Monday, February 24, 2020
Critically discuss how childhood and youth research builds on a series Essay
Critically discuss how childhood and youth research builds on a series of values, beliefs and images about children and young people. Suggested approach - Essay Example The aim of participation is to ensure good outcomes for children and young people themselves, community and organization. The involvement of children and young people is likely to be important to them if they can identify that their views have a consideration and have made a difference. Effective participation means that the involvement of young people and children leads to change (Bucknall 2014). Researches that involve children and young people bring up ethical concerns that involve: Researchers need to respect the developing nature of young people and children to be involved in deciding whether to participate in research. Their level of maturity has an effect on whether his/her consent is important or enough to authorize participation (Cooper 2014). iii. Young people who are developing- They are able to understand some relevant information, but they remain vulnerable. There must be consent of these young people which may not be sufficient to authorize research. Research on children and young people reveal make things concerning this group of people. Scientists, scholars and researchers have carried out investigations on young people and came up with various conclusions. Investigating the sexual behaviors of the young people is a very interesting adventure. There is a common belief that young people are very active sexually. In their adolescence stage of life, young people normally experience various biological changes that may confuse them. Irrespective of geographical location, children and young people experience biological changes that affect their physical appearance. The question in the mind of researchers is whether a person’s environment affects their sexual behaviors. In order to solve this question, research must be done. Young people who live in urban places are exposed to many things in life. The urban environment tends to provoke the young people to
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Macbeth Act 5 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Macbeth Act 5 - Coursework Example This is another sign of ill conscience, of some cruelty committed by her. To wash someone’s hand means the person takes off responsibility for certain actions of his or of someone else. Lady Macbeth continuously trying to â€Å"wash her hands†of the blood, and it seems she does not succeed in it. It proves that Lady Macbeth’s mind is not at peace even when she sleeps. â€Å"It is an accustomed action with her, to seem/ thus washing her hands. I have known her continue in / this a quarter of an hour.†(4.1.25-27) 2. Is the murder of Duncan the only death that troubles Lady Macbeth? Answer specifically with direct quotations from the text. It is not only Duncan’s death that troubles Lady Macbeth. We do not know, if she feels guilty for many deaths her husband caused, such as the death of Macduff’s family, but we do know she feels responsible for Banquo’s murder. In her state of sleepwalking she talks to Macbeth â€Å"I tell you yet aga in, Banquo's buried; he/cannot come out on's grave.†(5.1.57-58) 3. Are you satisfied that Lady Macbeth is revealed in this state at the beginning of Act 5, or do you think that she should have had more scenes through the middle of the play? Explain your answer.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Shark Finning Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Shark Finning Industry - Research Paper Example The paper states that the finning industry is based on the following practice: ‘the fin of each shark is chopped off and the rest is discharged’ (Verclar et al. 1078). Then, the fin is likely to be used for soup, after being diverted to the market, in its natural form or using an appropriate package. The consumption of fin of sharks is quite common in many countries worldwide. However, this ‘custom’ threatens the population of sharks internationally. In accordance with recent research, the finning industry worldwide is a continuously growing industry, with the value of the fin to reach the $116/ kg (Verclar et al. 1078). India is among the countries with the highest performance in this industry; in accordance with Verclar et al. the annual shark production of India reaches the 45,500 tonnes (Verclar et al. 1078), a significant figure if taking into consideration the price of the particular product in the market, as presented above. It is clear that the profi ts of the particular industry can be significant, a fact which may be considered as a barrier to the control of the phenomenon. As noted in the study of Verclar et al., about 20 species of sharks will be extinguished by 2017 if the shark finning industry continues its current rate of expansion (Verclar et al. 1078). However, the current signs regarding the development of this industry are rather discouraging; instead of being reduced, the finning industry is further expanded with other countries to be involved in such activities. An indicative example is China, which has started to activate in many areas of the specific industry – acting as ‘producer, importer, consumer, and processing center’ (Verclar et al. 1079); other countries also have been attracted by the prospects that the particular industry offers. Indonesia, Pakistan, and Singapore (Verclar et al. 1079) are some of the countries, which have been involved in various areas of the shark finning industry.  The shark finning industry offers many prospects as a business activity, as it combines the trade of fin, as a product of significant value, with the trade of other parts of the shark – meaning the body and the bones (Verclar et al. 1080). At this point, it should be noted that ‘not all fins of a shark are of the same value’ (Verclar et al. 1080). In any case, since all parts of the body of a shark can be disposed to the market, the fishing of sharks is quite popular, guaranteeing high profits. Efforts have been made for setting limits to the particular activity since a threat of the extinction of many species of shark has been made clear. Under this threat, the Government of India prohibited the fishing of a particular species of shark, the Elasmobranchii, in 2001 (Verclar et al. 1080); the Gazette Notification through which this prohibition was imposed has been proved particularly valuable for the protection of the above species. Another practice used for t he control of shark finning industry worldwide is the DNA checks; through these checks, the level of limitation of each shark species can be identified – by checking various parts of the bodies of sharks disposed to market (Verclar et al. 1080). The above method has the following disadvantage: not all parts of the body of a shark can prove valid information on the species of the shark; however, new DNA checks have been improved allowing the identification of sharks’ DNA even from dried fins (Verclar et al. 1080). Particular attention should be paid to the effects of shark finning industry for the marine ecosystems. In accordance with Taylor (2010), sharks are predators, which helps to keep balance in prey worldwide (Taylor, online article).
Monday, February 3, 2020
Benefits of Plea Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Benefits of Plea Bargaining - Essay Example Plea bargaining is the procedure through which a person accused for an offense concurs to appeal for being culpable to a slighter crime in switch over for a gentle punishment, a lessening of accuses, or further advantages. For years judges, prosecutors, and lawyers have acknowledged plea bargaining for speediness of the execution of the packed courts. Plea bargaining is being gradually more disparaged, though, it does not press the trial to confirm the defendant's fault further than a logical uncertainty, refutes the charged one a adjudicators tribunal, and permits various defendants to descend very imperceptibly. (Fisher, 2004) The plea bargaining practice is quite well institutionalized in the judicial system of USA. It seems to function proficiently and speedily. However, there is always a question whether this current day practice is capable of defending the legitimate civil liberties and to attain ultimate fairness and impartiality consistent with the USA perception correct procedure expressed by criminal justice judicial system or whether it has simply turned into a superficial and ineffective process a self governing status. (Fisher, 2007) 1. Benefits of Plea Bargaining 1. As stated by Jones (1978) flexibility is being provided through plea bargaining which is necessary for changing for turning out substantive fairness. However, in spite of or because of its predominance, plea bargaining still stay a notorious exercise in the world of crime and punishment. The concern that blameless defendant may appeal accountable stimulates frequently impassioned argument about the topic. 2. An agreement made between the charged individual and the prosecutor whereby the defendant may appeal guilty to switch over to either a slighter punishment or an abridged accuse, is usually referred as Plea Bargaining. (Alschuler, 1979) He further states that the agreement of plea bargaining takes place between the offender and the prosecutor to enable the defendant to avail reduced sentence and presently in US criminal act convictions almost 95% are resolved through such plea bargaining. Characteristically, such agreements can be divided into three types: Verdict bargaining Count bargaining Charge bargaining. 3. When there is no certainty of the ultimate judgment of a hearing, the defendant may take a benefit of plea of guilty by copping a plea, as an alternative of attending the trial. This will lessen the ambiguity of the hearing. Thus, in this case the plea bargain seems to provide a liberty of selection to the charged individual. 4. As viewed from the perception of the state, plea bargaining is beneficial in terms of economizing both time and resources while obtaining a guilty conviction. The fact is recognized by all legal experts that each and every filed case is not meant for a trial otherwise the entire judicial system may disintegrate if so many trials are executed. (Amoury, 2002) 5. The plea bargaining seems to be more impartial for both the witnesses and potential judges. It is imaginable that
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