Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Abstract heart disease free essay sample
There are those who actually act blind to the substantial threat that heart diseases pose. Some people go about living their lives unafraid and unaware that any day can be their last day. They eat and drink without remorse and without knowing whether or not what they are doing is healthy to their own bodies. In the medical world, they encounter all kinds of heart conditions and all kinds of patients having them. Somehow, the heart disease feels like a constant recurring story played by one character after another. Although society is not fully aware of the basic knowledge and dangers with respect to heart diseases, society must also realize that heart diseases are responsible for the almost fifty percent of the deaths caused in society. Although society ignores the dangers that heart diseases bring, it does not alleviate the fact that heart diseases account for almost half of all the deaths in society. We will write a custom essay sample on Abstract heart disease or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A heart disease can be called by many names and terminologies. The processes and implications of a heart disease can be quite complex especially for those who are experiencing it whether as a victim or someone related to the victim. It is therefore the purpose of this discussion to comprehend why the heart disease contributes to almost half the deaths recorded in society. This paper will begin by first explaining the basic understanding of what a heart disease is or how it is generally perceived by individuals. Moreover, this paper will delve into the most common causes that may bring about heart diseases. Following this, the technology and modern techniques that are used in a laboratory shall also be analyzed. Finally, this paper will be illustrating some of the conventional and known heart surgeries that are in practice today. Works Cited â€Å"Angina.†2008. Cedars-Sinal Health system 8 March 2008 Donofrio, Jo, et al. Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy: Amber: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2005. Colley, B. Judson. Personal Interview. 8 March 2008 Mayer, Breanna H., et al. Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy. Amber: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2007. Welch, Verna, and Simon S.K. Tang. â€Å"Treatment and control of BP and lipids in patients with hypertension and additional risk factors.†American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs Atlanta and New York: American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 7 (2007): 381-89.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Uses of The
The Uses of The The Uses of â€Å"The†The Uses of â€Å"The†By Maeve Maddox A reader has a question about the use of the definite article the: I have been searching without success for a good and thorough explanation of how and when to use the. I have an Iranian friend, and his English is excellent, save for his use of the. Neither he nor I have been able to find anything that clearly and comprehensively explains all of the different uses. Any suggestions? I doubt any source can be found that explains â€Å"all of the different uses of the clearly and comprehensively.†One researcher has called the English article system a psychomechanism, â€Å"a system through which native speakers use articles correctly but unconsciously.†The misuse of the does not impede communication, but it is a clue that an email purporting to be from an English-speaking friend supposedly stranded in a foreign country is a scam. The only suggestion I can offer about the use of the is that the secret lies in the concepts of definiteness and countability. Definiteness A noun has â€Å"definiteness†when there is something unique or specific about it. Here are some examples: The sun was worshipped by the ancient Aztecs. (In this context, sun is uncountable) The driver found an injured cat. He took the cat to an animal clinic. (First it’s â€Å"a cat,†one among many. Once mentioned, it’s â€Å"the cat,†the specific cat that was picked up by the motorist.) She’s waiting for the bus. (In this context, â€Å"the bus†is a service.) Other examples: We took the train to Chicago. I prefer the telephone to email. The Salvation Army feeds the hungry and ministers to the poor. (The is used with adjectives that are used as nouns to denote a group.) Countability Nouns are said to be countable or uncountable. Other terms are count nouns and noncount nouns. Because countable nouns can be counted, they have a singular and a plural form: one cat, two cats. The difficulty with this category is that some nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on context. Compare: Major crops are cotton and rice. Fido takes the cotton out of all his toys. You prepare the salad and I’ll cook the rice. I don’t much care for coffee. They ordered three coffees and a tea. Here, you take the coffee. I don’t want it. His brother is still looking for work. She quit her job because she didn’t like the work. ESL speakers struggling with the uses of the will benefit from the use of a dictionary designed for them. Regular dictionaries don’t always categorize nouns as to count and noncount, but beginners’ dictionaries do. Nouns that are usually noncount can be learned according to certain categories. For example: Agricultural crops: coffee, rice, sugar, etc. Natural phenomena: rain, snow, gravity, etc. Liquids: water, wine, blood, etc. Abstractions: honesty, courage, intelligence, etc. The British Council site offers a thorough discussion of the uses of the. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Based in" and "based out of"Homogeneous vs. HeterogeneousUsing Writing Bursts to Generate Ideas and Enthusiasm
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Email In The Workplace
E-Mail in the Work Place Steve McAlpin IFSM 304 November 13, 2004 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Employee’s View 4 The Employer’s View 6 Legal Issues 9 Technology 11 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 14 Abstract This paper will look into both the employee’s and the employer’s point of view on e-mail privacy. It will cover topics that include; ethical issues of employees using a company’s e-mail system for personal use, the legal rights employee’s have verses the employer rights to monitor employee’s e-mail, new laws covering e-mail privacy in the workplace, legal differences between telephone privacy and e-mail privacy, how employers are protecting themselves from lawsuits associated with e-mail, private verses Government aspects of e-mail privacy, new software to keep your e-mail private. It will be the readers’ responsibility at the conclusion of this paper to judge at what point we as a society draw the line in respect to e-mail privacy and is it ethical in the workplace. Introduction Email is fast becoming the preferred choice of communication with most people, because people can send and read messages whenever and wherever they choose, and of course it is faster than old snail mail, and definitely more convenient then playing phone tag. Because Email is a lot like regular mail, you would think that its privacy is legally protected, but guess again. The first issue we will look into is the employee’s view of how in general they feel about Email and its use in the workplace then we will look at the employers view and lastly we will look at the legal side of the issue. After covering these views, we will look at how the employer is protecting themselves and what the employee is doing to combat these issues. The Employee’s View The average individual, who uses Email, believes that their Email is private and secure. They believe that the use o... Free Essays on Email In The Workplace Free Essays on Email In The Workplace E-Mail in the Work Place Steve McAlpin IFSM 304 November 13, 2004 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Employee’s View 4 The Employer’s View 6 Legal Issues 9 Technology 11 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 14 Abstract This paper will look into both the employee’s and the employer’s point of view on e-mail privacy. It will cover topics that include; ethical issues of employees using a company’s e-mail system for personal use, the legal rights employee’s have verses the employer rights to monitor employee’s e-mail, new laws covering e-mail privacy in the workplace, legal differences between telephone privacy and e-mail privacy, how employers are protecting themselves from lawsuits associated with e-mail, private verses Government aspects of e-mail privacy, new software to keep your e-mail private. It will be the readers’ responsibility at the conclusion of this paper to judge at what point we as a society draw the line in respect to e-mail privacy and is it ethical in the workplace. Introduction Email is fast becoming the preferred choice of communication with most people, because people can send and read messages whenever and wherever they choose, and of course it is faster than old snail mail, and definitely more convenient then playing phone tag. Because Email is a lot like regular mail, you would think that its privacy is legally protected, but guess again. The first issue we will look into is the employee’s view of how in general they feel about Email and its use in the workplace then we will look at the employers view and lastly we will look at the legal side of the issue. After covering these views, we will look at how the employer is protecting themselves and what the employee is doing to combat these issues. The Employee’s View The average individual, who uses Email, believes that their Email is private and secure. They believe that the use o...
Friday, November 22, 2019
History and Design of Submarines
History and Design of Submarines Designs for underwater boats or submarines date back to the 1500s and ideas for underwater travel date back even further. However, it was not until the 19th century that the first useful submarines began to appear. During the Civil War, the Confederates built the H.L. Hunley, the submarine that sank a Union ship. The U.S.S. Housatonic was built in 1864. But it wasnt until after World War I began that the first truly practical and modern submarines were invented. The submariners problem has always been how to improve his underwater endurance and performance, and both capabilities are defined by the ship. Early in submarine history the submariners problem often was how to make his ship work at all. Hollow Papyrus Reeds Historical accounts point out that man has always sought to explore the ocean depths. An early record from the Nile Valley in Egypt gives us the first illustration. It is a wall painting that shows duck hunters, bird spears in hand, creeping up to their prey beneath the surface as they breathe through hollow papyrus reeds. The Athenians are said to have used divers to clear the harbor entrance during the siege of Syracuse. And Alexander the Great, in his operations against Tyre, ordered divers to destroy any submersible vehicle (submarine) defenses the city might undertake to build. While in none of these records does it actually say that Alexander had any kind of submersible vehicle, legend has it that he descended in a device that kept its occupants dry and admitted light. William Bourne - 1578 Not until 1578 did any record appear of a craft designed for underwater navigation. William Bourne, a former Royal Navy gunner, designed a completely enclosed boat that could be submerged and rowed beneath the surface. His creation was a wooden framework bound in waterproofed leather. It was to be submerged by using hand vises to contract the sides and decrease the volume. Although Bournes idea never got beyond the drawing board, a similar apparatus was launched in 1605. But it didnt get much farther because the designers had neglected to consider the tenacity of underwater mud. The craft became stuck in the river bottom during its first underwater trial. Cornelius Van Drebbel - 1620 What might be called the first practical submarine was a rowboat covered with greased leather. It was the idea of Cornelius Van Drebbel, a Dutch doctor living in England, in 1620. Van Drebbels submarine was powered by rowers pulling on oars that protruded through flexible leather seals in the hull. Snorkel air tubes were held above the surface by floats, thus permitting a submergence time of several hours. Van Drebbels submarine successfully maneuvered at depths of 12 to 15 feet below the surface of the Thames River. Van Drebbel followed his first boat with two others. The later models were larger but they relied upon the same principles. Legend has it that after repeated tests, King James I of England rode in one of his later models to demonstrate its safety. Despite its successful demonstrations, Van Drebbels invention failed to arouse the interest of the British Navy. It was an age when the possibility of submarine warfare was still far in the future. Giovanni Borelli - 1680 In 1749 the British periodical Gentlemens Magazine printed a short article describing a most unusual device for submerging and surfacing. Reproducing an Italian scheme developed by Giovanni Borelli in 1680, the article depicted a craft with a number of goatskins built into the hull. Each goatskin was to be connected to an aperture at the bottom. Borelli planned to submerge this vessel by filling the skins with water and to surface it by forcing the water out with a twisting rod. Even though Borellis submarine was never built it provided what was probably the first approach to the modern ballast tank. Continue David Bushnells Turtle Submarine The first American submarine is as old as the United States itself. David Bushnell (1742-1824), a Yale graduate, designed and built a submarine torpedo boat in 1776. The one-man vessel submerged by admitting water into the hull and surfaced by pumping it out with a hand pump. Powered by a pedal-operated propeller and armed with a keg of powder, the egg-shaped Turtle gave Revolutionary Americans high hopes for a secret weapon - a weapon that could destroy the British warships anchored in New York Harbor. Turtle Submarine: Use as a Weapon The Turtles torpedo, a keg of powder, was to be attached to an enemy ships hull and detonated by a time fuse. On the night of September 7, 1776, the Turtle, operated by an Army volunteer, Sergeant Ezra Lee, conducted an attack on the British ship HMS Eagle. However, the boring device that was operated from inside the oak-planked Turtle failed to penetrate the target vessels hull. It is likely that the wooden hull was too hard to penetrate, the boring device hit a bolt or iron brace, or the operator was too exhausted to screw in the weapon. When Sergeant Lee attempted to shift the Turtle to another position beneath the hull, he lost contact with the target vessel and ultimately was forced to abandon the torpedo. Although the torpedo was never attached to the target, the clockwork timer detonated it about an hour after it was released. The result was a spectacular explosion that ultimately forced the British to increase their vigilance and to move their ships anchorage further out in the harbor. Royal Navy logs and reports from this period make no mention of this incident, and it is possible that the Turtles attack may be more submarine legend than a historical event. David Bushnell Larger Photo of Turtle SubmarineDavid Bushnell built a unique vessel, called the Turtle, designed to be propelled underwater by an operator who turned its propeller by hand. David Bushnells American TurtleThe only working, full-scale model of David Bushnells 1776 invention, the American Turtle. David Bushnell 1740-1826The most sensational contribution of patriot and inventor David Bushnell to the American Revolutionary War effort was the worlds first functioning submarine. Continue Robert Fulton and the Nautilus Submarine Then came another American, Robert Fulton, who in 1801 successfully built and operated a submarine in France, before turning his inventing talents to the steamboat. Robert Fulton - Nautilus Submarine 1801 Robert Fultons cigar-shaped Nautilus submarine was driven by a hand-cranked propeller when submerged and had a kite-like sail for surface power. The Nautilus submarine was the first submersible to have separate propulsion systems for surfaced and submerged operations. It also carried flasks of compressed air that permitted the two-man crew to remain submerged for five hours. William Bauer - 1850 William Bauer, a German, built a submarine in Kiel in 1850 but met with little success. Bauers first boat sank in 55 feet of water. As his craft was sinking, he opened the flood valves to equalize the pressure inside the submarine so the escape hatch could be opened. Bauer had to convince two terrified seamen that this was the only means of escape. When the water was at chin level, the men were shot to the surface with a bubble of air that blew the hatch open. Bauers simple technique was rediscovered years later and employed in modern submarines escape compartments that operate on the same principle. Continue The Hunley During the American Civil War, Confederate inventor Horace Lawson Hunley converted a steam boiler into a submarine. This Confederate submarine called the could be propelled at four knots by a hand-driven screw. Unfortunately, the submarine sank twice during trials in Charleston, South Carolina. These accidental sinkings in Charleston harbor cost the lives of two crews. In the second accident the submarine was stranded on the bottom and Horace Lawson Hunley himself was asphyxiated with eight other crew members. The Hunley Subsequently, the submarine was raised and renamed the Hunley. In 1864, armed with a 90-pound charge of powder on a long pole, the Hunley attacked and sank a new Federal steam sloop, USS Housatonic, at the entrance to Charleston Harbor. After her successful attack on Housatonic, the Hunley disappeared and her fate remained unknown for 131 years. In 1995 the wreck of the Hunley was located four miles off Sullivans Island, South Carolina. Even though she sank, the Hunley proved that the submarine could be a valuable weapon in time of war. Biography - Horace Lawson Hunley 1823-1863 Horace Lawson Hunley was born in Sumner County, Tennessee, on 29 December 1823. As an adult, he served in the Louisiana State Legislature, practiced law in New Orleans and was a generally notable figure in that area. In 1861, after the start of the American Civil War, Horace Lawson Hunley joined James R. McClintock and Baxter Watson in building the submarine Pioneer, which was scuttled in 1862 to prevent its capture. The three men later constructed two submarines at Mobile, Alabama, the second of which was named H.L. Hunley. This vessel was taken to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1863, where it was to be used to attack blockading Union ships. During a test dive on 15 October 1863, with Horace Lawson Hunley in charge, the submarine failed to surface. All on board, including Horace Lawson Hunley, lost their lives. On 17 February 1864, after it had been raised, refurbished and given a new crew, H.L. Hunley became the first submarine to successfully attack an enemy warship when she sank USS Housatonic off Charleston. Continue The USS Holland John Holland
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Department of the U.S. Army Culture Analysis Paper Research
Department of the U.S. Army Culture Analysis - Research Paper Example All these are the visible of organizational culture, but sometimes it is difficult to interpret. In most cases, behavior and artifacts portray what a group is doing but it cannot give the reasons why they are doing it. The next level of organizational culture is the values. Values determine the behaviors, but they are not visible or observable like the behaviors. There is a great difference between the operating and stated values. Many people and organizations attribute their behaviors to stated values (Schein 103). Assumptions and beliefs grow from the values up to the point where they are taken for granted and dropped out of awareness. People may be unable to articulate or unaware of the assumptions and beliefs, which forms their deepest level of culture. For better understanding of culture, it is important for one to understand the three levels of an organizational culture, which is not an easy task. Another difficult task when studying organizational culture is cultural or group unit, which owns the culture. An organization may be having many different cultures or subcultures or even absents of specific or dominant culture in the organization. It is important to recognize the group or cultural unit for one to identify and understand the culture. Organizational cultures are created, maintained, and even transformed by people. Part of the organizational culture is created and maintained by leadership in the organization. Leaders who are in the executive positions are responsible in articulati ng core values, specifying norms and generating and re-infusing ideologies in an organization. Organizational values indicate or express certain outcomes or certain behaviors in an organization. Organizational norms express those behaviors, which are accepted by others by others in the organization. Organizational norms are the acceptable ways of pursuing goals through a cultural means. Leaders or executives establish rules or parameters
IT Shoes Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
IT Shoes Business Plan - PowerPoint Presentation Example The present research has identified that IT Shoes business is as well popularly known for supplying high quality materials which is used to manufacture high quality shoes. The company’s shoes sizes ranges from 5 to 10. The IT Shoes company long term plan is to become the world leader in the supply of ladies shoes. The company current popularity and increased sales and profitability is to a great extent brought about by its reputation in offering convenient means of selling its shoes to local customers. Therefore, to become the world leaders in the contemporary multifaceted global market, the company ought to have an effective business plan which incorporates views and options of all players. Moreover, based on the available financial statistics, the business requires some external financial assistance to facilitate its long term development plan. Moreover, the level of the company market competition is relatively low compared to other global markets. The subsequent essay there fore offers and effective IT shoes business. The IT Shoes business intends to be the world leaders in ladies shoes. The company also intends to develop a good reputation in providing convenient means of selling goods through all marketing means including online marketing. Moreover, to effectively compete in modern market, the organisation ought to develop a good reputation for reliable delivery in local and international market. The organisation as well has a vision of becoming overall shoes dealers in European market. Products The company long term plan is to be in a position of providing convenient, trustworthy, and safe means of selling its products in local and global markets. A part from its current variety, the IT Shoes Company also plans to increase its variety by including other several emerging types of shoes. In the next five years, the IT Shoes Company is therefore planning to increase the variety of fashionable shoes, widen the variety of its shoes styles and colours, in crease the quality of shoes which is used to manufactures shoes, as well as selling half size shoes (Reuters 26). Expected Annual Sales and Profit for the year Sales $ 500,000 Expenses $ 450000 Profit $ 50000 Form of Payment IT Shoes business is planning to avail all forms of payment including EFTPOS and cash. The aim of this plan is to enable the company’s customers to purchase their products in large quantity at any time. On the other hand, the company is planning to ensure that, it fully abides by the existing regulations in their plans to introduce new payment mechanisms. At present, the IT Shoes Company relies on several forms of payments including cheques, money orders, master cards and visa. Key Partners The main aims of the involvement of partners in the business plan is to enable the company reduce its operation cost and increased the general profitability. Being the main targeted market areas, IT Shoes company key partners are night clubs and bars. Night clubs and b ars help the IT Shoes business to effectively market its products to its potential customers. On the other hand, vending machine providers are also the major partners of the company. In its plan, IT Shoes plans to distribute readymade products to its products to new markets areas. Value Proposition and Customer Relationship At present, the IT Shoes Company has successfully identified the existing value addiction gap in shoes industry. In its operations and marketing strategy, the IT Shoes Co
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Humidacure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Humidacure - Essay Example The product is reliable, comfortable, palatable, and effective to treat flu, cold, and cough. The aim of having a product with pleasant flavours is to enhance an added advantage over other competitors in the market. The product does not only focus on treatment but expands out to reach people who enjoy taking products with flavours such as ginger, lemon, or orange. The product is good both in consistency and quality, which is more likely to attract many consumers in the market. As many people struggle to identify the best medicine that heals flue, cold, and cough, this product aims to provide consumers with adequate information on how to take the medicine and the various ways they can do to prevent the illness. With this, consumers will be in a better position to comprehend about their illness and evaluate ways to prevent it in future. Still, there will be contacts displayed in the product, which consumers can use to communicate to the company in case of any complication, and this wil l create trust and confidence of consumers on the benefits of using the product. 2.0 Situational analysis At this point, it is important to understand the internal and external factors that will be affecting the business as this will lead to a better understanding of what will influence the product future. The product will be affected by the government that has a strong control over the product manufacturing activities. The company may spend some resources to ensure that the product align with the health standards of law. Secondly, economic crisis may make consumers to cut down their spending on medicines and instead prefer to make drinks that heal the cold. With many products in the market, most consumers may be forced to purchase other products that may be cheaper than Humidacure. It is pertinent to note that, a culture has a strong effect on people’s perception and preferences. Natural ingredients are among the crucial aspects of culture, which marketers will put into cons ideration. The product will contain various ingredients that help in relieving cold, flu, and cough such as ginger, lemon, and orange just to name a few. A comprehensive marketing strategy will be crucial to understand how to address the external environment of the product. Extensive training will be conducted to those manufacturing and distributing the product to keep good relations with consumers and maintain quality product that attract consumers all over regardless of various challenges that may emerge such economic crisis. Customer satisfaction will be considered as the most vital thing for the company’s progress. MARKET ANALYSIS 3.0 Market Demographics The product targets adults from urban middle class segment. The reason for this group is that adults are more likely to purchase medicine than adolescents or teenagers. In most cases, parents purchase medicines for their kids. Still, this target group is most preferable in that most adults are more concern with their heal th and children’s health. 3.1 Market Summary The product is intended to use the combination of promotion advertisements where the focus will be placed on attracting clients to purchase the product while converting the first users of the product to frequent and potential users. To accomplish these, the product will be marketed via technology tools such as internet that will create awareness in many people. Still, this will create a strong
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
PISCO Model Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
PISCO Model - Case Study Example This paper stresses that thus using the PISCO problem solving model going to be highlighted below, the study would attempt to critically analyse the dilemma facing Lael Matthews in selecting the ideal candidate to promote among three managers. According to Edward, the PISCO model is comprised of steps that seek to identify a problem, input to the cause of the problem, solution, choice as well as operational goal of the choice made. In this case, the two major problems facing Lael Matthews include race and gender related issues which are seen as impediments in the efforts by the management in their efforts in appraisals especially for promotional posts to senior positions within large and often reputable organisations. For instance, Liz is an African American and a female at the same time which would raise eyebrows once she is given the opportunity to grab the position given that she would be the first person to hold such a high post within the organisation. Indeed, she has the energy to perform but due to her circumstance whereby her race is looked down upon, she could not rise to higher level expectations. Compared to Liz, Roy is privileged to have attained higher qualification from a prestigious private college and has been in the company for a long period but comparatively, his energy is lower than Liz. At the same time, Quang is intense but can only be hampered by virtue of her race as well as gender. She also has links to upper management which can give her unfair advantage over others. Therefore, in making an informed ethical decision about the right candidate to promote, the above issue ought to be objectively considered in order to come up with a capable candidate who has the capacity to perform the task.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Los Angeles International Airport Risk Assesment Essay
Los Angeles International Airport Risk Assesment - Essay Example Risk assessment varies from interpretation of data based on numerous and regular occurrences or vents to the approximation of the probability of very atypical events, amalgamated in each scenario with the measurement of exposure to risk. Setting of the target needs forecasting of the exposure, extent of risk, and tolerable and viability of the policies and mitigations for risk reductions, to spot targets which hits a balance between achievability, challenge and public and political suitability. STEP ONE: THREAT IDENTIFICATION AND RATING LAX Terrorist threat Identification and rating Airport terrorism risk assessment and analysis is not conducted in a vacuum. This kind of risk is usually assessed and analyzed as a way to control or buy down risk over duration via developing certain measures and mitigations across the airport facilities. Presently, majority of the world known airports LAX included are at increasing risk from both internal and external terror attack due to their securit y arrangement. Presently, despite the improved security at LAX, it still remains one of the centers of targets by the terrorist attack, owing to the fact that it has sustained more alarming incidences than any other airport in the United States. This implies that counterterrorism still remains a top concern for the LAX safety management. In 1974, a terrorist organized a bomb in the LAX airport terminating the lives of three and severely injuring eight people. The mitigation for any terror attack at LAX is therefore, a very a fundamental concept which must not be wished away and must be supported by all the employees within the LAX working environment or footprint. LAWA management is charged with responsibilities of operating, capital improving and provision of security at the airport. Given the ongoing massive construction, competing demands of managing the airport and the renovation of other terminals to expand its international terminals, there is a conviction that the security of the airport is wanting, making it to be very vulnerable for threat attack. In addition, intelligence associated with aviation is not institutionally passing all public safety agencies of LAX on a constant basis. This means that as a pre-mitigation measure, there should be consistent intelligence sharing of the information between public safety agency, local laws enforcement and US intelligence committee. Improvement of relationships and collaboration between these three bodies whereby they provide one other with crucial intelligent information based on the evolving terrorism threats, both in the US and abroad is very critical for the general safety of the airport. Explosive Blast armaments According to LAX terrorism threat identification, two parameters are applied to describe the explosive blast plan threat: the size of the weapon determined in equal pounds of TNT (trinitrotoluene) and the stand-off. The stand-off is defined by the distance calculated from the charge’s cent re of gravity to the component of interest which in this case is the LAX and its surrounding. Table 1.1 Showing Explosive Evacuation Distance Threat Description Explosive Substance1 With respect to TNT equivalent LAX Evacuation Distance2 Open-air Evacuation Distance3 Semitrailer 27,214kg 480m 2,136m Moving van 13,608kg 377m 1980m Small Moving van 4,537kg 265m 1144m Cargo van 1,815kg 196m 838m Sedom 454kg 122m 536m Compact Sedom 229kg 98m 456m Briefcase Bomb 22kg 47m 566m Suicide Vest 9kg 33m 415m Suicide Belt 4.5kg 26m 330m
Environmental Factors Essay Example for Free
Environmental Factors Essay There are many environmental factors that affect the global and domestic marketing strategies of organizations. What is necessary is an assessment of the company’s attempts at positioning its product to meet the needs of an undisclosed market. Environmental factors always affect the domestic and international marketing performance of companies in many environments. What environmental factors do is that they shape and set targets on the entry and operational decisions of Coca Cola Limited. Established in 1886, Coca Cola owns four of the world’s top five nonalcoholic beverages, operates in over two hundred countries and serves over one point five billion consumers locally and international. The environmental factors that Coca Cola has to battle with include the level of competition, cultural attributes, consumer characteristics, political and legal concerns. These factors have an impact on both the potential local and international marketing functions of the company. One factor affecting the marketing decisions of Coca Cola is competition among alcoholic beverages. These competitive factors include pricing, advertising, production innovation and brand and trademark development and protection. Of interest to us is the fact that one of Coca Cola’s major competitors is PepsiCo. The marketing decisions of the company have to be guided strategically because it impacts on the actual sales levels of the firm. Coca Cola continues to maintain a cutting edge in the industry because it continues to uphold its hallmarked values of refresh the world, inspiring moments of optimism and creating value through making a difference. Cultural also has a part to play in the marketing decisions of Coca Cola. Of later, governments across the world have been placing pressure on beverage companies to regulate alcohol content because they affect consumer’s thinking. While Coca Cola does not have to fight up with this cultural implication, it may have to attend to means of re-establishing consumer loyalty. For example, Marketing Coca-Cola in China has been a long and trying road. Firstly opening bottling plants in Shanghai and Tianjin in 1927 and then a third plant opened in Qingdao in 1930, Coca had a fight gaining a solid marketing lead. After a 30-year absence from the country, The Coca-Cola Company re-entered China in 1979, following the re-establishment of relations between China and the United States. Coca-Cola was the first American consumer product to return to China and is doing very well today. Another environmental factor affecting Coca Cola’s development of effective marketing tools and campaigns across the world is legal requirements for entry and set up. All multinational companies are forced to abide by laws requiring high tax entries although maximum profits are to be repatriated. It is Coca Cola’s policy to comply to consumer protection laws, occupational, health and safety acts, and local statues and regulations concerning advertising, transportation, distribution and food and safety laws. Additionally, Coca Cola’s principle challenge was is water resource management which in some countries is bound by legalities. In 2004, the company was forced to take a major step in reducing the potential impact of climatic damage via the use of coolers and vending machines. So that dealing with legal implications enabled Coca Cola to adapt a marketing strategy that considers its social responsibility. The end result of that was Coca Cola, partnering with the United Nations Environment Programme and Greenpeace International as a means of finding natural refrigerants. Explain how technology impacts the organizations marketing decisions. Coca Cola decisions have been affected by the impact of technology. In an interview done by a researcher, he commented that â€Å"as industry leaders it is Coca Cola’s responsibility to invest in the research and development necessary to develop economically viable and commercially available refrigeration solutions to take us toward an HFC-free, climate-friendly future. We hope that other companies will join our commitment to sustainable refrigeration. By working together, we can continue to reduce the impact of commercial equipment on the environment. †It is obvious that Inorder for Coca Cola to remain a leader in the beverage industry there was the need to re-examine its products and production processes; its packaging, design, equipment and quality assurance. Coca Cola attempts to strike a balance between the use of modern and traditional technologies depending on the marketing initiative and project location. Interestingly, with the launch of eKOfreshment, Coca Cola used more than ten different technological options to improve its environmental performance, regulatory compliance and overall price and operational costs. The end result of using technology as a point of reference for marketing is the winning of the United States Environmental Protection Agencys Climate Protection Award for their joint efforts in promoting the development of environmentally friendly commercial refrigeration technology through the creation of the refrigerants naturally coalition. So that as Coca Cola evolves with technology its marketing habits and values change to accommodate consumer characteristics and behaviours. Of great importance to Coca Cola is their social responsibility and ethical considerations of which its management has found to be a contributing factor to the development of a strong marketing campaign globally. In analyzing its importance, we must consider the company’s priority; its marketplace, workplace, environment and community. To us, this is a key side; Coca Cola has opted to have social responsibility as a sub heading to their website. In the marketplace, they take pride in quality, marketing more than 450 brands and over 2,800 beverage products, just still living up to giving our consumers a choice of still or sparking beverages that refresh, hydrate, energize or nourish. Our ethical value is that each of those products must be of the highest quality and must meet consumers changing tastes, needs and expectations. In each of the more than 200 countries where we operate, Coca Cola is an active member of the business community, working hand in hand with local individuals, merchants and governments to improve the health and prosperity of the local economy and environment. We know that the continued health and sustainable growth of our business depends on the long-term health of the communities that surround it. After all, we need healthy consumers, communities, environments and economies for our business to thrive. So we encourage human right laws in the workplace as our business ultimately depends on the combined talents, skills, knowledge, experience and passion make Coca Cola who it is. Wherever Coca Cola operates, it seeks to get involved in the work of communities, governmental organizations and NGOs to create and support projects most relevant to them. Marketing is a critical step in the success or failure of a company. For Coca Cola, an international company operating in years of integrity and business sense, today they have stood to repeat the rewards of their actions. Together with many other partners, this company continues to forge it way to be a continued leader in the beverage industry. Reference Blythe, Jim. (2004). Canada. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Features of Karakoram Glacier Surges
Features of Karakoram Glacier Surges What are the typical features of Karakoram glacier surges? The Karakoram is part of a complex of mountain ranges at the centre of Asia, where the borders of five countries all converge (Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 2016). Glacial surges are glacial advances at velocities up to one hundred times faster than usual (Sinha and Ravindra, 2012, p. 38). When examining Karakoram glacier surges it appears they are different to other surge clusters in the world. The surges tend to be brief events, with exceptionally high velocities, initiation and termination phases are rapid and the surges do not seem to be seasonally controlled (Quincey et al., 2015, p. 1299). One typical feature of Karakoram glacier surges is that they are short-lived events, usually lasting 3-5 years. When Drenmang Glacier surged in 1930 and 1977 both events only lasted a year (Hewitt, 2007, p. 185) and a Shakesiga Glacier surge in the 2000s only lasted 1-2 years (Quincey et al., 2015, p. 1298). Their brief nature means there have been a huge number of surges over the last 150 years. There have been 34 surges since the 1860s involving 23 glaciers. Four tributaries of Panmah Glacier have surged in less than a decade, three in quick succession between 2001 and 2005. Since 1985, 13 surges have occurred in Karakoram, more than in any comparable period since the 1850s. (Hewitt, 2007, p. 181). Although Karakoram glacier surges are generally short-lived, they are actually longer surge events when compared to surges in Alaska. Another typical feature of Karakoram glacier surges is their extremely high velocities, usually reaching 2km a-1. The Bualtar glacier experienced a mean surface velocity of 2.77 km a-1 during a 1986 surge, compared with a 146m a-1 surge during the previous summer (Copland et al., 2009, pp. 1-2). Between 2006 and 2007, the North Gasherbrum glacier surge had a velocity wave of 3km a-1 and, the peak velocity advanced from 15.5 to 18.5 km (Mayer et al., 2011, p. 908). In the case of the Braldu surge between 2013 and 2014, there was a clear velocity wave of approximately 2 km a-1 (Quincey et al., 2015, p. 1293). These velocities are the most likely cause of what makes the surge such a quick event. The Karakoram surge velocities are faster than other surge velocities across the world, where the velocities tend to reach only a few thousand m a-1. A third feature of Karakoram glacier surges is their rapid initiation and termination phases, lasting months to years. Surge initiation and termination phases refer to the start and end of the surge. Termination occurs after the surge, when the glacier has become virtually stagnant (Singh, Singh, and Haritashya, 2011, pp. 416-417). During the late summer of 2009 the Shakesiga Glacier flowed at 400 m a-1, but reached its maximum velocity of 2000 m a-1 by midsummer of 2010, indicating the initiation phase took place during winter. Shakesiga surge decelerated to 1100 m a-1 and terminated during the early winter of 2010 (Quincey et al., 2015, pp. 1292-1293). However, Alaskan glacial surges have a much more abrupt termination phase than initiation phase, tending to last several days as opposed to months (Quincey et al., 2015, p. 1297). A final typical feature of Karakoram glacier surges is that they do not seem to be seasonally controlled. Surges usually initiate during winter months when drainage efficiency is low and terminate during summer months, when drainage efficiency is high (Quincey et al., 2015, p. 1288). However, this is not the case in the Karakoram region as surges have initiated and terminated in irregular months. The Skamri Glacier initiation phase took place more toward the summer season than the winter and the Shakesiga surge initiated and terminated during winter months (Quincey et al., 2015, pp. 1292-1293). This suggest that Karakoram surges are thermally rather than hydrologically controlled, coinciding with high-altitude warming from long-term precipitation and accumulation patterns (Quincey et al., 2015, p. 1290). If Karakoram glacier surges are thermally controlled it may explain why their features are different to other surge areas in the world. The features of Karakoram glacier surges are an anomaly when compared to other surge areas in the world, such as Alaska, although they do share many similarities with Svalbard glacier surges. Their characteristics have led many geographers to the conclusion that they are thermally controlled and this could be a possible cause of their differences compared with other glacier surges. Yet the dominant surge mechanism still remains unclear. Reference List Copland, L., Pope, S., Bishop, M.P., Shroder, J.F., Clendon, P., Bush, A., Kamp, U., Seong, Y.B. and Owen, L.A. (2009) Glacier velocities across the central Karakoram, Annals of Glaciology, 50(52), pp. 41-49. doi: 10.3189/172756409789624229. Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica (2016) Karakoram range | mountains, Asia, in Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2016). Hewitt, K. (2007) Tributary glacier surges: An exceptional concentration at Panmah glacier, Karakoram Himalaya, Journal of Glaciology, 53(181), pp. 181-188. doi: 10.3189/172756507782202829. Mayer, C., Fowler, A.C., Lambrecht, A. and Scharrer, K. (2011) A surge of north Gasherbrum glacier, Karakoram, china, Journal of Glaciology, 57(205), pp. 904-916. doi: 10.3189/002214311798043834. Quincey, D.J., Glasser, N.F., Cook, S.J. and Luckman, A. (2015) Heterogeneity in Karakoram glacier surges, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(7), pp. 1288-1300. doi: 10.1002/2015jf003515. Singh, V.P., Singh, P. and Haritashya, U.K. (eds.) (2011) Encyclopedia of snow, ice and glaciers. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag. Sinha, R. and Ravindra, R. (eds.) (2012) Earth system processes and disaster management. Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH Co. K.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Resistance to Slavery and Race Oppression Essays -- Slave Resistance
Resistance to Slavery and Race Oppression      Slavery in the early eighteenth century was horrible for African Americans. Men were being killed, women were being raped and children were being sold. To avoid the unjust treatment of slavery, slaves did the unthinkable. Some ran away, others killed their masters, and women even killed their own children. What were they trying to accomplish by this? Resistance. In the modern reinterpretation of slavery, considerable attention has been devoted to the subject of slave resistance. Earlier observers argued that such slave characteristics as clumsiness, slovenliness, listleness, destructiveness, and inability to learn indicated racial inferiority. Recent studies of slavery attribute these observed characteristics to the slaves, defiant determination to resist slavery’s worst manifestations and to make the institution as livable as possible. Slaves recognized that they could take day-to-day action on an individual or small group basis, engaging in what historian s has termed â€Å"personal or communal foot dragging.†Such resistance successfully thwarted the master’s attempt to gain total control over their lives.      The extent and success of this day-to-day resistance depended upon the support of a strong and close-knit slave community. Despite white society’s belief that slaves were nothing more than laborers, they were in fact part of an elaborate and well defined social structure that gave them identity and sustained them in their silent protest. In slave quarters, slaves expressed themselves with relative freedom from white interference.      Religion provided a similar support. By attending their own church, whether openly or in secret, slaves fashioned a Christianity that emphasized salvation for all peoples, slaves included, and promised rewards in the afterlife. In church, blacks assumed leadership roles and openly expressed feelings they usually suppress. Masters tried to use religion negatively to teach slaves obedience and duty; slaves used it positively as an affirmation of their self worth and as a promise of future.      Their community provided slaves with the chance to be among their own people, to express themselves, to develop their own culture, and to have control over some portions of their own lives. These opportunities were limited and varied greatly, but the ability to be fathers or mothers, ... ...w prohibiting slaves from handling medicines.      Slaves also mutilated themselves to avoid work, punishment, or sale. They cut off fingers, hands, toes, or feet, and disfigured other body parts of their bodies to make themselves less valuable slave property. Some slaves committed suicide to escape enslavement. There is even some evidence of parents murdering their children to keep them from having to live lives as chattels. Some newly captured slaves from Africa believed that death would cause them or their children to return home, a belief that provided additional incentive for suicide and infanticide. The resistance slaves offered to their enslavement were rarely open or violent confrontation. Rather, it was constant, steady pressure. The main goal of resistance was survival to insure the most decent life possible within an intrinsically indecent institution. Slaves rarely were able to overcome the master’s ultimate control over them, but they were able to prevent such control from becoming total. Slave resistance, flowing out of the slave’s Afro-American culture, allowed an enslaved people to nurture the spark of freedom until it could burst into flame during the civil war.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Teenagers, Computers, and Literacy :: Personal Narrative Education Essays
Teenagers, Computers, and Literacy My sister, Tiffany, is a senior at County High School in Smallville, Ohio, a suburb of Colombus. She is expected by teachers and peers to be able to communicate effectively with the use of computers. Through her daily interactions with the computer due to schoolwork and conversing using Instant Messenger, her literacy practices have been affected. On an average day, Tiffany spends thirty minutes reading on the computer. This includes reading emails, reading information from websites, and reading for homework. For an additional ninety minutes per day, her computer-based reading is devoted to reading responses from her Instant Messenger conversations. This time is also shared with computer-based writing as she types her own responses to her online conversation. She typically spends an additional hour writing on the computer for typing homework, papers, or emails. Tiffany feels that her time spent reading and writing on the computer has affected her literacy in a positive way. She is able to read faster and more efficiently. â€Å"I have learned to type faster and become more aware of what I am typing. Since I have spent a lot of time reading on the computer, it has helped me become a faster reader and helped me learn to skim through trivial information.†This is understandable because with any kind of reading, the more you practice it, the better you become at picking out the main ideas and focusing on the important points. The computer has affected Tiffany’s writing skills in a positive way. When writing a compositional paper, she is able to utilize the computer’s assets to improve the quality of her writing. The use of the Thesaurus function has made her writings seem more professional. It is much easier to use the Thesaurus function on the computer than having to refer to a book. This works for Tiffany when she is unable to pinpoint the exact word that she is looking for, but it may not work for everyone. She is also able to refer to online resources while writing a research paper. The availability of an online encyclopedia is beneficial when gathering information on a topic. Also, the ability to refer to other Word documents, sometimes notes saved on another file, increases her productivity when writing a paper. With so many positive attributes of the computer, there are also some drawbacks. Tiffany finds that her ability to compose creative writing is hindered because of the computer.
Arts and Politics in Fifth Century Athens
The 5th century proved to be the height of cultural and intellectual progression in Athens. Athens, during the 5th century, is an emerging powerful city-state whose military and organized political system is recognized by the world. At the pinnacle of democratic government within Athens there has been an undergoing active exchange of intellectual activities hailing from the philosophers and the artists which includes poets, tragedians, sculptors, etc. The cultural and intellectual achievements that happened in Athens are equated with its political institution – democracy (Join Association of Classical Teachers, 2003, p. 284).This struggle is an apparent purpose of influencing the masses through public participation whether in debates, tragedies, or any form of rhetoric to be able to persuade people. Philosophers and poets alike became involved in a politically active environment aimed for political power through intellectual influence. Intellectuals such as Aristotle, Sophocle s, Plato, and Socrates became successful in propagating their respective wisdom in different medium such as tragedies or impromptu debates. The latter is most commonly used by Socrates in which he initiated questions about morality, truth, and freedom to a common man.When most thinkers used rhetoric to get political power and influence, Socrates concentrated on the ethical and morality within debates and critical-thinking. In Plato’s Crito, Socrates has criticized the way intellectuals have run the political unit of Athens. He emphasized that is the men who ruled and implemented the laws who are wrong and not the law itself. From this perspective, the intellectuals who run Athens under corrupt ways can be the reason why Socrates did not participate in the politics of Athens.Instead he reached to the ordinary men to ignite debates and makes them realize how it is to be a good citizen behaving under the laws of morality and the laws of the state. This intellectual struggle betw een the philosophers and the poets might have been the glamorous side of Athens, but it also became the cause of its downfall, as intellectual men clouded by self-interests interpreted the Athenian laws in their own hands, thus, even bringing down their wisest thinker of all time. Reference Joint Association of Classical Teachers. (2003). The World of Athens. UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Expensive Medical Technology Case Essay
Most developed countries spend a large proportion of their health budgets on expensive medical technology and procedures. This money should be spent instead on health education to keep people well. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Answer The idea of diverting the money assigned for expensive medical technology and procedures towards health education will not ensure the health of the people. Firstly, health education has only a limited role in dealing with a large number health related problems. For example, in order to treat patients who meet with serious accidents huge expenses are required to diagnose and perform medical procedures. Many diseases like cancers and strokes cannot be avoided just by educating people about preventive measures. Furthermore, there are many diseases that are hereditary, like heart ailments and psychiatric problem which require expensive treatment. Secondly, in spite of continuous awareness programmes through the media or education, many people do not have the discipline to keep away from unhealthy practices. An ideal example would be the increasing popularity of fast foods, which can cause many life style diseases like blood pressure, cardiac problems and diabetes, especially among the young. Educating people about taking precautions against diseases is definitely an important aspect of ensuring the health of the people, but greater importance should be given to treatment of people who are affected by diseases. On the other hand, health awareness programmes have made great contributions in reducing spread of many epidemics like small pox, bird flu and other viral infections. People have realised the importance of living in a hygienic environments in order to keep away from many common ailments. The prevention of AIDS has been made possible through the world wide awareness programme undertaken by WHO and similar organisations. Greater allocation of funds is required in this area of healthcare but it should not be at the expense of reducing the expenses involved in expensive medical technology and procedures. In conclusion, the present system of giving greater budgetary allocation to expensive medical care is reasonable.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
“Mariner’s Sin, Punishment, Redemption and His Penanceâ€Â
â€Å"Mariner’s Sin, punishment, redemption and his penance†â€Å"If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us. But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us. † This is one of the famous quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). In his one of the magnificent work, â€Å"The Rime of the ancient Mariner†, Coleridge has been able to prove his quote mentioned above. The decision made by the young and excited Mariner to kill the albatross helping them and the consequences which was faced by the entire sailing crew.Mariner, the main character not only was sorry for what he did, he also went through a series of transformation making him understand his sin. He then suffered all his life searching for redemption. Mariner was all around the places to redeem his sin. Not only he suffered attacks from his haunted past, he had to let everyone know about his deed just to feel relaxed. Mariner killed someone who helped the entire crew survive the icebergs they were in after the storm stroked them. The albatross who flew with the boat, was decided to be a help from the god himself, resulting in all the sailors trying to pet the bird.As all the crew possessed positive aura when the iceberg cracked and they again were in the open sea covered with fog. Something evil consumed mariner heart and he killed the bird with his crossbow. The entire member was cursing him for his deed at first, but when the fog started clearing out everybody was praising the Mariner. Entire crew who was turning away from Mariner for what he did was now agreeing on the sin committed. This now makes all the crew full of sin, which was not be in their favor. Soon their situation turned worse, the breeze stopped, and they were in the middle of the ocean without any movement.Without any water, â€Å"Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink. †suddenly entire crew was begging for water. It’s a human nature to be happy and sad depending on the situation he puts himself in. When there are good things happening then they all forget about the harm it can cause. Coleridge proved the human nature on this poem. When the sin was committed, one tends to agree with it, until it has any negative effect. When god started wrath upon them, entire crew turned to Mariner to curse him again for what he did.In ones normal life, one always tries their best to blame someone for the sin they have helped in. God will always punish the one who have committed sin as like in the poem. As the entire crew was involved in the crime, soon they start to get punished. They start to see the wrath from the god in form of different unnatural ways in the grip of nature. The sun was getting really hot. â€Å"Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down†¦ †â€Å"All in a hot and copper sky, The bloody sun at noon. † Hot and dry, and without water the sailors were in dire need of help.Even putting the albatross’s cross around the mariner did not help anything. They could see the slimy and gross creature with legs making entire crew suspicious about their future. After the passing of the mysterious ghost ship, all the members start dying one by one. As if the sin committed by the mariner, was all the reason for the death. The Ancient Mariner is punished mentally by the spiritual world. The Mariner feels responsible for his crews suffering (along with the Mariners own suffering) as the penalty for killing the albatross.The Mariner is punished by being forced to watch his crew be released and knowing he must suffer further (he must suffer alone): â€Å"The souls did from their bodies fly, They fled to bliss or woe! And every soul, it passed me by, Like the whizz of my cross-bow. †The Ancient Mariners physical and mental punishment continues and he becomes the living dead. The Mariner is force d to feel constant pain and has the constant urge to tell others (who he knows must hear his story) his story in order to momentarily relieve his pain: â€Å"That agony returns: And till my ghastly tale is told, this hurt within me burns. God plays in mysterious ways. Although Mariner is getting punished as his colleagues are dying one by one and all he can do is just look at them cursing him. To make mariner responsible for their misfortune they hung an albatross cross around the neck so that the mariner will see that every time and feel the pain and agony felt by the entire crew before dying. Mariner was getting punished also he possessed the guilt, but still god was testing him. Even in the worst situation ever faced by the mariner, god had a plan from which he could escape his guilt.The mariner's own sense of guilt is enhanced through the consequences he faces in the physical world, as a result of the powers of the metaphysical world. That is the powers of the spirits in the po em, allow for severe contrasts in the physical world, which in relation to the mariner's sense of guilt, are reflective of his own unsettled mind. â€Å".. More horrible than that†¦ I saw that curse, and yet I could not die. †He was in great pain. Soon the mariner was in a condition of a living dead person. He was alive, but for no good.Soon he realizes he needs help from the god, but the presence of the negative aura makes that impossible. â€Å"I looked to heaven, and tried to pray; But or ever a prayer had gusht, A wicked whisper came, and made my heart as dry as dust†Soon that night when he again sees the slimy creatures, he finds those creatures to be really wonderful and a part of god’s creation. He then understands every creature in this world is equally loved by their creature i. e. god. After realizing that his necklace of albatross fell and he was able to pray to god. The selfsame moment I could pray; And from my neck so free The Albatross fell o ff, and sank Like lead into the sea. †With the help from god, he could hear the curious and knowledgeable voice; he has to do a lot of penance in the future. Waking up after he fainted, he found it was raining; slowly he regained consciousness, and finds that his curse has been lifted, his entire crew members were alive filled with good souls and it was making the boat to move. â€Å"Then like a pawing horse let go, she made a sudden bound; It flung the blood into my head, and I fell down in a swound. When he reached towards his home, he was approached by the pilot and his young crewmate, also accompanied by the hermit. The hermit might have been sent by the help of god for the information about the penance to be done by the mariner all his life. The boat on which mariner was lying started to get fall in the ocean like the albatross fell when it was shot. Amazingly mariner was still floating on the ocean. When they make back to the shore, Mariner immediately starts asing for redemption.As the mariner closely associates the hermit with religion, to act like a priest, upon seeing the man, the mariner believes it is he who will free him from sin. â€Å"It is the hermit good! / He singeth loud his godly hymns that he makes in the wood . He’ll shrieve my soul he’ll wash away the Albatross’ blood†. The mariner intends for the hermit to wash away the albatross’ blood, and thus, his, sins. The hermit does allow this to happen – â€Å"Oh shrieve me, shrieve me holy man! The hermit crossed his brow. ‘Say quick’, quoth he, ‘I bid thee say  what manner of man art thou?  The mariner is gripped with a compulsion to tell his story to the hermit. This is how the hermit offers the mariner redemption. As soon as he tells the story to hermit he feels really good. He is then told to tell his story to people who need to hear his tale to get off the pain that persists until he tell the story.  "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†teach us to love all the creation of the god. Submission to god is the only option for all people to enjoy their life. It is really foolish to take an instant decision and face the consequences for ever.Only people, who love God’s creation i. e. men, birds, and animal and everything created by god, can pray well and gain a place in heaven. The poem also encourages people to be faithful to god. Redemption and somewhat penance may be the only way for anyone to get rid of his sins. It is up to us to decide what action are sins and what are not. There will be objects and situation which will make it harder for one to decide, but correctly analyzing and choosing ones action is the only way not to do any sin, which is far better than to penance all over one’s life like the mariner in the poem.Citation: -Stillinger/Lynch. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. †The Norton anthology of English Literature. New York. 2006. Print -â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†. Wikipedia. Ed. Web -Shmoop Editorial Team. â€Å"The Rime of Ancient Mariner†. Shmoop. com Shmoop University, Inc. , 11/4/2012. http://www. shmoop. com/rime-of-ancient-mariner/summary. html. – SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"The rime of the Ancient Mariner. †SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2006. http://www. sparknotes. com/poetry/coleridge/section1. rhtml
Friday, November 8, 2019
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass essays
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass essays Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass In his autobiography Frederick Douglass presents a vivid picture of a horrifying period of American history that far too few people understand. Douglasss personal narrative as a slave lets readers feel the fear of his past and allows us to experience the suffering and pain inflicted by underserved beatings and an unhealthy lifestyle with too much physical exertion. Douglass exhibits very personal and fervent feelings about his history and helps his readers understand the intense hatred and disgust the American slave had for his possessor, and the sickness of hate that allowed human beings to keep other human being as chattel. The typical American slave standard of living was worse than some of the most poverty stricken countries of today. Most slaves were not as privileged to be classified as fat and happy. Slave owners, often referred to as masters, simply did not have to provide adequate food and clothing because there was no enforcement of it by law or any other authority regulator. In general, consideration and generosity for slaves were at the discretion of their beholders. Within these tragic lifestyles, ties between biological family members within the slave community were very rare. Most slave children new little, if anything, about there parents. The slaveholders instructed the elderly to care for young children and often broke the bonds between parents and their children to keep unity suppressed and ignorance high. Although Douglass too had been separated from his mother he knew of her whereabouts and was able to make contact with her prior to her death relatively early in his adoles cence. We see that Douglass persistence to keep his first name shows us he still values his heritage and family. Education was another matter that Douglass deeply valued. He believed education was the pathway from slavery to free...
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Timeless Lessons learnt from previous U.S Conflicts
Timeless Lessons learnt from previous U.S Conflicts The core responsibility of the Department of Defense is to ensure that there is well sustained security and homeland defense in the United States of America. Besides, the department is also charged with the task of overseeing international security issues that may equally pose potential threat to the United States and its citizens (NDS, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Timeless Lessons learnt from previous U.S Conflicts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result, the unparalleled conventional military wing capability is always prepared to counteract any possible attack on the U.S interests both at home and abroad. This has compelled both perceived and real enemies to restructure and find the right balance in the art and science of warfare in order to be resilient enough against United States’ grand strategy on security plan. Additionally, the U.S government in collaboration with its military leadership has quite often endeavored to shape the country’s military capabilities to be stable enough in readiness to fight and win attacks launched by the emerging 21st century enemies. On the other hand, while the U.S. military forces continue to fight insurgency warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, the same insurgents and other rival nations are integrating modern technology with ancient techniques such as mutiny and terrorism aimed at achieving egocentric political goals. It is imperative to note that countering terrorism requires appropriate strategies as well as preparedness for war at any given time. However, past war events have left trails of defeats and uncertainties due to myriad of factors that should act as lessons in guiding military and political leaders to redirect and reexamine their actions. This essay offers a succinct analysis of some of the prudent lessons that the United States military and political leaders need to learn on past conflicts. Today, the United States g overnment has put in place myriad of strategies aimed at curbing rising rates of revolts and insurgencies. It makes use of its intelligence wing to gather credible information on the strengths and weaknesses of terrorists alongside other forms of enemies. According to General Petraues (2006), one of the key elements of effectively tackling insurgencies is obtaining precise and exact intelligence. Accurate, actionable and timely intelligence reports regarding revolts, planned acts of terror as well as other related security threats have been revealed to the U.S key decision makers and military leaders.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Both internal and external capabilities of all threats to security have been identified by intelligence department. They have used intelligence information gathered to establish grand strategies. However, in order to avoid biasness and mishaps t hat leaders in the past committed, it is crucial for decision makers to come up with sound judgments before engaging in any form of war so that past blunders can be corrected once and for all. Past conflicts have witnessed U.S. military forces being committed to war with little regard of other important factors. Hence, it is highly recommended that decision makers on homeland and foreign security of U.S interests ought to read, understand and follow the Weinberger Doctrine. This doctrine lays out integral parameters that must be met prior to committing the U.S. military forces to war. The Weinberger Doctrine parameters clearly points out that before any act of war, a determining factor such as vital interests of the United States or of one or more of its allies being at stake should be established (Handel, 2001). Additionally, sufficient force should be applied to reflect unequivocally the intention of winning. Moreover, the Weinberger Doctrine highlights the principles of objective and simplicity by emphasizing that political and military goals must be clearly defined and continuously reassessed to keep cause and response in synchronization. Most importantly, before troops are committed to war, there must be a reasonable assurance of support from the American public. Finally, undertaking of a combat role should be done when there are no alternatives and as last resort (Handel, 2001). Clear and well defined objectives depend on accurate knowledge of an enemy’s anatomy and physiology. The success of the grand strategy depends on accurateness and timely intelligence information shared by every participating organization. The lessons learned from the Vietnam War clearly emphasized the importance of having sterling intelligence gathering capabilities in order to shape the U.S. grand strategy. Apparently, the United States decision makers did not have vivid information on the Viet Cong’s strengths and weaknesses. In turn, it led to vague political obj ectives. The United States Armed Forces employed superior air power attacks against Viet Cong and achieved swift military victory. This decisive military victory did not kill the determination of the Viet Cong to fight with the Americans.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Timeless Lessons learnt from previous U.S Conflicts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Instead, Viet Cong’s army employed the art and science of guerilla warfare against the U.S. military forces. The U.S. decision makers and military leaders continued in ignorance to deliver fly-by responses to counter the Viet Cong attack. The end result was that the number of U.S. casualties started to pile up. The aftermath of Vietnam War has been used as a lesson to the United States decision makers and military leaders about the need for balance mechanism before engaging in any war. During conflicts and times of war, the concept of Clausewitz trinity emphas ized that it is crucial for the government, military and the general public to exercise proper balance (Handel, 2001). It is instructive to note that the United States lost the Vietnam War since its government lost the battle back home. If the United States government intends to succeed in fighting wars abroad, it must first win the battle at home (Gray, 2005). Professor Zimmermann (2011) argues that both senior military and political leaders must be adept and flexible enough in forming winning strategies before going to war. Furthermore, they must be well acquainted with comprehensive knowledge on the art and science of war and how it is supposed to be balanced. Finally, he points out that knowing the enemies’ strategies, societal and cultural weak points as well as their mindset is key to victory (Zimmermann, 2011). The U.S. decision makers and military leaders must deliver clear and achievable objectives. The leadership must incorporate some exit strategy and well-defined end-states when establishing war plans to avoid mistakes made through fly-by responses. The Vietnam War planners violated key doctrines related to the 12 Principles of the Joint Operations which includes the principles of objective, offensive, mass, economy of force, maneuver, unity of command or effort, security, surprise, simplicity, restraint, perseverance, and legitimacy (JP 3-0, 2008). As Handel (2001) observes, one of the ways of achieving political goals is through military victory (Handel, 2001). According to President Bush, military wars are not intended to bring stability or linger for long, but they are meant to be swift with winning purpose (Gordon Trainor, 2006). Additionally, he wanted the force level to be smaller and faster in contrast to the First Gulf War plan (Gordon Trainor, 2006). The Operation Enduring Freedom and the Operation Iraqi Freedom was oriented to military strategy.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Again, with all the show and effort, swift military victories were achieved but the wars failed to attain the much needed peace and tranquility. Lack of intelligence-gathering capabilities on the part of United States caught its leadership off-guard. The disgruntled Iraqis joined the al-Qaeda movement and utilized insurgency warfare to kill Americans. At this point, it is imperative to note that the U.S military forces and her Allies have not been fit enough to fight insurgency warfare largely due to the fact that the US leadership including military leaders have forgotten lessons learned from the Vietnam War. The high-frequency U.S military forces are also not well prepared to fight insurgency. It is vital to reiterate that the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 restructured the U.S. military forces. As such, the United States Armed Forces is known as the Joint Forces, which should be very able to fight against the 21st century enemies and win with ease. Importantly, the U.S. Army under took modularization that integrated it right into the principle of the economy of force (Metz, 2007). As such, the Joint Special Operation Forces (JSOF) has continued to shape its team towards leaner-and-combat ready forces. The JSOF have become essential capabilities for the U.S. Department of Defense through good communication, speed, precision weapons, and accurate and timely Intelligence report afforded at the Sea, Air, and Land. It is through the aforementioned essential capabilities that SEAL team 6 got the opportunity to kill Osama bin Laden instantaneously. Today, the Joint Special Forces are currently deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and other areas of the globe executing a range of military operations such as law enforcement and security to troubled nations.The Joint Special Forces provided the host nation civilian population tight security to be able to live a near-normal life. Besides, this military wing has embedded with the host nations’ civilian population and as such provides the willing local national’s education and training regarding law enforcement and security protocols to assist them in nation-building operations. It is common knowledge that security is a vital and necessary during stability and reconstruction operation. Without tight security, stability and reconstruction mission will not be achieved. The Joint Special Forces and related partners are continuing to project military interventions to ensure the United States, her Allies, its coalition partners ,the public and private organization as well as the local nationals who works side-by-side to accomplish the stability and reconstruction operation will succeed. The embedded Joint Special Forces can transmit via secured line of communication accurate intelligence information regarding the host nation civilian population, the local insurgents, and the transnational extremists’ current activities. Additionally, it can utilize the local nationals as human intelligence , a form of employment to earn money. Moreover, the Joint Special Forces utilizes network-centric warfare (NCW) to counter possible kinetic attack from insurgents. The NCW characterizes warfare in the information age (Groh, 2006). The link between the sensor and shooter is tailored with the right precision munitions to minimize collateral damage and prevent fratricide. Additionally, the Joint Forces utilizes NCW to destroy time-sensitive targets (TST). When close air support (CAS) is needed, the ground forces can reach back to the NCW and request for close air support. The CAS should first be used against positively identified targets that may be critical to the success of an operation (Gordon Trainor, 2006). Furthermore, CAS must be coordinated with the army systems to suppress enemy air defenses right before the CAS strikes. That requires close coordination between the air liaison officer and the fire support officer (Zimmermann, 2011). The synergistic effect between the ground f orces, the network centric-warfare, and the air capabilities are lethal. The system interconnectivity is a force multiplier. Air tankers form part of force multiplier. Aerial refueling capabilities have been used by the US forces to enhance rapid transport of critical capabilities to the Combatant Commander. The materials transported include fresh ground forces, ammunitions, crucial spare parts, medical personnel and medical supplies. The rapid medical air-evacuation of the severely burned and critically wounded warriors from the battlefield to Landstuhl Army Medical Center in Germany or to the burn unit at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas saved thousands of lives. Local nationals that need further medical interventions have been flown to Germany or to the United States. This is one way of winning the heart and minds of the host nation civilian population, the most challenging terrain to win (Petraues, 2006). Petraues (2006) pointed out that the host nation civilian population is the decisive terrain. To win the hearts and minds of the host nation civilian population as well as the enemies, the United States and her partners must know what the local population needed most (AFDD 2-3, 2007). The Joint Special Forces and the Human Intelligence are the Combatant Commander’s priceless assets. These capabilities provide real situational awareness of the host nation’s current health status. Understanding the critical infrastructures that are mostly needed are crucial. Addiionally, understanding the host nation’s cultures, beliefs, religions, society, economic, ideology, and politics are critical elements that the U.S. political and military leadership leaders should know. Their grand strategy must fit into the host nation’s chronic problem in order to provide a long term solutions. The Joint Forces can train and educate the willing civilian population and work side by side building critical infrastructures such as the water system, schools, road and bridges, the economy, electrical grid, and medical facilities. This action promotes the feeling of ownership and boosts self-esteem (Natsios, 2005) Moreover, the U.S leadership must train, educate, organize and equip each warrior prior to deployment so that they can be knowledgeable and become experts in various areas. The expert warriors can decisively employ the art and science of capturing and winning the hearts and minds of the host nation’s population as well as reshaping the behavior of the captured enemies and enemies on the loose (Petraues, 2006). The AFDD 2-3 states that in a protracted war, winning entails depriving the enemy of the support of people reducing the influence of an enemy and overlooking the legitimacy of a competing ideology (AFDD, 2007). Conclusion and recommendations The successful counterinsurgency operation in El Salvador proved that military activities were subordinate to economic, political, and psychological activities . African Nations that continue to suffer from drought, famine, and diseases will continue to challenge the United States security at home and interests abroad. Additionally, the available natural resources should be explored and marketed and proceeds used to set up reliable water systems, food supplies, well-equipped medical facilities and schools. Moreover, the Joint Special Forces or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should recruit, train, educate and equip the local people on matters of security and law enforcement. The new local recruits should know the cultures, languages, beliefs, and geography of places in order to effectively secure jobs such as security officers and law enforcement officers. The Joint Special Forces or NATO can also strengthen the nation’s Army through education, training and equipping them with current military technologies. The Unites States leadership must also expand the number of Special Forces and the Human Intelligence network. Th e warriors should continue to learn how to speak, read and write foreign languages in order to be effective in the battle field. The instruments of power such as diplomacy, information, military, economic, law enforcement, sharing of Intelligence reports, security, education and training ought to be integrated with the nine principles of reconstruction which include ownership, capacity building, sustainability, selectivity, assessment, results, partnership, flexibility and accountability in order to succeed in the stability and reconstruction operation. Finally, in order to defend the United States security at home as well as interests abroad, the U.S. military capabilities must be flexible and strong enough to fight and win wars against the surging 21st century enemies. Reference list Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-3. Irregular Warfare, 1 August 2007. Groh, Jeffrey, â€Å"Network-Centric Warfare: Just About Technology?†2006. Gordon, Michael, and Bernard Trainor. Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq. New York: Pantheon Books, 2006 Handel, Michael. â€Å"Strategy: Past Theories, Modern Practice.†In Masters of War: Classical Strategic Thought, 1-16. Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 2001. Metz, Steven. Learning from Iraq: Counterinsurgency in American Strategy. Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, 2007. Natsios, Andrew. â€Å"The Nine Principles of Reconstruction and Development.†Parameters, 35, no. 3 (Autumn 2005): 4-20. Petraues, David. â€Å"Learning Counterinsurgency: Observations from Soldiering in Iraq.†Military Review (January-February 2006): 2-12. U.S. Department of Defense, The National Defense Strategy of the United States of America. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, June 2008. U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Joint Publication 3-0: Joint Operations. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 17 September 2006 [13 February 2008]. Zimmermann, Ralph Email Fe edback 12 August 2011. Zimmermann, Ralph Week 4 Feedback, 7 July 2011.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Resolving Both Passive Construction and Verbosity
Resolving Both Passive Construction and Verbosity Resolving Both Passive Construction and Verbosity Resolving Both Passive Construction and Verbosity By Mark Nichol Writers often unconsciously construct a sentence in which the key information appears at the tail of the sentence. Many, too, take insufficient care to avoid wordiness. All too frequently, readers stumble across sentences that suffer from both problems. In this post are three examples of sentences that are both passive and verbose. The discussion that follows each describes the problems, and revisions demonstrate solutions. Note that passive construction is not always a malady to be remedied (it can effectively emphasize a point) and verbosity is not necessarily bad (wordiness can be employed for effect or to clarify an ambiguity), but the careful writer always chooses to retain such features only after consideration. 1. At this time, an economic downturn is not anticipated by most established business plans. Notice that in each of these examples, the sentence ends with the syntax â€Å"(verb) by (noun phrase).†However, the sentence is usually improved if a noun phrase relegated to this position supplants the original subject, as here: â€Å"At this time, most established business plans do not anticipate an economic downturn.†Further improvement results by omitting the extraneous introductory phrase: â€Å"Most established business plans do not anticipate an economic downturn.†2. Relocation of buildings could eventually be implemented by property owners. â€Å"Relocation of buildings†is a valid subject, but actors, rather than people, places, or things acted on, best fill the role: â€Å"Property owners could eventually implement relocation of buildings.†Here, the sentence is rendered more concise by converting the nominalization (verb turned noun) back to a verb and omitting what is now a superfluous verb: â€Å"Property owners could eventually relocate buildings.†3. The major contribution to increased efficiency was achieved by the team. Again, whenever possible, begin a sentence by first naming the actors rather than the acted upon: â€Å"The team achieved a major contribution to increased efficiency.†Here, too, the sentence can be truncated by converting one part of speech to another and jettisoning unnecessary words; in this case, increased is transmogrified from an adjective to a verb, the weak verb achieved is eliminated, and the excessive elaboration â€Å"a major contribution to†is deleted as well: â€Å"The team significantly increased efficiency.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should Avoid15 Great Word GamesInspiring vs. Inspirational
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Charki - The Original Jerky Method of Preserving Meat
Ch'arki - The Original Jerky Method of Preserving Meat The word jerky, referring to a dried, salted and pounded form of all kinds of animal meat, has its origins in the South American Andes, perhaps about the same time as the llama and alpaca were domesticated. Jerky is from charki, a Quechua word for a specific type of dried and deboned camelid (alpaca and llama) meat, perhaps produced by South American cultures for some eight or so thousands of years. Jerky is one of a multitude of meat preservation techniques which were no doubt used by historic and prehistoric peoples, and like many of them, it is a technique for which archaeological evidence must be supplemented by ethnographic studies. Benefits of Jerky Jerky is a form of meat preservation in which fresh meat is dried to prevent it from spoiling. The principal purpose and outcome of the process of drying meat is to reduce water content, which inhibits microbial growth, decreases overall bulk and weight, and causes a proportionate increase in salt, protein, ash and fat content by weight. Salted and fully dried jerky can have an effective shelf life of at least 3-4 months, but under the right conditions can be much longer. The dried product can have over twice the caloric yield of fresh meat, based on weight. For example, the ratio of fresh meat to charki varies between 2:1 and 4:1 by weight, but the protein and nutritive value remain equivalent. Preserved jerky can be later rehydrated through prolonged water soaking, and in South America, charki is most commonly consumed as reconstituted chips or small pieces in soups and stews. Easily transportable, nutritious and boasting a prolonged shelf life: no wonder charki was an important pre-Columbian Andian subsistence resource. A luxury food to the Incas, charki was made available to the common folk as during ceremonial occasions and military service. Charki was demanded as a tax, and deposited in was used as a form of tax to be deposited in state storehouses along the Inca road system to provision imperial armies. Making Charki Pinning down when charki was first made is tricky. Archaeologists have used historical and ethnographic sources to discover how charki was made, and from that developed a theory about what archaeological remains can be expected from that process. The earliest written record we have comes from the Spanish friar and conquistador Bernabà © Cobo. Writing in 1653, Cobo wrote that Peruvian people prepared charki by cutting it into slices, putting the slices on ice for a time and then pounding it thin. More recent information from modern day butchers in Cuzco support this method. They make strips of deboned meat of uniform thickness, no more than 5 mm (1 inch), to control the consistency and timing of the drying process. These strips are exposed to the elements in high altitudes during the driest and coldest months between May and August. There the strips are hung on lines, specially constructed poles, or simply placed on rooftops to keep them out of reach of scavenging animals. After between 4-5 (or as many as 25 days, recipes vary), the strips are removed from the are pounded between two stones to make them thinner still. Charki is made by different methods in different parts of South America: for example, in Bolivia, what is called charki is dried meat with fragments of foot and skulls left, and in the Ayucucho region, meat simply dried on the bone is called charki. Meat dried at higher elevations can be done with cold temperatures alone; meat dried at lower elevations is done by smoking or salting. Identifying Meat Preservation The primary way that archaeologists identify the likelihood of some form of meat preservation having occurred is by the schlep effect: identifying meat butchering and processing areas by the types of bones left in each type of spot. The schlep effect argues that, especially for larger animals, it is not efficient to lug around the entire animal, but instead, you would butcher the animal at or near the point of kill and take the meat-bearing parts back to camp. The Andean highlands gives an excellent example of that. From ethnographic studies, traditional camelid butchers in Peru slaughtered animals near the pastures high in the Andes, then divided the animal into seven or eight parts. The head and lower limbs were discarded at the slaughter site, and the major meat-bearing portions were then moved to a lower elevation production site where they were further broken down. Finally, the processed meat was brought into market. Since the traditional method of processing charki required that it be done at relatively high elevations during the dry part of the winters, theoretically an archaeologist could identify butchering sites by finding an over-representation of head and distal limb bones, and identify processing site by an over-representation of proximal limb bones at lower-elevation (but not too lower) processing sites. Two problems exist with that (as with traditional schlep effect). First, identifying body parts after the bones have been processed is difficult because bones which are exposed to weathering and animal scavenging are difficult to identify the body part with confidence. Stahl (1999) among others addressed that by examining bone densities in different bones in the skeleton and applying them to tiny fragments left at sites, but his results were varied. Secondly, even if bone preservation was ideal, you could really only say youve identified butchering patterns, and not necessarily how the meat was processed. Bottom Line: How Old is Jerky? Nevertheless, it would be foolhardy to argue that the meat from animals slaughtered in cold climates and transported to warmer climates was not preserved for the trip in some manner. No doubt some form of jerky was made at least at the time of camelid domestication and perhaps before. The real story might be that all weve traced here is the origins of the word jerky, and making jerky (or pemmican or kavurmeh or some other form of preserved meat) by freezing, salting, smoking or some other method might well have been a skill developed by complex hunter-gatherers everywhere some 12,000 or better years ago. Sources This glossary entry is a part of the guide to the Ancient Foods, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Miller GR, and Burger RL. 2000. Charki at Chavin: Ethnographic Models and Archaeological Data. American Antiquity 65(3):573-576. Madrigal TC, and Holt JZ. 2002. White Tailed Deer Meat and Marrow Return Rates and Their Application to Eastern Woodlands Archaeology. American Antiquity 67(4):745-759. Marshall F, and Pilgram T. 1991. Meat versus within-bone nutrients: Another look at the meaning of body part representation in archaeological sites. Journal of Archaeological Science 18(2):149-163. Speth, John D. D. The Paleoanthropology and Archaeology of Big-Game Hunting: Protein, Fat, or Politics? Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology, 2010 edition, Springer, July 24, 2012. Stahl PW. 1999. Structural density of domesticated South American camelid skeletal elements and the archaeological investigation of prehistoric Andean Charki. Journal of Archaeological Science 26:1347-1368.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Public Safety Leaders and the Study of the Future Research Paper
The Public Safety Leaders and the Study of the Future - Research Paper Example Sadly there are some real-life scenarios in the contemporary times, which may extend some relevant insights to the public safety leaders as to how to achieve a balance between the current and future needs. The 9/11 disaster is in itself a glaring example as to how the public safety leaders in the United States failed to interpret the developments taking place in the present, which lead to a leadership crisis in the future (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 2004). 9/11 was not only a grave intelligence failure but also a failure on the part of the public safety leaders to arrive at a prognosis of the future threats from the available facts, developments and intelligence inputs (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 2004). Going by the topic under consideration, the positive and heartening thing is that in the public safety scenarios, both the success and failure of the leadership models resorted to extend important and vital inputs regarding the needs and requirements of the present are in a way also indicative of the future needs, provided the involved leadership does not fall a victim to a chronic tunnel vision (Storey, 2004, p. 9). In that context, the public safety leaders always need to have their feet firmly fixed in the present, while having a vision that takes the future within its ambit. The current failures and mishaps not only furnish the requisite feedback for immediate improvements but also yield an inventory as to the possible future challenges and requirements (Avolio, 2005, p. 79). So the public safety leaders should be really good at extrapolating the feedbacks of the present to predict the requirements of the future (Avolio, 2005, p. 79). There is a dire tendency amongst the public safety leaders to allocate a greater proportion of the resources and manpower to the immediate scenarios.Â
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