking to the previous level they had of each product type. Input from the store level is not considered as the main factor in ordering. There are no set minimum or maximum levels for types of pasta or for size of distributor. Pasta production is time consuming; a series of steps are involved that must be followed to produce the quality of pasta that is Barilla’s trademark.The drying process alone takes approximately four hours; the settings of the kiln are specific to the size and type of pasta being produced. In addition to production time there is shipping time which varies dependent on the proximity of the manufacturing plant to the distribution center. Shipping encompasses the availability of vehicles and the cost of shipping. The current method of ordering means that there are less-than-truckload or LTL shipments taking place which are more expensive than full-truckload or FT L shipments. Part Five: Alternatives Alternative One: Sales ControlsThe Barilla sales department will offer product promotions based on product movement at the region/store level. Volume discounts will be discontinued. Pros: Promotions based on sales data from the individual stores will reduce stock outs and will maintain the sales department’s relationship with the customer. Cons: Distributors lose control over the stock and stock levels that they are carrying. Sales of other product lines that Barilla produces will decline and some customers will change to other suppliers for their variety of product. Alternative Two: Inventory ControlsBarilla will set minimum/maximum inventory levels for each SKU based on historical sales data. Safety stock will be produced of the pasta types that regularly stock out at the distributor locations. Pros: Instituting set inventory levels for each SKU will ensure a more realistic supply of product for each location. Producing safety stock for the pasta types that spike will reduce restock time and mitigate market share loss. Cons: Historic data is inherently flawed because of trade promotions and volume discounts; minimum/maximum levels would be skewed.Excess stock would take up a significant amount of space and extra storage space would need to be obtained. There will be conflict with distributors because of their loss of control and with sales because of the loss of promotional opportunities. Alternative Three: Just in Time Distribution (JITD) Product will not be ordered by the distributor but will be supplied by the manufacturer to the distributor based on data provided about the previous day’s shipments from the distributor to the customers as well as their current stock levels of Barilla product.Pros: Barilla would ship product only as it was needed rather than having large amounts of excess stock. Information regarding supplies at the distributor’s warehouses would aid Barilla in improving their forec asting system. Barilla would have more control over the distribution process. Cons: Distributors do not want Barilla interfering with their inventory. The sales staff is reluctant to lose their opportunity to meet and exceed sales targets through their promotions. Part Six: RecommendationWe recommend the implementation of Alternative Three, the JITD model. JITD will enable Barilla to cut current distribution costs and stabilize supply to the customers. JITD is based on real time data and inventory specific information. Rather than basing product supply on current promotions or volume discounts, product supply is based on historical demand at the specific distributor locations. * This will ensure that customers receive product that they can move rather than being supplied product that will sit on their shelves for extended periods of time. Barilla will be able to reduce inventory levels at their locations because demand will be stabilized and as a result carrying costs will be reduce d. * Transportation can be regulated as product delivery is regulated and cost savings can be found through possible transportation discounts (FTL vs. LTL shipments). * Promotions can be tailored to individual products at individual locations. Barilla can manage inventory levels more effectively than the distributors because we have an understanding of all facets of distribution.The distributors do not have a clear understanding of the manufacturing process and the reason for lengthy lead times. Traditional trade promotion and volume discounts will be eliminated by the implementation of JITD. A new promotion structure will be implemented to maintain market competitiveness. Part Seven: Recommendations Implementation Plan We believe that to encourage both internal and external partners to embrace the JITD system, Barilla should introduce JITD as a pilot project at one of the distribution facilities that has experienced extreme demand variability.Customers are resistant to the change b ecause they will lose control over product type that will be carried. They do not want Barilla to push product through their centres to reduce their costs while restricting the distributor’s role in the delivery system. Barilla can present the data from the pilot project to the other distributors. The data will prove to distributors that implementing the JITD system will be of benefit to them as well as to Barilla. When proposing the JITD system to customers Barilla has to explain that it will: * Reduce Costs * Reduce Inventory Levels Improve Fill Rate to their Stores Implementing JITD is in the best interests of Barilla, the distributors and their customers. There is internal resistance, primarily from the marketing and sales group, because there is a lack of understanding about the effects that implementing the system would have on the various departments and their functions and duties. The sales department, in particular, is concerned that a JITD system would reduce their duties and impedes their ability to sell product by removing the current trade and volume purchasing promotions.In order to get buy in from each department I need to have the support of management including DiMaria, the manager of the sales department. Support for the changeover has to be top down as the current problem is not just a logistics issue but is a supply chain issue. Part Eight: Monitor and Control The pilot project will be implemented within two months and will be take place over the course of three months. The Key Performance Indicators and measurements are: * Customer Demand Levels – Success is flat demand or less than 1% variability in demand. Stock Out Levels – Success is stock out levels at less than 2% per order cycle. * Inventory Levels – Success is less than or equal to 90,000 kilograms of pasta/day at the manufacturing facility and less than 4% excess inventory total at the distributor’s warehouse. At the end of the three month trial the Barilla management team will review the data and prepare a report to present to individual departments within Barilla and to distributors. If figures, as laid out above, have not been met then Barilla will continue to maintain the current distribution process.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Mass Media and Its Influence in Shaping Ideas Essay
Dramatic advances in mass communication and transportation during the past 50 years have truly created a global village; a mass society. Things occurring anywhere are now quickly known everywhere. Mass media both overwhelm us with information and help us to sort it out. The development of mass media has had a great influence on our lives. We have come to depend on it for information and so forth. In doing so, we allowed it to affect important aspects of our lives. Media, why is it has been a hot topic of discussion in our nowadays society? We find that in our country, Malaysia, the mass media plays a very crucial role in influencing and changing the thinking of our current society. Taking this one issue as an example; the issue that has been a viral recently, which is Public Resurrection Rally or also known as Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat. Apart of being famously spread through media in internet such as online news and videos, surely the main mass media including television, radio and newspaper also made a wide coverage on this issue no matter they are supporting it or not. However, for sure when they differ in their goals and interests, hence the way they report about the issues also differ. This different ways of reporting thus causes varying acceptance in society. Quoting one finding by Shanto Iyengar in his book entitle ‘Is Anyone Responsible? ’ while he was doing an evaluation on the effects brought by news on television concerning political issues, he found that the carriage of the issue through the news on the TV has developed an understanding of the general public towards the political problems occurred. Meaning to say here, it could be the media who the one creating the issue permitted, or it could be media too who provides the solution for it. We cannot deny the enormity of the power and influence of the media in shaping the flow of thinking of our society. When there is only one issue raised by the media, then the issue will also be followed by the society either through their leisure or through serious discussion, through their words, as well as through their status shared on Facebook or Twitter. And that’s why, Iyenger again mentioned together with his friend; Donald Kinder in ‘News That Matters’, â€Å"when television news focuses on a problem, the public’s priorities are altered, and altered again as television news moves on to something new. †Sometimes, the issue raised is only one. However, different ways of putting up the stories may cause different way of viewpoint. It may be that with dealing on an issue will make people have a good look toward one party or side. Meanwhile, it can also be that with another way of handling an issue may causes people to have bad sentiment at one side. Mass media, if they are honest, thus the true way of thinking can be mould among the society. Conversely, if they deviate and go off from the principle they should be, then so goes the pattern of thinking that will exist in the community. Thinking of how great is the influence of media in determining the current mindset of society; media thus should be honest and trustworthy in carrying any issue or theme into the community. Seeing the reality of nowadays media, it is not easy for them to stand as a natural institution or unequivocal to any party. When the media were in favour of any party, then the way they play with an issue or problem will always favour to the side they support. Sometimes, mistakes and glares made by the side supported no matter how big would it be are usually hidden or removed by creating offense related to the other side which have different ideology or schools of thought. Any media if it is used for the benefit of one party, surely it will be a mouthpiece of the party. Hence, all reports, news, issues taken will surely favour them. Media should act as a tool to educate the community. Media plays an important role in developing the mindset of society, whether to form a good and clean mindset or the other way around. Media should not be exploited to manipulate people to have the wrong way of thinking. The effect will lead to duping of the society itself.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Poems - Essay Example It has successfully preserved its lyrical tendency howsoever blunt and limited with vocabulary within the main characters domestic domain. Like any other ordinary case, Woman work thus altogether depicts in it a realistic common woman type whod often be found enumerating routinary tasks in a nearly resenting tone (as in the poems beginning). Its capability to sound as such suggests an image of the speaker as relative to the real picture of an individual under a working class whose wage doesnt go above average for otherwise she would have been able to afford a helper on whom to delegate a fraction of her load. Also, with the things in the list-to-do order, the poet wants the reader to imagine more how rustic and tough a life is for a single mother or a woman without a reliable parter to depend on. Such is an attribute of a poorly developed society where this case is most usual. Not only does the poem pertain to a traditional mother but also exemplifies a woman who volunteers or has ma de chief career out of social works in her poor community. The lines I got company to feed...the tots to dress, the can to be cut..then see about the sick, all attest to that. Similarly, the side of nature which the speaker seeks to attain as a resolution to the initial setting, provides further allusion to her economy. Having mentioned sunshine, rain, dewdrops, storm, sky, mountain, and oceans she can call her own greatly symbolizes a status that hopes for a rather inexpensive means to soften the stress out and build up comfort and peace without having to pay another human service where appropriate, since a mere freedom to experience such wonders of nature is free of charge. The natural sensibility brought by this attitude makes the poetic content literal and at the same time figurative for acquiring a good transition between contrasts as the irony begins adapting a normal tone and remains either subtle or neglects to assume much
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Pharmacology Practical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pharmacology Practical - Essay Example The experiment provided a uniform temperature (37 degrees) for the enzyme activity, whereas in living systems the temperature usually varies within a given range. According to Yun, crude extracts of orlistat also contain an inactive component, which is a possibility in the in vivo action of orlistat that leads to the disparities between experimental values and theoretical values of IC50 (2010). The suggested dose of Orlistat is one 120 mg capsule immediately before, during or up to one hour after, each main meal. From the statement, In general, at therapeutic doses detection of intact Orlistat in plasma is sporadic and concentrations are extremely low ( Orlistat’s systemic absorption is minimal because most of it is largely maintained in the gastrointestinal tract. This is why extremely low plasma concentrations are observed after the intake of the drug (Bryant et al. 2011). Systemic absorption of Orlistat is not necessary for its activity because it provides its therapeutic action in the stomach lumen and ileum. Orlistat binds irreversibly to the amino acid residues serine present in the active sites of gastric and pancreatic lipases through the formation of covalent bonds. This binding inactivates the enzymes making them unavailable for the hydrolysis of dietary fat (triglycerides) into fatty acids and monoglycerides (Orlistat STADAÂ ® 60mg/120 mg 2011). Consequently, a caloric deficit ensues because of failure of absorption of the undigested triglycerides. The caloric deficit has a helpful outcome on the regulation of
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