Thursday, October 31, 2019
Kodak and Fujifilm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Kodak and Fujifilm - Essay Example The company has been slow in responding to the digital revolution. George Eastman started commercial production of dry plates as early as 1888 in New York (Schaede, 2008). He formed Eastman Company in 1888 and later transformed it to Eastman Kodak in 1892. The first brownie Camera was introduced in 1900 while the first motion picture film was launched in 1929. The first digital camera was introduced in 1975 with the capability of capturing black and white images with a resolution of 10,000 pixels. Eastman Kodak ventured in the video market in 1984 with the Kodavision series 2000 8mm video system. In 2003, Kodak Easyshare printer dock 6000 was launched to produce borderless 4 by 6 inch prints. In 2011, the company began shopping its 1,000 digital-imaging patents and experienced a downgrading of its debt ratings. In January 2012, the company announced plans to realign its business operations in order to cut costs but later in the month it filled bankruptcy protection in order to boost cash position and stay in operations. The profits and sales of Eastman Kodak have been eroding since 1990s due to foreign competition from Fujifilm. Eastman Kodak core business is divided in to three business segments that include digital and filming systems for consumers, professionals and entertainment industry (Schaede, 2008). The second business segment is the commercial imaging group that consists of aerial, graphic, micrographic, inkjet printers, scanners and digital printing equipments that target industrial, banking and insurance markets. The third business segment is health imaging that caters for medical films, processing equipments and chemicals (Schaede, 2008). On the other hand, Fuji Photo Film Ltd was founded in 1934 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Fuji Film prides itself of continuous technological innovations since the company spends almost 7 percent of its sales towards research and development activities. Fuji Photo Film was established as part of the governm ent plans of establishing a local photographic film industry. Ashigara factory began operations immediately by producing photographic print papers, dry plates and photosensitive materials. The company entered the US market in 1965 and diversified to Europe the following year (Schaede, 2008). In 1983, Fuji acquired 51 percent of the shareholding of Chiyoda medical company in order to boost its medical photography and imaging business segment. In the 1990s, the company made several acquisitions and entered markets such as Hong-Kong, China and German. In 2003, an Enovation Graphic system was established in the US and acquired Arch Chemical, Inc currently known as the Fujifilm Electronics materials Co, Ltd. The company acquired Avecia inkjet limited and Problem solving concepts, Inc in order to boost imaging information systems business segment in the US. The company entered in Dubai in 2010 and also acquired endoscopy products in Turkey to boost its sales promotions. FujiFilm launched light production color system for on-demand printing in 2012. Fujifilm core business is divided in to three business segments that include imaging solutions, information solutions and documents solutions. Imaging solutions segment consists of electronic imaging, color films, color chemicals and papers, labs and photofinishing equipments. Information solutions business segments consist of medical systems, graphic systems, industrial products, optical devices and recording media (Schaede, 2008). The document
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Tupac Shakur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tupac Shakur - Essay Example This art form glorified violence, misogyny, and brutality to foes and hos. To the mainstream media, Gangsta Rap is readily exploited for its commercial value as entertainment or news, but continues to be misused to demonize black males by the patriarchal norms of the culture in which it exists (hooks 1994). Black males have taken Gangsta Rap as a necessary means of male expression. However, hooks contends, "Without a doubt black males, young and old, must be held politically accountable for their sexism" because they are being "... forced to take the "heat" for encouraging, via their music, the hatred of and violence against women that is a central core of patriarchy". Gangsta Rap lives up to the expectations of the norm. 2Pacs love of Gangsta Rap did not spontaneously appear. It was the culmination of his childhood and the experiences he endured as a young man that had been bludgeoned by life as an adult. He was born into a black revolutionary family as the son of two members of the Black Panthers. His parents were never together after 2Pac was born and he lived with his mother and sister for all of his childhood. Their influence can be seen in one of 2Pac's earlier songs called "Brenda's Got a Baby". 2Pac writes, "Well let me show ya how it affects tha whole community. Now Brenda never really knew her moms and her dad was a junky, Went in debt to his arms, it's sad, Cause I bet Brenda doesn't even know, Just cause your in tha ghetto doesn't mean ya can't grow, But oh, that's a thought, my own revelation, Do whatever it takes ta resist tha temptation". 2Pac had not yet succumb to the black male stereotype and the song shines through with non-condescending sympathy and reason. 2Pac's childhood was based in poverty, yet he was drawn to books and read at length on sociological theory. He was able to gain acceptance to the Baltimore School of Arts. He did well in this environment where he developed his rap music and acting. Before he could complete his studies, his family moved and he was forced to drop out. This unfortunate move took a young man that was serious about his art and at the age of 17 threw him into the streets of Marin City, CA. He soon hooked up with the Digital Underground and appeared on two of their albums. His mentors were people like Shock-G, Ernest Dickerson, and director John Singleton. During the period of 1991 - 1993 he released two albums and appeared in 3 movies. By all appearances 2Pac was a successful artist, educated, and had escaped the streets and the mold of the patriarchal norm. However, something was changing and it was reflected in his altercations with law enforcement. He was arrested in 1992 for his involvement in a fight that resulted in the death of a six-year-old. In the summer of 1993 he assaulted director Allen Hughes and was sentenced to 15 days in jail. In October of 1993 he was arrested for shooting two off-duty police officers in Atlanta. The charges were later dropped. In November 1993 he was charged with sexually abusing a female fan. In 1994, he was found guilty of sexual assault. The day after the verdict was announced, he was attacked and shot while at a recording studio. Shakur was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison on February 7, 1995. After serving an 8-month
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Dialogues in Virtual Environment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Dialogues in Virtual Environment - Term Paper Example Numerous researches have been conducted on the application of virtual environments. Animesh et al.’s MIS QUARTELY described it as below. Virtual environments refer to interactive, head-referenced computer displays that are enhanced by special processing and nonvisual display modalities such as auditory and haptic, they convince users that they are in a computer simulated space. Organizations working on virtual environments have a virtual team and office. The popularity of working in a virtual office is becoming common. Many businesses, organizations, and institutions are not run from a central office with set hours. The workforce in the current world is more flexible,. mobile, preferable and more convenient trend with the help of the modern portable technology and wifi. One can work in a coffee shop, in another state, in airports, beaches,...just to mention but a few; all what they need is a laptop and access to internet to connect to workplace, clients and team members. As we ’ve already stated, organizations may work with a virtual team on global levels. These teams operate autonomously with directions from a manager. The major advantage of these teams is that they try to maximize geographic talents to focus on key elements of the organization. The economists believe that the virtual office will change the way our economy works as well as the nature of work. Working from home or places where we are more comfortable exerts less stress on individuals, which can adversely affect the quality of work being produced. Dialogue is a most important proponent of virtual office. It is more efficient to avoid unnecessary meetings, dealing with office chatter, gossip and commutes. Dialogue supports a wide range of applications of virtual environments in businesses, education, healthcare, government and entertainment. The usefulness is in customer service, selling, help desk, technical support, and personalized service, training, education, website navigation and simple dialogue systems. The virtual office involves space utilization, however, a the actual application requires live communications or dialogue. This is possible through various methods. First, workers can use high-tech computer telephone integration software, a voicemail, mailing, business meeting space, and many other applications for communication. Systems Theory A set of interacting, interrelated, and interdependent components that form a complex and a unified whole is known as a system. Systems are everywhere- example is functional departments in any organization, the human circulatory system, and so on. They have several defining characteristics: First, every system has a role to play within a larger system. Second, all parts of a system must be present for a system to carry out its purposes optimally. Third, system’s parts must be arranged in a particular manner, if they are rearranged, the whole system would have trouble executing its purpose. Fourth, Systems c hange in response to a feedback, and finally, they maintain their balance by making changes based on the feedback (Pokharel, 2011). Systems theory, therefore, is a trans disciplinary study of systems in general, irrespective of their kind, type, or nature of existence. It focuses on the relations and arrangement of parts which connect them into a whole rather than reducing an entity into parts like organs or cells. Systems theory as a trans disciplinary study addresses a problem regardless of discipline in diverse fields like engineering, biology, sociology, psychology, and organizational theory. There are two versions of systems theory: closed systems and open systems. Closed systems originated in classical physics which deals with relatively few variables. Its modern version is exemplified by
Monday, October 28, 2019
From A Basement on the Hill and School Life Essay Example for Free
From A Basement on the Hill and School Life Essay Farewell speech 1:- In this farewell speech I am not saying goodbye to the five years I have spent here, for in every facet of school life we have left a mark and each experience can return upon reflection These experiences compose the pages of our book of life. Tonight we, the authors of this book, are writing again. This graduation experience will become a part of it. If you re-read it some day, it will tell you of success. A success of symbolizing years of patience and encouragement on the part of our parents who have raised us, given us guidance in our quest for happiness and success; teachers who have helped us over this step in school life; our friends who are an essential part of your life. To the students in the auditorium now, I say this. Live your life to the fullest and get every ounce of worth out of it. High school life will now open new doors for you. You will meet new friends and learn to get along with people, to give and to take. You will belong to athletic teams and will learn sportsmanship, learn acceptance of victory and defeat. Scholastically, more demands will be made of you. You will learn to take responsibility. Make your years at high school full in every respect. You will never live these years again and there is so much to do. Prepare yourself now for the job to come or university life. Because there is more to learn, more people to meet, more demands. So very much is up to you. Dont be discouraged by failure or disappointment. Failure is a challenge which we must all pick up and fight openly. In overcoming it, we add excitement and suspense to our story. By learning everything I can from this world and its people, by doing everything I can for this world and its people, in years to come I may find the answers, the strength, whatever I see, when I reread what I have writtenwhat you have helped me to write. Tonight I believe that I have stated my preface, the reason for writing my book. If I have fulfilled my purpose, then I have said something that will merit some attention in the book you are writing The words of a song: The web of time entangles and enslaves Enjoy the world. Enjoy it while you may. Each moment that your heart is beating Time is passing, Time is fleeting Live your life. Live it every day. Farewell speech 2:- Farewell 98 Beware, Its a Wide World Respected Principal Sir, Vice-Principal Sir, Teachers, and all my dear friends, including those who are graciously bunking. I looked around for farewell speeches but I couldnt find any worthwhile so I wrote this myself which is why this wont take long. We are gathered here, as most of us probably know, not only for the kachoris, but to bid a fond farewell to the students of Class XII who are leaving the esteemed establishment of the Kendriya VidyalayaSangathan, and venturing out into the real world. We dont know what truths they will find out there, what experiences they will have and we can only shower them with our best wishes and words of encouragement. Im not too good with words so I thought Id make my message clearer with a few lines from a Maxi Priest song. I think it goes somewhat like this But if you want to leave, Take good care. Hope you find a lot of nice friends out there. Just remember theres a lot of bad. Beware. Its a wide world. But most of us wont have a problem there because weve spent a lot of our years in KV, where along with the regular by the book education we are imparted with values. All through your school life you have probably been wondering what exactly the teachers were prattling on about but now that its time for you to leave your sheltered life and go out into the real world, now, you will realise the value of those words that our teachers painstakingly drone into us. And these moments of emotion will be the last that youll be spending in the shelter of our school. Within a month youd have left the shelter of your cocooned school lives and all you ugly caterpillars will flutter off in various directions as beautiful butterflies into a world where you know not what awaits you. But through your lives youll always remember your days here, fondly I hope. And within those memories of friends, teachers and the muddle of pleasant and unpleasant experiences may you remember the lessons that this school and its dedicated staff of teachers have taught. And may those lessons guide you on your paths to realise the dreams youve set out to make true. Because no matter what you do, no matter where you go, all through your lives youll only be richer with the experiences and knowledge that youve gathered in your schooling lives. Id just like to sign off with a line from a Bob Dylan number that really contain the essence of what Ive been trying to say here. Goodbye is too good a word, so Ill just say fare-thee-well.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Project Report On Petroleum Industry Commerce Essay
Project Report On Petroleum Industry Commerce Essay The MBA programmed provides student with a fundamental knowledge of business and organizational functions and activities as well as an exposure to strategic thinking of management. As a part of the curriculum we have prepared a comprehensive project report on petroleum industry. The theoretical knowledge is used only when are apply in our practical study. This report contains a brief about the petroleum industry playing a vital role in the growth of Indian economy. The whole project was accomplished in very systematic manner starting from collection of information through visiting various websites, books, magazines etc and than analyses it in a proper and suitable way. This report aims to provide information regarding the current position of petroleum industry in India. Its growth, challenges and issues in highly competitive market by adopting liberalization and globalization polices which are affecting the Indian economy particularly in petroleum sector. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank all the people who have helped us for making this project possible. Firstly we would like to appreciate the tradition of our institute, J.H.P.C.M.T which encourages such activities. We would also like to thank Dr. M.R.Parekh director of J.H.PATEL COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY for providing help whenever required. We grateful acknowledgments the value guidance and useful suggestion offered by our faculty guide Miss Jenita Patel. Finally we also thankful all our friends to helped us directly and indirectly in our project. We have also devoted with our best possible effort to complete the project. Declaration We Thakkar Nikita, Makwana Snehal hereby declare that the COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT entitled Petroleum Industry in is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. Place: (Signature) Date: (Name of Student) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project titled as Petroleum Industry has been undertaken with an objective of analyzing the economic growth in the india market its role for the development of the country. It represents Indias energy needs and is the most valuable public as well as private enterprise. As a collective result of private sector and public sector refinery investments in the recentpast, India will become known by 2012 as Asias largest refined product exporter, surpassing Singapore. India will stay one of Asias two largest refined product exporters for the anticipated future. India is suddenly become a global petroleum producing center because of having increasing the depth of product flows and strengthening supply chains especially clean transport fuels and for high-end industrial product. It also have far-reaching implications for regional product markets. The business of Indias large scale export oriented refining sector marks the increase of rate of a basic shift in the design of global refining in which growing economies increasingly look to production hubs in Asia and the Middle East to supply incremental refined product demand. Growth and Evolution of Petroleum Industry in India The petroleum industry is include the global processes of extraction, exploration, refining, transporting (often by pipelines and oil tankers), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are gasoline (petrol) and fuel oil. Petroleum (oil) is also the raw material for many chemical products, including solvents, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fertilizers, and plastics. The origin of the Indian oil gas industry can be traced back to the late 19th century, when oil was first struck at Digboi in Assam in 1889.In view of the significance of the gas oil sector for overall economic growth, the Government of India announced in1954 that petroleum would be the core sector industry. 1954, petroleum exploration production activity was controlled by the government-owned National Oil Companies (NOCs), namely Oil India Private Ltd (OIL) and Oil Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC).Indias refining capacity has more than trebled in the last 13 years. Reliance Industry is the first refinery industry in Jamnagar in 1999, India has an installed capacity of around 193.5 million tpa in April, 2011. The growth is likely to continue with refining capacities expected to touch 255 million tpa by 2012-13 and 302 million tpa by 2017-18, with a slew of projects announced by both the private and public sector. Today, private sector accounts for 76.5 million tpa (around 39.5 per cent) and public sector oil companies account for close to 117 million tpa (around 60.5 per cent). There has been a healthy growth in Indias petroleum refining capacity in the last five years, is as described by the given table below:- Domestic crude oil production [million tpa] 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Provisional) Total consumption 113.2 120.7 128.9 133.6 138.2 Products from indigenous crude 26.6 28.4 28.2 27.0 27.2 Indigenous crude processing 28.3 30.2 30.0 28.8 28.9 Products from fractionators 4.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.4 Total indigenous production 30.8 32.4 32.3 31.2 31.6 Import dependence (%) 72.8 73.2 75.0 76.7 77.2 Self-sufficiency (%) 27.2 27.0 25.0 23.3 22.8 The capacity utilization of Indian refiners for the last few years is described in the table. Indian refiners have also operated at higher operating rates or capacity utilization compared to their regional/global peers implying efficiency in operations. But, import of Indias refining industry is growing, as the domestic crude oil production is stable at around 30 million tpa for the last few years. Generally, GDP growth rates and petroleum product consumption are linked. But, in our case, factors like availability of better roads, more fuel efficient vehicles, improvements in mass urban transport modes and increased availability of natural gas for industrial sector contributed to more moderate growth in recent times. Indian refineries are clocking higher Gross Refining Margins compared to regional benchmarks a clear sign for competitiveness in refining operations. If all the planned projects materialize, India will have an exportable surplus petroleum product of around 100 million tpa by 2012 and 140 million. Product profile This section provides a brief description of the technology and production process. An understanding of these issues is critical as it helps understand industry structure. Crude oil is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons chemical compounds consisting roughly of six parts of carbon and one of hydrogen, both of which are fuels; it generally also carries small quantities of salts sulphur, oxygen, metals and nitrogen. The principal products obtained from the crude oil are:- Petrol:- Petrol is used to fuel internal combustion engines, mainly vehicular. It is early use as a killer of lice and their eggs has completely disappeared. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG):- LPG is mostly a combination of propane and butane. It is heavier than air, and liquefies under pressure. It is used as a household cooking fuel, vehicular fuel and refrigerant; 4 million vehicles are estimated to be powered by LPG in the world. Kerosene:- Kerosene is also known as paraffin, is used as an illuminant and cooking fuel in India and other poor countries, and as a space heating fuel in industrial countries. Jet fuel:- It is used in jet planes, is closely akin to kerosene. Naphtha:- Naphtha is used to make additives for high-octane petrol, and to make polymeric plastics and urea, a nitrogenous fertilizer. Lubricating oil:- It is consists of greases and viscous oils used to lubricate moving parts in automobiles, industry, railway engines and carriages and marine engines. Petroleum coke:- It is mostly used as fuel, but is also used to make dry cell batteries and electrodes. High-speed diesel oil:- It is used in engines running at 750 revolutions per minute (rpm) or more. It is mostly used in diesel-powered vehicles. Light diesel:- It is used in the diesel engines running at lower speed mainly irrigation pumps and generation sets. Furnace oil:- It is made by diluting residual fuel oil from refining with middle distillates such as diesel oil. It is used in bunkers, boilers, furnaces, heaters, or as fertilizer feedstock. Demand determination of the Industry Petroleum industry in the country has undergone major transformation in the past several years. The country is now net exporter of petroleum products. Globalization of Indian economy along with high international oil prices which are a pass-through in the bulk sector has induced improvement in energy efficiency and shift of demand from liquid to natural gas (LNG). Further, improvement in road infrastructure and better vehicles has had a sobering effect on the demand for road transportation fuels. Low demand in transport fuels like HSD and MS is also due to factors like expansion of city gas distribution networks i.e. CNG. Demand determination factors:- The Demand determination factors are based on mainly two approaches. Top-down Approach and Bottom-up Approach. Top-down Approach: Overall energy requirements with share of different fuels in the primary commercial energy basket by linking GDP with energy elasticity. Bottom-up Approach: End use approach considering the impact of different parameters. While assessing the requirements factors like impact of Metro rail, CNG expansion, impact of high oil prices, conservation/efficiency improvement issues, aviation policy of the Government, Railways freight policy, growth of passenger and cargo traffic, fleet expansion plan of airlines, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) road construction projects, construction of freight corridor, electrification plans of railway tracks vehicle population growth, impact of gas, technological improvements in engine designs, improved fuel efficiency, impact of auto LPG etc. have been measured. The demand of gas is continues to be influenced by the cost economics vis-à -vis alternative fuels pertaining to each of the end use sectors in India. The power and fertilizer is also the dynamics of these sectors. Currently the consumption of natural gas is shared by the fertilizer and power sector to the tune of 29% and 40% respectively. The power sector is one of the continuous major consumer of natural gas. There has set target of 70,000 generation s forecasted by he ministry of power for the next 5 year period ending 2012. The industry like Petrochemicals/Refineries and Internal Consumption sectors are estimates that the annual economic growth rate of about 7%. Similarly, the iron/steel sector is also estimates same rate for economic growth. Currently the demand for petroleum product is 131.8 MMT in 2011-12 which will increased by 160.2 in 2016-17. The demand for petroleum product is also depend on the availability of the different products like petrol diesel kerosene naphtha etc. Their prices are the main factor of determining demand of these products. The petroleum refineries must considered the price parity and export parity which considered the change in price of petroleum products which depend on the past experience. Players in the Industry The various competitors are available in the petroleum industry which including the government and private sector. most of the petroleum companies are huge operations and with billion dollar balance sheet. The oil and gas production and distribution is dominated by government owned companies which are heavily regulated excepting for Reliance Industries. After liberalizing the operations of the companies like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL), Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd (HPCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd (BPCL) run billions of dollars in losses as they are forced to sell petroleum products at below their cost. The polices of government are mostly informal compensating these companies through money transfers and bonds. some government companies like OIL India, ONGC and GAIL which operates in the production and have to bear less of the subsidy burden have grown and performed very well. In the private sector companies like Aban Great Offshore, Essar and Reliance have managed to grow rapidly as well with changeable degrees of success. Here is the list of the major petroleum Companies in India:- Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL):- The IOCL covers the whole hydrocarbon value chain from, pipeline transportation, marketing of petroleum products to exploration production of crude oil gas, marketing of natural gas, petrochemicals and refining. The sales turn over of Indian oil was Rs 271,074 corer and profits of Rs. 10,221 corer in 2009-10. Indian oils cross-country network of crude oil and product pipelines across 10,899 km and the largest in the country, meets the crucial energy needs of the consumers in an economical, environment and efficient manner. GAIL India:- GAIL (India) Limited, is Indias Natural Gas company, integrating all aspects of the Natural Gas value chain right from discovery to marketing. It emphasizes on clean fuel industrialization, creating a square of green energy corridors that connect major consumption centers with major gas fields in India. GAIL is growing its business to become a player in the International market. The companys revenue earned in 2009-10 was Rs 24,000 corer with net profit of 11%. It is a well managed fast growing company with high competitive barriers in India. Reliance Industries:- It is Indias largest private petroleum company. The company achieving the remarkable growth in the last decade and is diversifying into Retail. In market top more than $30 billion it is Indias most valued company. It is also highly petroleum exporting company of India. The company is one of the largest oil refining and petrochemical complexes in the world at Jamnagar. Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd (BPCL):- it is the major distribution of petroleum, cooking gas and diesel in the Indian market. The companys revenue of Rs 36,000 corer and net profit of 0.5%. due to the government control The company suffer low margins and terrible stock price performance. Which forces the company to sell the product at below the cost? Even after the liberalization with increased global crude prices increasing the losses very much. The company produces a various range of products, from petrochemicals and solvents to aircraft fuel and specialty lubricants and markets them to several international and domestic airlines and hundreds of industries. Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd (HPCL):- The company operates the largest refinery in the country producing Oils of international standards. This Refinery accounts for 40% of the Indias total Oil production. The company has two major refineries producing a large variety of petroleum fuels specialties. one in Mumbai and the other in Vishakhapatnam. Its huge marketing network consists of its zonal regional offices facilitated by a supply distribution infrastructure comprising terminals, aviation service stations, retail outlets, pipeline networks and LPG distributorships. The companys market share accounts for about 20% and 10% of the nations refining capacity. The company revenue earned was Rs 34,000 corer and net profit margin of 0.65% in 2010. ONGC Corporation:- The company ranks 3rd in petroleum Exploration Production industry. It produces 803 Million Metric Tones of crude and 485 Billion Cubic Meters of Natural Gas from 111 fields. It is the biggest multinational company with 40 oil and gas projects in 15 countries. The company earned Rs. 20,000 corer with net profit margin of 34% in 2010. NGC holds the largest share of hydrocarbon in India contributes over 79% of Indians oil and gas production. Distribution channel of the industry The petroleum distribution segment is rapidly adopting different kinds of supply chain solution. From crude oil selection to petroleum product distribution at the retail outlet it is chain with many links. The refining margins, the lead time associated with fundamental functions like product trading and crude buying unpredictability in oil prices make the entire process challenging. Implementation of these solution on a wide spread installations, however, is what the world is watching, as vast petroleum companies fight to chain the business. The petroleum industry has a vital need for both integration and implementation skills for taking the best value out of the differ distribution channel available. Underground, the gas station is quite modern. The tanks for super unleaded and for regular (the midgrade fuel) are larger than the normal tanks. Each tank is equipped with an electronic level check that conveys real time information about its status through a cable to the stations management system and then to the main inventory management system for the oil company whose products the gas station markets. The travels from the distribution channel push to demand pull is taking place in the section, where once the challenge was in getting the best deals on buying crude, the focus is shifting to give customer what he wants. The petroleum business is separated into refining and distribution segments. The focuses more on the distribution segment. There is a specific change to focus in the industry toward the distribution segment. The big oil companies have started monitoring the inventories of crude oil or any other petroleum products. The issues at the refining level are: which products to make in what quantity? Which crude to use? Which units to run? While the issues at the customer facing end or at the gas station are basic, namely run outs refines. The important functions within the distribution channel are optimization across alternative means of transportation, demand forecasting, replenishment method to avoid retains/run outs finally scheduling, which sequences the dispatch. Marketing and Distribution of Petroleum Products in India:- The public sector oil marketing companies (OMCs) which include Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (BPCL) are primarily responsible for the marketing and distribution of petroleum products in India. With the opening of retail sector for the private players, Shell, Essar and Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) have also entered the retail marketing related to petroleum products. The marketing and distribution infrastructure in the petroleum sector include liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distributorships, petrol/diesel stations, lubricants and greases outlets IOCL is the market leader in terms of marketing and distribution of petroleum products. Retail outlets in India:- The number of retail outlets (ROs) in India has increased from 31,650 in April 2006 to 40,819 in January 2011. IOCL has the widest network of ROs across India with 19,057 ROs as in January 2011. The number of LPG distributors in India has increased to 9,686 as in 2010 from 6,477 in 20011. Indias Navratna oil marketing companies Indian Oil, BPCL and HPCL- are set to report another quarter of heavy losses as they have failed to get compensation from the government for selling fuels below cost. The three oil marketing companies (OMCs) sell diesel, LPG for domestic use and kerosene through public distribution system at prices that are substantially below their costs, in accordance with the permission of their majority shareholder. In return, a small part of their losses is made good by discounts from upstream like ONGC and Oil India. The larger share of losses is made good by the government. During the June 12 quarter, the three oil marketers together had posted an unique net loss of .Rs40,536 corer as the dues from government did not arrive. The company is expecting most of the demand for Piped natural gas to come from domestic and commercial consumer sector. Limitation on subsidized LPG cylinders is expected to be a boon for its Piped natural gas business. Consumers might come forward to get a Piped natural gas connection as its rates would be economical compared to LPG cylinders. The running cost of Piped natural gas would be about 10 percent less than the cost of LPG. Piped natural gas is safer and more eco-friendly fuel for the user. As oil marketing companies move advance forcefully to decrease their distribution channels for LPG cylinders, the next few months will certainly prove trying for consumers. Currently, oil companies in India are going through a tough task of maintaining positive margins in a very unstable market of crude prices and increasing distribution cost. Oil companies also need to be prepared for active pricing scenarios for the coming future. Hence, the immediate need is to have a complete real time visibility of sales and inventory for perfect demand forecasts. Integration of different systems and different data to provide single consistent view and information to the oil company management thus forming a strong foundation for effective decision making. Key issues and current trends Issues in petroleum industries:- The global economy is a dynamic and ever-growing one in spite of the high cost of energy. This in turn is forging the demand for petrochemicals. The strong growth in demand is not backed by a sufficient supply so the cost is still to come down. Operating rates of major petrochemical product segments are very high presently. Problems faced by the India petrochemical industry:- The manufacturing units mostly use outdated format of technology and are not able to produce optimally There is a requirement for the modernization of equipments Excise duty on synthetic fiber should be rationalized Anticipation of reservation on Small Scale Units Plastic waste to be recycled and the littering habits to be discouraged India requires advantage on feedstock, so the import cost has to be brought down The industry should have access to the primary amenities of infrastructure One of the big issues is the difficulty in predicting the advance price, which will succeed in the market in the future months. Some indications are of course available with the futures prices prevailing in the exchanges. Some companies hedge their margins or crude prices by doing paper trading. The forward price is a vital input in the optimization process and can actually make the model for a particular product maximization based on its price. Current trends in petroleum industry Petroleum has proven to be the most flexible fuel source ever discovered, situated at the core of the modern industrial economy. While the industry is strong, it is subject to some very significant stresses:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Industry consolidation (24 mergers and acquisitions since 1997) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Global industrial expansion resulting in increased petroleum demand à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tight supplies of economically extractable oil à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Political instability and terrorism à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ High per-barrel price that accelerates development of alternative energies à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Safety and the need to protect workers in hostile environments à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Speed required to establish a presence in new markets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Need to spread infrastructure risk among competitors These stressors are causing oil companies to change the way they do business. From their cooperation with competitors to their massive investments in technology, from a renewed focus on safety and the environment to serious investigation of alternative fuels, these firms are reshaping the industry. How they manage these changes also influences how they view their real estate holdings and how they house the scientists and engineers who play a vital role in this transformation. The challenges oil and gas companies face are having a significant impact on how they view their real estate holdings and what kind of workplaces they provide their employees. These are important issues since many companies in this sector have vast real estate holdings. More and more these companies are managing these holdings from an enterprise-wide perspective, running their facilities like any other part of the business. They are realizing that facilities and furnishings can be a strategic tool for achieving the organizations business goals. That focus has several implications for the workplace. Petroleum includes all petroleum-based products, such as gasoline, oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, refined cleaners, and solvents. Organizations involved in upstream (exploring and extracting) and downstream activities (refining and marketing) for these petroleum products are among some of the most profitable companies in the world. Whether they are involved in upstream or downstream activities, whether they are public corporations or state-owned companies, players in the oil industry must operate within the context of significant issues and major trends that are shaping the long-term outlook for oil. Oil companies public corporations and state and non-state-owned enterprises are faced with increasing demand for petroleum products due to global industrial expansion. On the one hand, labors to get the conservative oil (produced from underground hydrocarbon reservoirs by means of production wells) have prompted oil companies to invest ever more heavily in technology and equipment. On the other, these firms have increased investments in producing unusual oil, including oil sands, shale oil, and extra heavy crude oil, some of which require additional processing to produce artificial crude. To spread the risk of investing in costly technology, equipment, and processes firms are entering into joint-venture relationships designed to spread infrastructure risk among competitors in order for the entire industry to remain healthy. In some cases, firms have required mergers or acquisitions in order to expand resources for highly technical exploration and advanced production. . Other changes on the energy scene, particularly increasing prices for both oil and gas, are prompting several companies to take a broader view of their business. They are transforming themselves through investments in alternative energy sources, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal energy, and fuel cell technology. The realization that alternative fuels and renewable energy technologies will play an increasingly important role as a bridge between the current focus on hydrocarbons and the clean, cheap promise of hydrogen has prompted many oil companies to invest heavily in these areas. Using technology to boost productivity The technology that oil companies provide their employees is principal perimeter, especially where operational efficiencies can be obtained. Management requires solid standard metrics in order to justify investing in technology. India has steadily established itself in the core of the international production of petrochemical and petrochemical related products in the present state of affairs. With the economic growth cycle slowing down in the United States, the Asian developing nations, especially India, would preferably stand in the global petrochemical market as a producer of these products. This is one of the major challenges facing India petrochemical industry. PESTEL analysis PESTEL analysis stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal analysis and describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental component of strategic management. It is a part of the external analysis when conducting strategic analysis and gives an overview of the different macro environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. Political:- Political factors are degree to government intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor law, law, trade, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also consist of goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided and those that the government does not want to be provided. Besides, governments have great authority on the health education, and infrastructure of a nation. Economical:- Economic factors include growth, interest, exchange and the inflation. These factors have major impacts on how businesses run and make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firms cost of capital and therefore to what degree a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy. Social:- Social factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a companys products and how that company operates. For example, an old population may imply a smaller and less willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). Moreover; companies may change a variety of management strategies to adapt to these social trends (such as recruiting older workers). Technological:- Technological factors include ecological and environmental aspects, such as RD activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can find out barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. In addition, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. Environmental:- Environmental factors include weather, climate. Additionally, increasing awareness to climate change is affecting how companies operate and the products they offer it is both creating new markets and diminishing or destroying existing ones. Legal:- Legal factors include discrimination, consumer, antitrust, employment law, and health. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products. Conclusion Crude oil is one of the most necessitated worldwide required commodities. Any smallest amount fluctuation in crude oil prices can have both direct and indirect pressure on the economy of the countries. The instability of crude oil prices group many companies away. Therefore, prices have been regularly and closely monito
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Evolution of Electronic Court Coverage Essay -- Trial Justice Expo
The Evolution of Electronic Court Coverage A trial is a public event. What transpires in the court room is public property...There is no special perquisite of the judiciary which enables it, as distinguished from other institutions of democratic government, to suppress, edit, or censor events which transpire in proceedings before it.†Justice William O. Douglas, 19471 â€Å"Picture taking in the courtroom is more than disconcerting. It does not comport with the traditional notions of a fair trial. A man on trial for his life or liberty needs protection from the mob. Mobs are not interested in the administration of justice. They have base appetites to satisfy.†Justice William O. Douglas, 19602 These seemingly contradictory words from one of the most ardent First Amendment absolutists to ever serve on the United States Supreme Court stand as a testament to the central conflict which has for so long characterized the debate over press coverage in the nation’s courtrooms. In the battle for preeminence, which Amendment wins: the First or the Sixth? Does the freedom of the press and the public’s right for information outweigh the constitutional guarantee of a fair trial through due process? And in an era of mass communication, where the capabilities of technology are matched only by the pervasiveness of the message it delivers, how and where is the line ultimately drawn? Especially in the age of O.J. Simpson and Scott Peterson, of Michael... ...o the discovery of two additional court cases, Sheppard v. Maxwell 384 US 333 (1966) and Florida v. Zamora 422 So. 2d 325 (1982), as well the two major American Bar Association regulations relating to subject, Canons 35 and 3A(7). Information regarding current federal and state-by-state courtroom standards were found at the Radio-Television News Directors Association website (, the Indiana State Court website (, and an archived statement made in 2000 by Third Circuit Court Justice Edward R. Becker to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary ( Also helpful were the American Bar Association website ( and two sources for quotations from former Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas: Craig v. Harney 331 U.S. 367 (1947) and 46 American Bar Association Journal 840 (1960). The Evolution of Electronic Court Coverage Essay -- Trial Justice Expo The Evolution of Electronic Court Coverage A trial is a public event. What transpires in the court room is public property...There is no special perquisite of the judiciary which enables it, as distinguished from other institutions of democratic government, to suppress, edit, or censor events which transpire in proceedings before it.†Justice William O. Douglas, 19471 â€Å"Picture taking in the courtroom is more than disconcerting. It does not comport with the traditional notions of a fair trial. A man on trial for his life or liberty needs protection from the mob. Mobs are not interested in the administration of justice. They have base appetites to satisfy.†Justice William O. Douglas, 19602 These seemingly contradictory words from one of the most ardent First Amendment absolutists to ever serve on the United States Supreme Court stand as a testament to the central conflict which has for so long characterized the debate over press coverage in the nation’s courtrooms. In the battle for preeminence, which Amendment wins: the First or the Sixth? Does the freedom of the press and the public’s right for information outweigh the constitutional guarantee of a fair trial through due process? And in an era of mass communication, where the capabilities of technology are matched only by the pervasiveness of the message it delivers, how and where is the line ultimately drawn? Especially in the age of O.J. Simpson and Scott Peterson, of Michael... ...o the discovery of two additional court cases, Sheppard v. Maxwell 384 US 333 (1966) and Florida v. Zamora 422 So. 2d 325 (1982), as well the two major American Bar Association regulations relating to subject, Canons 35 and 3A(7). Information regarding current federal and state-by-state courtroom standards were found at the Radio-Television News Directors Association website (, the Indiana State Court website (, and an archived statement made in 2000 by Third Circuit Court Justice Edward R. Becker to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary ( Also helpful were the American Bar Association website ( and two sources for quotations from former Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas: Craig v. Harney 331 U.S. 367 (1947) and 46 American Bar Association Journal 840 (1960).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Louis Pasteur Essay -- Essays Papers
Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur made many valuable contributions in the science field. These findings in chemistry, industry, and medicine are still appreciated today. Louis Pasteur saved many lives because of his findings and research. This chemist devoted much of his life improving the welfare of man-kind. Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1822, in Dole, a small town on the eastern part of England. As a young boy, Louis was very quiet and had an incredible desire in drawing and artwork. He produced many charming pieces, which can be seen at the Pasteur Museum in the Pasteur Institute at Paris. These pastel paintings were portraits of his family, friends, and teachers. His powerful imagination was revealed to be beyond the ordinary. Because this humble young man was so dedicated to his artistic abilities, many of his peers often picked on him. Pasteur graduated from the College of Arts at Besancon in 1840, and then attended Ecole Supervieure to work on his doctorate degree. His study was in the science of crystallography, which was a powerful influence on his striving for improving society. At the Lycee of Tournon, he was a physics professor and researched the optical properties of crystals of tartaric acid salts. He found the two forms of this acid, which could rotate the plane of polarization of light, one to the right and the other to the left. This was his first important discovery in crystallography, the phenomenon of optical isomers. Ironically it incited him to abandon the field. It won the acclaim of the French Academy and Britain's Royal Society. Therefore, Pasteur became famous at the age of 26. Pasteur soon began researching in bacteria. The predominant theory of life... ...892 was celebrated in a unique way, by being observed as a national holiday in France. His address on this occasion carried a thoughtful message: "You bring me the greatest happiness that can be experienced by a man whose invincible belief is that science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war.... In the long run the future will belong not to the conquerors but to the saviors of mankind." In 1940, the conquering Germans came to Paris. A German officer demanded to see the tomb of Pasteur, but the Old French guard refused to open the gate. When the German insisted, the guard killed himself. *Scholarly Source* Jacques, Nicole. Louis Pasteur. New York: Basic Books, 1961. This source contributed to just about everything in my article. Everything from the biographical details to the information about the Pasteur Institue in Paris is included
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Sunflower
Melissa Torres Period: 2 2/9/13 The Sunflower Dear Simon Wiesenthal, After reading The Sunflower and having mixed emotions during this book I made my decision. â€Å"What would I have done? †I would have done the same thing you did. Just walk away from all of it. I believe it would be a tough situation to think about and have a response to right then and there. Like Deborah says in her essay, â€Å"The question to be asked is not should the prisoner have forgiven the SS man but could the prisoner have forgiven him? This is obviously saying that no one has the right to forgive anyone on behalf of another. This request brings up several moral questions like, Is it alright to forgive someone who has done no harm to you? Can a person forgive someone on behalf of others? Can anyone really forgive anyone else, or is forgiveness in the hands of a higher power? The soldier asked you for his forgiveness just because you are a Jew, and in the soldiers mind, all Jews are equal. Even th ough you weren’t burned alive, shot dead, or in any other heinous acts in the concentration camps.How could his forgiveness, had he granted it, put the soldier at rest about the hundreds of Jews he has been a party to the murder of? I think you had no right to forgive the soldier. The soldier didn’t commit a crime against you personally, and for you to forgive him would have been an empty phrase with no meaning. The soldier should have asked for forgiveness between himself and all the Jews he murdered. Sven Alkalaj I like that Sven included in his essay what he went through in Bosnia. I agree with Sven that Simon made a good decision not forgiving the soldier.Just as Sven asks in his essay, â€Å"Who is entitled to speak on behalf of the victims? †Simon didn’t have much of a say just because they didn’t torture him. Just like Sven says, Simon was unsure if his response to the dying soldier was okay. It was hard for Simon to get over his response a nd wanted other peoples opinions on his decision. When the nurse attempts to give Simon some of the soldiers possessions. Simon refuses the package. It obviously shows that he didn’t want to do much with the soldiers. The holocaust was a horrible thing, and the killing of thousands of Jews was not okay. Forgetting the crimes would be worse than forgiving the criminal who seeks forgiveness†It is such a atrocious thing, its hard to forget and Sven said it would be bad to forget everything that happened. The Dalai Lama I don’t agree with Lama. He says â€Å"one should forgive the person or persons who have committed atrocities against oneself and mankind. †I am totally against what he says because forgiving the soldier would mean that Simon is okay with what he did. The soldier didn’t really care if the Jew was tortured or not because he just asked the nurse to find a random Jew.I felt like the soldiers apology was a lie and he just wanted to die in peace. But he doesn’t really deserve it after everything he did. Lama also says â€Å"but that is not the Buddhist way,†Lama’s culture is different and believes that forgiveness is okay. But if Simon was to forgive the soldier, it wouldn’t bring back any of the people he killed. The Jews he killed are piled up dead and accepting his apology isn’t going to change a thing. All the awful things that happened will always be in Simon’s mind. Melissa Torres Period: 6 The SunflowerIn The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal the main character, Simon is put in an awkward situation and doesn’t really know how to deal with it. His development from the beginning of the book to the end of the book is kind of crazy. Towards the end of this book he realizes he made the right decision. Simon just needed a little bit of extra help to decipher if what he did was right. With condoning factors supporting the Nazi in The Sunflower is asking for forgiveness bo th out of guilt and amends, there is no possible way to decipher if he should or should not be forgiven.Simon was asked to go clean at a hospital. When he arrived at the hospital the nurse asked him if he was a Jew. Simon said yes and the nurse took him to the bedside of Karl, a 21-year old dying Nazi soldier. Karl was covered in bandages with openings only for his mouth, nose and ears. Karl wanted to tell Simon his story. Karl talked about his childhood and then the conversation came up to him being a Nazi. Karl admitted to shooting a mother, father and their two kids. Karl felt guilty about the hundred of Jews he killed and he didn’t want to die without coming clean to a Jew.Karl asked for forgiveness, he knew he was asking for too much from Simon but without his answer Karl couldn’t die in peace. Simon left the room without a word. When he returned to the hospital the next day, the same nurse came to Simon and told him that Karl had died. Over the next years of the war, time and time again, through all his suffering, Simon thought of Karl and wondered if he should have forgiven him. Over the years, every time Simon would enter a hospital, see a nurse, or a man covered with his head bandaged, he recalls Karl. Many years later Simon questioned whether he had done the right thing.He asked many people about his actions. A few of these people included Jews, Rabbis, a Catholic Cardinal, Christians and even an ex-Nazi. They all had different opinions and different reason of forgiveness. Faced with the choice between compassion and justice, silence and truth, Simon said nothing. Simon always wondered if he had done the right thing. As the book was coming to an end, Simon started noticing that he did the right think not forgiving Karl. Forgiving him wouldn’t bring back any of the people he killed. The Jews he killed are piled up dead and accepting his apology isn’t going to change a thing.Karl didn’t commit a crime against Simon pe rsonally, and for Simon to forgive Karl would have been an empty phrase with no meaning. Karl should have asked for forgiveness between himself and all the Jews he murdered. The main character’s development throughout the book showed that at first Simon wasn’t confident with his decision and always had the situation on the back of his mind. But towards the end of the book, Simon notices he did make the right decision to just get up, walk away without saying a word. Simon basically needed other peoples opinions to see that he had done the right thing.
Drugs that can relieve depression
Drugs that can alleviate depression Introduction Drugs such as Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac can alleviate depression by increasing the degrees of both norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine. However, repeated cardiovascular exercising such as running can besides assist relieve depression ( Myers, 2001 ) . Yet, these interventions may merely work temporarily. Deep encephalon stimulation is a radical technology-electrodes are implanted in the encephalon and attached to a battery in the thorax that emits low-tension electrical currents-that promises to be an of import tool for relieving human agony ( Talan, 2009 ) . More than 40,000 patients around the universe have undergone deep encephalon stimulation. Most have experienced singular betterment, and intelligence of the successes has been reported widely. Yet between the encephalon and device are ambuscades and challenges less frequently captured, and they are important to a clearer apprehension of what physicians and scientists mean by a â€Å" discovery †( Talan, 2009 ) . Medical Electricity History It is amazing to observe that worlds have possessed the ability to use electricity to impact a individual ‘s province of head: in the text of if they are active or inactive. What is even more dumbfounding is the fact that electricity has really been used for a long clip. Literature dictates the fact that a physician from Rome used the unconditioned electricity from certain types of fish to assist comfort trouble off ( Kuhfeld, 1995 ) . Furthemore, scientists such as Benjamin Franklin have besides experimented with electricity. Hence, society is cognizant of how electricity can aide us in the medical field ; we know merely how blameworthy it is. However, scientists lack the cognition of lawfully cognizing how the electricity is able to effectual and if it is a safe path to travel to. History of Deep Brain Stimulation One of the first dramatic associations between depression and Parkinson ‘s emerged rather by accident. In 2001, a Gallic doctor and scientist, Yves Agid, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that electrical stimulation of the subthalamic karyon by chance turned on nearby nervus fibres that connect to the limbic system, the web of encephalon countries that control temper. In one patient with Parkinson ‘s disease, deep encephalon stimulation triggered an overpowering feeling of unhappiness and desperation. It went off when the stimulator was turned off. A CAT scan showed that the electrode was located near to the subthalamic karyon, really in the substantia nigger ( Talan, 2009 ) . Historically DBS has been found most effectual against hurting, depression, and symptoms of Parkinson ‘s disease, including shudder and dystonia. The curative marks are really similar to, and seem to be fueled by the earlier consequences of medical electricity ( Talan, 2009 ) . Medical electricity, at the heals of DBS, appears to the be at the threshold of a medical discovery ( Kringelbach, Jenkinson, & A ; Owen, 2007 ) . Causes of Depression ( Biological Perspective ) Familial Influences It is known that temper upsets, peculiarly major depressive upset, runs in households. If one ‘s akin or parent has been depressed, one is more susceptible to undertaking the upset by genetic sciences. Genes act by directing biochemical events that, down the line, influence behaviour ( Myers, 2001 ) . Although the existent cistron has non yet been isolated, multiple surveies corroborate this fact such as the instance survey of Charles Whitman. Both his male parent and gramps experienced drawn-out periods of major depressive upset, therefore accounting genetic sciences from the male side of his household tree for his exhibition of depression at an early age. This would finally burgeon into him floging out his desperation onto others by the agencies of slaughter at the UT tower in Austin, Texas ( Lavergne, 1998 ) . Depressed Brain Depression is caused by a chemical instability of the neurotransmitters-messenger molecules that transport signals to the nervus cells. Serotonin affects temper, hungriness, slumber and rousing. Norepinephrine helps command watchfulness and rousing. Both norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine are scarce during depression. When low, they wholly alter the encephalon chemical science ( Myers, 2001, p.550 ) . [ 1 ] Partss of the Brain Are Affected The limbic constructions [ 2 ] that modulate temper provender into the frontal cerebral mantle, the striate body, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, and the encephalon root. These parts talk to one another all the clip ; therefore, jobs in the circuit could take to hard thought, attending, temper, and behaviour. Scientists found that these circuits-particularly a overactive web of encephalon cells in the subjenual cingulated part, besides called the Brodmann country 25-are abnormally hyperactive in people with depression. Amygdala In the limbic system, two amygdaliform nervous bunchs, called the amygdaloid nucleus, influence aggression and fright. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland Although it is non unequivocal that both of these constructions have a direct correlativity to major depressive upset, since both of these constructions deal with endocrine degrees it is noted that when these degrees are increased, a down province in maintained for a longer sum of clip ( Harvard Medical School, 2007 ) . How Nerve cells Communicate Signals reach a nerve cell ‘s axon terminal, and from at that place, the message is relayed to the designated country of the organic structure from that axon ( Myers, 2001 ) . As stated antecedently, both norepinephirne and 5-hydroxytryptamine are significantly low in down patients. [ 3 ] ( Carter, 1998 ; Myers, 2001 ) . Treatments of Major Depressive Disorder ( Biological Perspective ) Particular drugs such as Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac can alleviate depression by barricading their re-uptake therefore increasing the degrees of both norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine. However, repeated cardiovascular exercising such as running releases endorphins and increases the sum of 5-hydroxytryptamine the blood stream that besides helps relieve depression ( Myers, 2001 ) . Yet, these interventions may merely work temporarily for some sick persons. Since leukotomies are no longer practiced, persons with major depressive upset merely abide by his or her medicine modus operandi or can undergo VNS ( vagus nervus stimulation ) is combined with the cardinal construct of deep encephalon stimulation to breathe electrical currents to the ventromedial cerebral mantle, the centre to a great extent involved in positive support and feelings of pleasance ( Talan, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Helen Mayberg, a adult female who has pioneered functional function of the down encephalon at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio and John Hopkins University School of Medicine, she has realized that interventions take different route within the encephalon, but they finally arrive at the same reference. That is why people with depression could acquire better many different ways, even with a placebo pill ( Talan, 2009 ) . Stimulating the web of the limbic system affects motive, societal interaction, the ability to see pleasance and anxiousness. One frequently hears people say that the room looks brighter, that a weight has lifted, when the simulators are tested during the surgery of deep encephalon stimulation ( Talan, 2009 ) . When interventions work, the activity of the limbic system webs appears to return to normal. It makes sense that the so many encephalon countries are involved in depression, which is non merely negative temper. Peoples lose their motive to acquire out of bed, to work, to love. They have jobs paying attending and believing clearly. Their feeding and kiping spiels â€Å" are manner off-kitler †( Talan, 2009, p. 82 ) . How Deep Brain Stimulation Works The basic thought behind deep encephalon stimulation and how it operates is by engrafting electrodes into the encephalon near the subthalamic karyon, and so engrafting a battery in the thorax of the patient. By making so, the sawbones can externally command the battery to breathe peculiar electromotive forces of pulsations the encephalon so it can, hopefully, aim the encephalon where it is most affected. Although in some patients it is necessary to replace the battery every six months since it is hard to find the right battery accustomed for each patient, the success rate is swimmingly above 50 per centum, therefore demoing outstanding possible and procedure in the distant hereafter. Case Study of Deanna Cole-Benjamin Deanna Cole-Benjamin, a public wellness nurse, was the 6th patient at the University of Toronto to undergo deep encephalon stimulation for terrible and grim depression. Virtually every antidepressant on the market, every bit good as 80 unit of ammunitions of electroconvulsive therapy therapy, had failed her. â€Å" It was worse than being dead in a manner †( Talan, 2009, p. 83 ) said Cole-Benjamin. Her self-destructive ideas and actions had led to four old ages in and out of the Kingston Psychiatric Hospital. Cole-Benjamin was so deeply ill that she could hardly speak. When the sawbones who operated on her turned up the device to excite the first contact, nil happened. When he turned up the stimulation more, the patient described a brighter feeling. When he turned it off, she fell rather once more and thought possibly it was merely her imaginativeness ( Talan, 2009 ) . Within a few hebdomads, the symptoms that had plagued Cole-Benjamin for four old ages were significantly decreased. Before her surgery, she told her sawbones that she wanted to be able to embrace her kids and to experience their heat and love. Finally, after twelvemonth of concealing under her screens, she could embrace her kids and experience deep pleasance ( Talan, 2009 ) . Case Study of Melissa Murphy Depression had landed in Murphy ‘s life with no warning two twelvemonth earlier, when the merrily married and successful public dealingss executive got up from her desk on a warm summer afternoon, walked out of her office, and ne'er returned. She went place and cried, and she had no thought why. Other than for an occasional physician ‘s assignment, she did non lavish or dress for the outside universe for months. Her hubby, Scott, had taken a occupation in Boston and she had remained in Chicago. For a piece, she kept up visual aspect on the phone with Scott. Deeply, distressingly depressed, she remained in this asleep province until October, when Scot traveled to Chicago, packed her up, and moved her back E ( Talan, 2009 ) . By so, Murphy ‘s weight had dropped below one hundred lbs. Neither the healers he saw four times a hebdomad nor all the medical specialty she took for months on terminal helped her. Recognizing how bad things truly were, her household arranged for her to undergo electroconvulsive therapy therapy, but despite 17 sessions-to both sides of the brain- †Nothing made a dent †( Talan, 2009, p. 86 ) Murphy recalled. Finally she became self-destructive. One twenty-four hours she swallowed an full month ‘s supply of the anti-anxiety drug Konopin. She would fire herself with coffin nails to see what if felt like. She took kitchen knives to cut her carpuss ( Talan, 2009 ) . By the clip Murphy showed up at Dougherty ‘s office, she had been treated by six other head-shrinkers. He looked at a sum-up of all interventions and thought about seeking vagus nervus stimulation, which late had been approved for treatment-resistant depression. The pneumogastric nervus starts at the encephalon root and descends to the cervix, thorax, and venters. It helps in feeling aortal blood force per unit area, decelerating bosom rate, exciting digestive variety meats, and pull offing gustatory sensation. Studies show that the nervus undertakings to some countries of the encephalon associated with depression, and for still unexplained grounds, exciting it seems to raise temper in about a 3rd of patients. Surgeons thread a wire into the cervix, wrap it around the nervus, and connect the wire to a battery-operated pacesetter in the thorax. However, she was excessively ill for even vagus nervus stimulation ( Talan, 2009 ) . Potato became the 10th patient to undergo deep encephalon stimulation in the Cleveland, Brown, and Harvard coaction ( Talan, 2009 ) . Three hebdomads after the operation, Greenberg turned on the batteries and began programming the device. Melissa Murphy laughed for the firs clip in old ages. During Murphy ‘s scheduling with Greenberg, she remembers experiencing a haste of warm blood throughout her organic structure right before she laughed. When the stimulator was turned off, the heat was gone ( Talan, 2009 ) . Programing is portion art, portion scientific discipline. Murphy ‘s initial scene was four Vs on each side, and it was subsequently increased to eight Vs. The alteration was slow and steady, and the battery seemed to necessitate altering every six moths-each alteration intending another twenty-four hours of surgery to open up Murphy ‘s thorax and faux pas in a new hitter ( Talan, 2009 ) . Deep encephalon stimulation turned out to be something less than the instant remedy that Murphy hoped it would be. â€Å" I thought one time they turned it on I would be better right manner, but it has take a batch longer than I thought †( Talan, 2009, p.89 ) Murphy said. She still has great hard with concentration, memory, and believing clearly. Doctors kept records of these symptoms because it was possible that they were side effects of the device itself ( Talan, 2009 ) . Decision The human encephalon has a long history of entering memory and temper, and it will take more than merely one chink of a button and a bend of a dial to acquire people better. Therefore, it is non yet clear what deep encephalon stimulation is really making at the web degree. Mayberg believes that this depression web is hyperactive, but squads of scientists have shown that stimulation activates end product from the encephalon web involved in depression. Harmonizing to Jerry Vitek, soon at the Cleveland Clinic, stimulation non merely activates the end product from the stirred construction but besides changes the form of neural activity from a noisy, helter-skelter signal to a more regular 1. Vitek believes that this may be the key to how it works, but notes that much remains to be done to understand the effects on the web and how it may alter with long-run stimulation. In 2008, deep encephalon stimulation for depression was still really much an experimental process, and the mechanisms underlying the clinical alteration in patients remained a enigma. Extra old ages of surveies and punctilious analysis of the consequences are necessary to reason a definite consequence so DBS can finally assist some of the patients whom head-shrinkers have been unable to handle conventionally. [ 1 ] Appendix B depicts a Favored scan of the difference between a down and normal encephalon. [ 2 ] Appendix C is a labelled image of the Basal Ganglia, which includes limbic system. [ 3 ] Appendix F shows the different tracts Dopastat and serotonin return in the encephalon.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Black People and Dorothy Allison Essay
Race, class and gender have been a topic for most books that have been written. A lot of books talk about these topics because it is something most people face. Whether you’re at work and can’t get a promotion because of your gender, excluded from a place because of your class or hated because of your race. Know matter what you will be faced with one if these topics in your life time. Dorothy Allison’s Bastard out of Carolina deals with these issues in a very intriguing way. She uses them to keep the story flowing and keep the reader interested. In the novel BOC, Allison uses race, class and gender in a very stereotypical way. The story of Bone takes place in a time where race was a conservational topic. You can say America was split in two groups, the whites and blacks. If you were black life was not easy. Black people were discriminated against. Even though slavery was over the black nation was not accepted by the white people. Racism means Discrimination or prejudice based on race (2). This word was not really used in this book because the narrative was Bone, a white girl. When Bone would visit Aunt Alma’s apartment she would come to face black children. There and then is when the stereotypes of black people started. The grown up’s in Bone had nothing good to say about the niggers that lived by Aunt Alma. â€Å"Running off with a man’s children, living in the dirty place with niggers all around. My little girls having to go up those stairs past those nigger boys. My wife walking the street past those peckerwoods! †(Allison 89). The family really did not approve of Aunt Alma living around black people. They were thought to be dirty and uncivilized people. Black people were also thought to be stupid and worthless. Bone was young at the time and did not know what to think about them. But she did not feel the same as her elders. Instead she made friends with them and learned to like them. I think Allison is trying to show the innocence of a child. Most kids are caring and loving until they are taught to hate. Bone grew up in a poor family. They would be considered in today’s society as trailer trash. The stereotype of poor white folks was present in Bastard out of Carolina. Anne and Glen did not really have money so it was hard to support the kids. They basically lived with very little. They couldn’t settle down at one house so they moved from one run down house to another. A lot of the characters described in this book had a lot of resemblance to what we would consider a red neck. For instance Uncle Travis has a big Chevy. Bone says it was jacked up so high that it easily cradled little kids or pregnant woman (Allison 1). Almost all the boys in the family had trucks. That’s typical for a red neck. Bone describes the Boatwright men as rugged, kind of dirty strong boys. They loved to fight and drink beer. The Boatwright family was big which again stereotyped poor white families. Also poor people are known to have kids out of wedlock. That was the situation Bone was. She was born out of wedlock and she never knew who her father was. That is the significance of the title Bastard out of Carolina. Gender also played a big role in this novel by Dorothy Allison. The male and female gender played a very distinctive role. In the Boatwright family the men are thought to be the physically strong. They take care of the family. They get into fights and are feared by a lot of people in town. Women of that time were supposed to stay at home cook and clean. They were supposed to wait for their husbands and never talk back. But I think Allison reversed the stereotype about women by making the Boatwright women very different. Most of them had jobs and were supporting them self’s. Aunt Raylene and Aunt Alma were some of the girls that lived by themselves. The women were strong too and they stuck together. Another way gender played a role was the relationship between Anne and Glen. From all the Boatwright women Anne was the weakest one. In the relationship Glen basically controlled Anne. Every time he did something bad she would end up forgiving him. Even after she found out he has been beating Bone she forgave him. Glen had all the power and Anne couldn’t do anything because she loved him. Bastard out of Carolina faces issues about race, class and gender. Allison builds a world where all these issues are faced. Through the main character Bone, we see how race, class and gender affect her and her family. Race played a role when Bone meets black people for the first time and instead of judging them she became friend with them. The Boatwright’s social status is not the best but they are feared by the community. They are considered poor and red necks. The last big issue that is seen in BOC is gender. Allison changed things up by making the women in the family stronger and more independent than other women of that time. In the end I think Allison decided to stereotype race, class and gender to show us it makes things worse then they already are. Work Cited 2 entries found for racism. 2003. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 19 Feb. 2006 http://owl. english. purdue. edu/handouts/research/r_mla. html Allison Dorothy. Bastard out of Carolina. New York. Penguin Group. 1993a.
My Life as an Aquarious
MY LIFE AS AN AQUARIOUS Astrology emphasis is on space and movement of the sun, moon and planets in the sky through each of the zodiac signs. From the viewpoint of earth, the sun appears to move along a circular orbit across the celestial sphere ;( 12a/20) there are sun signs and moon signs, which both depends on your date of birth. The signs are divided in to twelve different signs, and all twelve of them have their own meaning and representation to the individual that was born in that particular zodiac sign. Being born on January, 24 my zodiac sign that defines (7c) me is Aquarius. It has a quality of being independent, friendly and humanitarian ;( 12a/20) these all are the qualities that can be found in me. The first quality of Aquarius is being independent; any attempt to hold him (11b) down or restrict him will cause him, to flee. He needs to be free to be on his own. Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to his well being. This applies (7C) to me in a big way ;( 12c) starting from my childhood,(19a) I always wanted to be independent and to be left alone to try to figure things out myself. After mid school I had to register for high school right away, and my parents was not available that day; I couldn’t wait for the next day, so I went to the school alone to register, and the registrar office sent me home, and I had to come back with my father the next day. I was out from home by the time am 18 and had a job, a house and was making my own money, doing all the decisions (2h) myself. Aquarius is considered independent/detached yet friendly. Even though we as an Aquarius like (7C) to be independent or some might consider us detached, (19a) we are also friendly, which leads me to my second quality of Aquarius being friendly. Without expecting anything in return for this could put a damper on his(11b) freedom; he(11b) live with no strings he love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good. They are very unconventional and always full of excitement ;( 20a) an Aquarius friend always makes life fun. I like to have fun, making people feel included, cheering people up and helping a friend n need. When one of my friends from high school, had his car broke down in the middle of the road on his way to out of town; he had gone far by the time his car stopped, and he called me, I had to excuse myself from work, and drive all the way to out of town and pick him up. Of course I don’t do this thinking about what that person might say or do in return ;(20a/12a) it’s kind o f the way I am,(12b) but I notice my friends loving to be around me and enjoying my company;(20/12a) I even remember my friends calling me and making sure I come to hang out ith them as they always mentioned to me that they like for me to be there because I bring a lot of fun to the table. When I graduated from high school I was categorized in the funny people of the bunch. The other quality I have as an Aquarius is being a humanitarian. Based on the Aquarius Astrological profile, he is (11b) most likely to be humanitarian, which is kind of connected with my first point helping people making feel people better comforting them. 12a/20a) There are even great humanitarians born under this zodiac sign like Oprah winfrey our greatest humanitarian woman, and I personally like helping others. My very first job right out of collage was in a nongovernmental organization which helps women and children in a very rural part of Ethiopia which is located in Africa ;(20a/12b) we personally deliver to their home a lot of materials such as, back to school supplies for students (19i)who can’t afford clothes, helping them with medicines. Our organizations also make sure that there is at least one clinic in a neighborhood so the mothers don’t have to suffer during giving birth. While my friends wanted to stay on the cities and work a regular job, I on the other hand, was so glad to get involved with this type of organization. (20a/12b)It makes my day go by easy and the satisfaction was priceless ,(20/12b)and now when I get to know about my zodiac sign, it all makes sense:(24d)it’s in my blood. It’s really amazing how much you can go and how much you can know if you set your mind to it. I(2h) am really grateful to know about my zodiac sign and what it really meant for me personally. (20a/12b)Writing this essay makes(7c) me realize the things that I didn’t understand for a long time, (19b)and now I know why I make the decisions that I make because they all make sense now. It doesn’t (7c) have to be similar with my friends or siblings because I am my own person, (19b) and I live my life according to me.  « Aquarius  » by Mesfin
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
About Registered Nurses essays
About Registered Nurses essays Nursing is a career that will never stop growing. When I graduate I plan on going to college and becoming a Registered Nurse specializing in Pediatrics. I have a heart for helping people and I absolutely love kids. Thats why I think this will be a great job for me. In order to fully understand the job of a registered nurse you need to know the type of work done, educational requirements, working conditions, and the job outlook. Nurses have many different duties. They work to promote health, prevent disease, and help ill people. When assessing a patient they check vital signs, symptoms, and progress in patients. There are many different types of nurses, from surgical nurses to office nurses. They all have different duties. The largest group of nurses is hospital nurses. They are assigned to one department and work there, for example, maternity, surgery, and pediatrics. To be a successful Nurse, they need to be compassionate, kind, gentle, and caring. Who wants a nurse who has no compassion? I know I sure dont. Most nurses have a heart to help people and make them better. They need to be emotionally stable to be a nurse. Things arent always going to be happy and they need to be prepared for that. Students must graduate from an approved nursing program and pass a national licensing exam in order to obtain a nursing license. There are 3 paths students can take to become a nurse they are, a bachelors of science degree in nursing, associate degree in nursing, and a diploma. The BSN program is offered by colleges and universities. It takes about 4 years to complete, sometimes 5. The working conditions are normally comfortable and in a good environment. Nurses may spend a lot of time walking and standing. Many nurses in hospitals are on call a lot. Nursing also has its hazards; you may care for patients with infectious disease. Nurses must always use standard precautions to avoid infec...
Creating Theme From Poetic Elements English Literature Essay Essays
Creating Theme From Poetic Elements English Literature Essay Essays Creating Theme From Poetic Elements English Literature Essay Essay Creating Theme From Poetic Elements English Literature Essay Essay Good poets utilize a assortment of poetic elements to make a literary chef-doeuvre. Frost s verse form The Road Not Taken is a authoritative illustration of the interaction of assorted elements. This verse form contains a huge array of poetic elements including sarcasm, symbolism, ambiguity, and struggle and retrospective patterning. Frost uses these poetic elements to assist make the subject in The Road Not Taken. Faggen believes, The Road Not Taken is an dry commentary on the liberty of pick ( par. 1 ) . A great sum of sarcasm is embedded in the verse form, but it is hard to place and construe the sarcasm on the first reading. After several reads it becomes evident the huge sum of sarcasm Frost utilizes in the verse form. Katherine Kearns considered the sarcasm found in the concluding stanza of the verse form deadly ( 37 ) . Kearns believes the last stanza is a anticipation of the hereafter and the truth is foreshadowed in the present by the verse form itself: the storyteller knows where he will stop up, and all the difference can hold made no difference ( 37 ) . This leads the reader to believe the traveller s pick will do small difference in the balance of his life. The traveller made a pick, it turned out to be a good pick, and he proceeded to populate his life. The sarcasm is the traveller believed that the pick would do a large difference, and that he spent so much clip doing th e pick trusting it would do a difference, every bit good. The rubric, The Road Not Taken is dry in itself. The Road Less Traveled is a more appropriate rubric. However, Frost ironically chose to utilize the rubric to stress the route the storyteller did non take. In an reference at a college ceremonial, Susan Dentzer explains that she felt Frost utilised verbal sarcasm in his rubric to show his thought that the roads we do nt take to travel down in life have every bit much of a function in determining the class of our lives as the 1s that we do pick ( par.16 ) . Symbolism is portrayed throughout the verse form. One illustration of symbolism is Frost depicting a route in the forests to stand for the picks in life. The storyteller comes to a fork in the route that diverged in a xanthous wood ( Frost, Road 1 ) , and contemplates which route to take. This word picture symbolizes the picks in life people face, and how they make those picks. The storyteller in the verse form chooses the route less traveled and finds it makes a difference in his life one time he arrives at his finish ( Frost, Road 19 ) . However, Frost neer explains the difference it made ; he lets the reader make up ones mind why the route less traveled made a difference ( Frost, Road 19 ) . Another illustration of symbolism in the verse form is found in how the storyteller decides which route to take. His determination is based chiefly on the wear and tear of the route, and this represents how hastily people make of import determinations in life. George Nitchie believ es that although in The Road Not Taken doing a determination seems to be portrayed as capricious and unmotivated the storyteller is cognizant that every pick has unknown effects ( 160 ) . Life is full of picks and there are many picks people must do and one time made, there is no undoing those determinations. There is no remaking the past experiences except in memories, whether they are full of joy or sorrow, at the picks made and the route that was chosen to go in life. Robert Faggen sums it up good when he states The Road Not Taken reminds us of the effects of the rule of choice in all facets of life ( par.1 ) . Ambiguity is found in many different countries in the verse form. One illustration of ambiguity is when the storyteller foremost says the route he takes is grassy and wanted wear ( Frost, Road 8 ) . However, he goes on to state in the following line that the roads were truly worn about the same. There is no account about the ambiguity in these statements, even though the storyteller says it made a difference in the terminal. The reader does non cognize if the route chosen was the route less traveled or non. Another illustration of ambiguity is found when the storyteller says, Oh I kept the first for another twenty-four hours ( Frost, Road 13 ) . Then the storyteller says subsequently on in the verse form that he will likely neer come this manner once more. Additionally, the storyteller says he spends a long clip looking at both roads, and wished he could take both roads, but will salvage one route for a ulterior trip. Reading these statements in context, they make small sense. However, recognizing the statements are equivocal helps the reader understand that Frost may so be seeking to exemplify that the storyteller has no thought where he is traveling or how his life will stop up. The storyteller can non do sense of his life, and so, Frost utilizes ambiguities in the verse form that do non do sense, every bit good. The ambiguities in this verse form aid to do this verse form intriguing and do the reader to oppugn the poet s significance. Although the verse form appears short and straightforward, the ambiguities embedded in the verse form allow Frost to raise inquiries in the reader s head, doing the verse form more complicated than it appears. Frost s ability to use ambiguity helps to add machination and enigma to his work. Frost one time said a verse form is at its best when it is a teasing vagueness ( Letters 588 ) . Conflict is another poetic component found in The Road Not Taken . The chief struggle revolves around the storyteller s inability to take which route to take. The storyteller can take the common, easy route that will guarantee success but wo nt needfully convey fulfilment ; or take the less traveled route that will be more ambitious journey with unknown effects ( Frost, Road 19 ) . Most readers of the verse form can rapidly associate to the storyteller s struggle because this struggle is common in mundane life. Frost besides adds an implicit in struggle in the verse form. There is besides another underlying struggle found in the verse form every bit good. The storyteller notes he likely will neer go through this manner once more. Is at that place conflict in his life that will maintain him from going this manner once more? Is he old, and on one of the last journeys of his life? The complexness of this verse form sneaks up on the reader, and the more they understand the complexnesss, the more confusing the verse form becomes. A poetic component found in the closing of The Road Not Taken is retrospective patterning. Retrospective patterning is when the writer places a word or a phrase at the terminal of the verse form that leads the reader to reconsider their original reading of the verse form ( Feeler, par 1 ) . Frost used this technique when he placed the word sigh in the first sentence of the last stanza ( Road 16 ) . The usage of that one word caused me to oppugn my initial reading of the subject and prompted me to reread the verse form a figure of times before hold oning a steadfast apprehension of the subject. Some critics find Frost s work simple and easy to understand. However, others dig deeper into the words and make deeper significances. Peter Davison one time stated, To this twenty-four hours, in schoolrooms and libraries, pupils and instructors likewise struggle with that sweetly perplexing poesy: the puzzling significance concealed within simple linguistic communication, the self-contradictory and surprising significance couched in traditional signifier ( 113 ) . Therefore, the elements of this verse form are more than what they seem, and so is the ultimate subject of the work. Frost buries many elements in merely a few short lines, and while they may look simple at first glimpse, underneath they are much more complex and interesting. It is interesting to observe that Frost made a notation about the verse form in his diary, observing he really wrote it with a friend in head. A Frost biographer noted This is more about a friend of mine, [ Edward Thomas, as Frost noted on other occasions ] ( Romine 37 ) . Therefore, Frost had a existent individual and a existent state of affairs in head when he composed the verse form, which is yet another of import component. Frost frequently wrote poesy with existent state of affairss and friends in head, and this helps give a existent, natural quality to his authorship, and makes it look more concrete to the reader. Lee Jacobus wrote in his commentary that Frost s work is characterized by concrete experiences ( 573 ) . The Road Not Taken is an digesting verse form incorporating a assortment of poetic elements. The interaction of these elements helps to do this verse form a true chef-doeuvre. Jacobus believes, The accomplishment of a poem consequences from the elusive cooperation of all of its elements ( 445 ) . To efficaciously construe the true significance or subject of a verse form every component must be examined. After analysing the poetic elements found in The Road Not Taken , I have established the following reading of the subject. Life is a journey full of picks that will find an unobserved hereafter. The picks though frequently virtually indistinguishable lead to different fates. Happiness or repent will be determined by each person s personal contemplation on the picks made and the route chosen during their journey.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Treating Anaphylaxis Essays - Medical Emergencies, RTT, Free Essays
Treating Anaphylaxis Essays - Medical Emergencies, RTT, Free Essays Treating Anaphylaxis TREATING ANAPHYLAXIS In the emergency setting, anaphylaxis is a dangerous, life threatening condition that must be treated in an aggressive and timely fashion. Anaphylaxis is a condition related to acute allergic reactions. Following the bodys exposure to the offending allergen, there are common systemic reactions. The most serious reactions involve the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, but the gastrointestinal, dermatologic, and genitourinary systems are often involved causing varied symptoms such as urticaria, flushing, angioedema, bronchospasm, hypotension, cardiac arrythmias, nausea, intestinal cramps, pruritus, and finally uterine cramps. (Physician Assistant, 8/94) The above list is by no means exhaustive, specific symptoms vary from person to person. The same person suffering from several anaphylactic reactions can also present with differing symptoms. Physiologically speaking, the two main effects of the bodys released mediators (IgE) during an anaphylactic reaction are smooth muscle contraction and vasodilatation, which cause most of the bodys adverse symptoms. (JAMA, 11/26/82) Since the most life threatening reactions usually involve the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, that is where emergency treatment is focused. In the cardiovascular system, a combination of vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, tachcycardia, and arrhythmias can lead to severe hypotension. In the respiratory system, the swelling of tissues along with bronchospasm and increased mucus production are the main cause of death. So, if untreated, anaphylaxis can be fatal as a result of the bodys going into what is essentially shock, while simultaneously (and more importantly) being deprived of the oxygen needed to sustain life. As of today there is one universally accepted treatment for acute anaphylaxis. Epinephrine. Epinephrine is both an alpha and a beta agonist. This makes it the drug optimally suited to treat anaphylaxis. Epinephrine will increase vascular resistance, reduce vascular permeability, produce bronchodilation and increase cardiac output. (Emergency, 10/93) Epinephrine will directly counteract the potentially life threatening aspects of anaphylaxis. Epinephrine can , and is, used in the both the pre-hospital environment as well as in definitive care institutions. Epinephrine is widely administered by ALS providers the world over. The drug is so effective that and relatively simple to use that subcutaneous administration of epinephrine by EMT-Bs trained in recognition of anaphylaxis is safe. (Annals of Emergency Medicine, 6/95) Following the administration of epinephrine, antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, and promethazine can be administered. These agents block the harmful effects of histamine, a mediator associated with allergic reactions, and while not displacing histamine from receptors, they compete with histamine for receptor cites and therefore block additional histamine from binding. (JEMS, 4/95) Patients taking beta adrenergic blocking agents will have limited benefits from the administration of epinephrine (it being a beta agent), as well potentially unopposed alpha adrenergic effects that could result in severe hypertension. (Physician Assistant, 8/94) In such cases norepinepherine and dopamine may be necessary to treat systemic anaphylaxis. Glucagon which increases cAMP, is a bronchodilator, and stimulates cardiac output, can be very useful, even in the presence of beta blockers. (Physician Assistant, 8/94) Inhaled bronchodilators are useful for the treatment of respiratory complications associated with anaphylaxis. There is a wide variety of acceptable agents. Sympathomimetics such as albuterol, and metaproterenol will relax the smooth muscle in the respiratory tract. Anticholinergic agents such as ipratropium bromide can also decrease bronchospasm. Aminophylline, a bronchodilator and diuretic can also increase intracellular cAMP levels, as well as potentiating catecholamines and stimulating their release; these effects make it a useful tool in dealing with persistent bronchospasm. (Physician Assistant, 8/94) Even though steroids (glucocorticosteroids) have some potentially beneficial effects for the relief of bronchospasm and hypotension, they are not recommended for the treatment of acute anaphylactic symptoms due to the fact that it takes four to six hours for them to be effective. (JAMA, 11/26/82) But, steroids such as methylprednisolone and hydrocortisone, are useful in shortening the duration of, and reducing the severity of prolonged anaphylactic reactions, as well as preventing the recurrence of delayed symptoms. (Physician Assistant, 8/94) The above agents are all widely used to treat anaphylaxis. But there are studies and experiments underway that are looking at alternative, or additional treatments. Naloxone and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) are both being looked at in the possible treatment of anaphylaxis as well as traumatic shock. Naloxone improves cardiovascular function in a variety of animal models of
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