Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The New Fuss About Phd Creative Writing
The New Fuss About Phd Creative Writing The Basic Facts of Phd Creative Writing You wish to see the way your plot world will unfold. An amazing FF story is similar to the fragment of a hologram. Get it right and you've got a plot. Present the exact standard story to numerous award schemes at the exact same time! You must be crazy about books as a kid to set up the neural architecture necessary to write one. The reader shouldn't have to look elsewhere to understand it. The returns that could be gained by means of a story writing contest aren't entirely financial. What's more, whenever you create in addition to submit a story you'll boost your creative writing ability. Boston University's Creative Writing Program is just one of the oldest in the nation. Dialogue beats can be extremely subtle. So, University of Southern California might be an excellent chance for you. There are 30 doctoral programs that provide a PhD in Creative Writing in the usa. Things You Should Know About Phd Creative Writing You will have to supply a PhD proposal by means of your application, which will set out the structure of your undertaking. For example, you could pursue some of these areas in your postgraduate studies. There's the internet application shipping feature and phd in. Check to your intended u niversity for more info for their admissions guidelines and writing requirements. Still, everything is dependent on how an applicant can present their aptitude for the program. You're an interesting individual. Our students do a great deal of hard important reading and research, and a number of them write and publish traditional literary critical works. An online creating writing degree might be an ideal alternative for students that are working. Please be sure you accept your unconditional offer within 4 weeks of getting your offer. Real people simply don't speak this way, not all the moment. On-line programs are a really good means to keep in your creative writing space when earning your degree. The Basics of Phd Creative Writing That You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Immediately Some schools may let you apply with just a bachelor's degree. If you would like to receive your doctorate degree in creative writing, there are many universities throughout the country with creative writing programs to think about. It's essential to note that online programs may require students to participate in residency programs. Almost no other UK University supplies you with the chance to learn the intense graduate academic language skills which you might want to pursue your research. Things You Should Know About Phd Creative Writin g You have to submit a writing sample as an essential element of your application. Obviously what you put on the shape and just what you find yourself researching may be somewhat different, but to be able to judge whether to give you a place, the Department should know whether you've got the broad outlines of a viable project. Feel free to supply a statement (no more than one page) of how your distinct perspective may donate to the synergy of a diverse learning community. Bay path's internet mfa program on some on-line application form connection. Manuscripts won't be returned. It may also be a set of poetry. Most creative dissertations require an essential component. Please don't send entire manuscripts. Anyway, very good writers are really really difficult to find out in the actual worldCreativity is a really marketable skill. The remedy is to maintain on composing! It requires great craft skill to create the reader care about figures and situations which are wholly fabricated. 1 reason may be teaching opportunities. To think away from the norm. While you don't require formal education to be an expert writer, you may choose to enroll in a Ph.D. program with the intention of refining your craft. Our program has about twenty writers at any particular time, and it provides an intimate writing community and a bracing academic experience. In addition, workshops could supply a welcoming and secure atmosphere for students to give and get critical feedback on their work. Furthermore, writing workshops could offer a welcoming and secure atmosphere for students to give and get critical feedback on their work.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Argumentative Essay On Comic Books - 1642 Words
Ever thought how dumb comic books or graphic novels were growing up? Why such avid readers were called (myself included) nerds? Yet were smarter than you? Think back to how geeky their way of speaking was and they touched on such complexities even for a book! Shortly, reasoning will tell you why comic books are the best. Over the years, from the 20th to 21st century, research and documentation has been stacking up to prove that comic books make their readers smarter. Comics make you want to read, and they use complex language which progresses verbal intelligence. Like steroids for the mind, comics can take struggling readers and make them stronger! Comics like there general formatâ€â€booksâ€â€have been crazed with obstruction and ridicule. In†¦show more content†¦Children afflicted with autism can learn a lot about identifying emotions through the images in a graphic novel. Additionally, for children with dyslexia, while it might be very frustrating for them to finish a page of a traditional book, they often feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete a page in a comic book. Many schools with a special needs programs to regular core classes have used or are currently having this medium inducted into their classrooms as a way to help students. Accomplishment is important to child as much as it is making their parents proud. Its a huge self-esteem booster and leads to kids naturally wanting to read more. However, when kids have low self-esteem, they arent strong readers and that can discourage them from wanting to read. But these type of books are a great way to promote literacy. Naturally, administrators do not want to give ESL or ELA students â€Å"picture books.†Kids would reject that and deem it embarrassing because that is how comic books were so generally perceived. However, a comic book at a lower reading level might give kids the reading confidence they need while boosting their reading and language skills. This is true even among a higher level of education or corporal business as explained in a graphic presentation of an empirical examination of the graphic novelShow MoreRelatedWriters Reflection Essay1463 Words  | 6 Pagesremember always writing childish stories, and comic books. In second grade I even won a writers competition. Writing has always been a part of my life. I keep a journal to write important events happening in my life and I like to write poems as well. However, during my high school years writing essays became more complex. For some reason I couldn’t seem to fully understand the different techniques you need in order to write a successful essay. English 49 being my first English collegeRead MorePersonal Experience Can Have Profound Impact On Quality And Style Of Writing1332 Words  | 6 Pageswas the death of King s mother and how he eventually would have to deal with his vices. His argument can apply to academic writing through comparing his experience to another author s. It can also apply in terms of his cultural references to comic books and films. 2. I identified 5 tips I believed that were interesting, one of them which King states that â€Å" One of the really bad things you can do to your writing I to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you’re maybe a littleRead MoreInfluences On My Identity Essay1630 Words  | 7 PagesNursery walls painted baby blue, the bedding a classic Winnie-the-Pooh print. Stroller and car seat covered in neutral plaid. Footed onesies in shades of white, yellow, and green. A long list of unisex names from which to choose. Sifting through my baby book, it is easy to see tell that my parents had no clue what gender their new baby would be. That is, until I came into the world in a flurry of activity and someoneâ€â€probably the doctorâ€â€announced â€Å"It s a girl!†My grandmother immediately went out to purchaseRead MoreDiscuss Alexander Popes The Rape Of The Lock as a Mock Heroic Poem.2174 Words  | 9 PagesHeroi-Comical Poem or a mock epic. In it the familiar social reality in which the poem is rooted undergoes a transformation through the comic use of the epic parallel so that what is created is a unique blend of fantasy (supernatural deities) and reality. Pope is a satirical poet of civilised life, defining its positives by exposing its negatives with great argumentative structure and verbal artistry. This is shown in The Rape of the Lock as it oscillates between comicality mockery as Pope juxtaposesRead MorePhillipine Literary Periods3839 Words  | 16 PagesPlanted seeds of nationalism in Filipinos 2. Language shifted from Spanish to Tagalog 3. Addressed the masses instead of the â€Å"intelligentsia†B. Literary Forms 1. Propaganda Literature - Reformatory in objective a. Political Essays – satires, editorials and news articles were written to attack and expose the evils of Spanish rule i. Diariong Tagalog – founded by Marcelo del Pilar ii. La Solidaridad – whose editor-in-chief is Graciano Lopez-JaenaRead MoreThe Horror Of The Television Show Dexter Essay1958 Words  | 8 Pagesrationalizing these murders as benefitting society as a whole. Although serving justice may not be his primary motivation, his murders are seen as â€Å"less bad†by viewers, as Dexter’s punishment of evil morally differs in no way from the antics of comic book superheroes. Although many critics of Dexter remain skeptical as to what possible appeal a serial killer could hold, the answer lies in the American public’s mass desire for righteous retribution. Another appeal of Dexter Morgan rests on theRead MoreGrammar: Figures of Speech5410 Words  | 22 Pagessells sea shells). Although the term is not used frequently in the multiple-choice section, you can look for alliteration in any essay passage. The repetition can reinforce meaning, unify ideas, supply a musical sound, and/or echo the sense of the passage. Allusion – A direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art. Allusions can be historical, literary, religious, topical, or mythical. There are many more possibilitiesRead MoreCritical Discourse On The Cyclops Essay2421 Words  | 10 Pagesattention paid towards the episode’s narrative structure and characterization. In this paper, I will explore the episode’s history of critical discourse, beginning first by looking at the process of its creation as explicated by Michael Groden in his essay â€Å"‘Cyclops’ in Progress, 1919.†I will then compare the analyses of David Hayman and Hugh Kenner of 1974 and 1980 respectively, the latter of which having been informed in no small part by the former, before briefly looking at a modern analysis of theRead MoreA View from the Bridge Essay10643 Words  | 43 Pagesimportant†, not the formal justice of American l aw, but the Code of Honor and its loyalty that had its roots in the Italian background of this immigrant community. It is as if we are looking over the ‘bridge’ into these events. Therefore, in this essay I will be interpreting the possible symbolisms of the Bridge and how does it relate to the dramatic situations in the play. Initially, A View From the Bridge depicts a detached and an objective view from the top; it refers to the ideal vantage-pointRead MoreArt or Propaganda? - a comparison between Alain Locke and W.E.B.Dubois5435 Words  | 22 Pagesheritage. (Johnson, W.) One of the factors contributing to the rise of the Harlem Renaissance was the great migration of African-Americans to northern cities (such as New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.) between 1919 and 1926. In his influential book The New Negro (1925), Locke described the northward migration of blacks as something like a spiritual emancipation. Black urban migration, combined with trends in American society as a whole toward experimentation during the 1920s, and the rise of
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Only Parents Can Stop the Violence Essay - 815 Words
Only Parents Can Stop the Violence In today’s society there is a debate going on about whether or not violence has an effect on young children and teenagers. On one hand there are people saying that violence on television has no effect on children. On the other hand it is very easy to prove that television violence has a direct effect on children. There are many studies that show how obvious the impact of television is on the way children act. Children and teens watch a lot of television from their young years until they graduate high school. One study shows that kids will watch 18,000 hours of television by the time they graduate high school(Kalin). This is 5,000 more hours than they spend at school. So the impact†¦show more content†¦One study I found said that children who watch violent television could become â€Å"immune†to the horror of violence. It also said that children could begin to accept violence as a way to solve problems(Children and TV Violence). What are these kids watching that is so violent? â€Å"A child spending Saturday morning in front of the television will most likely be learning about violence, consumerism, and stereotypes†(Kalin). This is disturbing to think that cartoons are the source of violence, but unfortunately they are. â€Å"The level of violence in prime time television is about five violent acts per hour, whereas the level of violence in childrenâ₠¬â„¢s Saturday morning programming is about twenty to twenty five violent acts per hour(Kalin). With nothing but violence as a guide to solving problems, it is easy to see why kids are involved in so much violence. Since violence among children has become such a problem, the government has come up with a solution. They have come up with a device called the V-chip. This chip is not an actual thing, but merely a modification of existing technology in TV sets, i.e., the closed-captioning system(V-chip story). This idea lets parents control what their kids watch by blocking out what kind of shows can be seen on at a certain time on a certain channel. â€Å"The law requires manufacturers to install a ‘V-chip’ in new television sets and requires that, if the networks establish ratings, theyShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Teen Violence995 Words  | 4 PagesTeen violence has become a longstanding agent in the culture of the nation’s youth. Every year, approximately one-million twelve to nineteen year olds are murdered or assaulted, many by their peers, and teenagers are more than twice as likely as adults to become the victims of violence. From schools (grammar and high s chool) being subdued by a fellow student on an angry rampage to figures of the law flipping and dragging students in class. Something has to be done. Although the issue is far tooRead More Censorship Essay592 Words  | 3 PagesAmerica spend evening’s together watching t.v. This seems to be one of America’s favorite pastimes. But with all the violence that is involved with television programs the question arises on weither or not network television should be censored. It seems unlogical for theses censoring to take place. Network television should not be censored because of our freedom of speech rights, more violence is on cable, and it is the parent’s responsibility to monitor what children are viewing not the networks. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"IRead MoreCreating Adolescent Oppressors1575 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence occurs everyday. It seems as though it is a natural occurring phenomenon in our lives. Looking toward the youth, domestic violence can lead to major problems in their lives. Their choices and feelings in the world can be formed and revolved around the effects of domestic violence. Although they are young, innocent individuals, middle school children have the potential to become monsters if violence occurs often in their lives. It is simple really. If they can get hurt by peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of Gerard JonesViolent Media Is Good For Kids912 Words  | 4 Pagesa way to escape the harsh reality; however, Leo argues that violent media is a main source for many of the disturbing acts that have happened lately. Based of Jones’ writings that provides personal experiences over opinion such as Leo’s writing, parents should take the incentive towards allowing children to watch any type of media, but consult with them to understand their feelings. Gerard Jones’ â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids†is an essay written in first person, offering first-hand experienceRead MoreYouth Violence Essay1052 Words  | 5 Pagesyouth violence is a constant concern by millions of people all over the world. Kids seem to take up more and more space of crimes that are usually committed by adults over the age of 18. Statistics confirm that more horrendous crimes are being committed by increasingly younger children (Levine 27). These crimes committed by youths are caused by many different reasons: Poverty, neighborhoods, schools, parents, and TV, are the main concerns. But what is in most peoples minds is what we can do toRead MoreThe Social Problems Of Children1652 Words  | 7 Pagesexplaining what social problems are caused when children are marketed to and what we can do to stop it. I argue that marketing to children is a problem because it causes children to be obese from food commercials and ads, they have a lot of b uying power, which influences parents, they have too much access to media, which has a lot of commercials or ads and how children are learning from commercials and ads like being violence, dressing an older teen etc. In the first part for each paragraph it will showRead More The Growing Problem of Teenage Violence in Schools Today Essay1195 Words  | 5 PagesProblem of Teenage Violence in Schools Today There is a growing problem with teenage violence today in school. The problem is teenagers are getting more and more violent. Many of them resort to violence as a way to deal with anger and stress. Most of teenage violence starts with the so called thugs who think they rule the school. Not just the thugs but anybody in general who thinks they can beat up on people and act all tough and push everyone around. Another source of this violence is the outcastsRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Violence1642 Words  | 7 PagesVideo game violence has remained a controversy for numerous years. With the advancement of technology, video games have progressed in its practicality and genres. Technology has allowed video games to become very sophisticated and lifelike. This development has brought video games to a multi-billion dollar industry. Nevertheless, with the level of practicality, there are also negative affects to humanity. Since the manufacture of violent video games, there has been a constant quarrel whether or notRead MoreEssay on Youth and Gun Violence1056 Words  | 5 Pageswhen you were younger. Sounds cool right? Well, to some it might and that’s how young children are living in our communities now-a-days. Kids are able to get guns as long as they have parents with guns or the money to buy one. There aren’t enough restrictions on guns who can get a hold of them on the streets and parents aren’t doing a well enough job of hiding their guns from their children. Something needs to be done. Too many children and young adults are being injured and murdered by something thatRead More stop spanking: save the children Essays1258 Words  | 6 Pagesis unacceptable and dangerous to the health and well being of the child.†( Guidance for Effective Discipline, online) It is important for spanking to stop because it is ineffective, causes more problems and because there are other options to consider. While many parents are still spanking their children when they are being naughty, they do not stop to consider how effective this method is. Is this method really working? A question Dr. Phil McGraw asks is: what does a child learn by being hit?(Three
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on Animal Rights - 1331 Words
Animal Rights nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ever since The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England in 1824 was formed there has been long running debates on the topic of animal rights. The first societies were formed to protect and maintain human treatment of work animals, such as cattle, horses and house hold pets. Towards the end of the 19th century more organizations were formed, this time to protest the use of animals in scientific experimentation. In today’s society groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have continued these traditional fights as well as adding new agendas. These new agendas include hunting and fishing, and dissection of animals in science classes. This paper will†¦show more content†¦The rights of animals are watched out for by organizations dating back to the early 1800’s. This, I feel is an important step in protecting animals as long as they protest within there legal rights. In order to sum my opinion up animals do have certain rights but if experiments, research, hunting and dissection provide positive increases in knowledge that furthers the existence of the world it is a necessary thing that must be done. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Perhaps the biggest and most debated subject dealing with the rights of animals is the use of them in research and experimentation. quot;Very few people would object to the use of animals if human lives were saved as a consequence.quot; (Minkoff, 26) However the extremists who do object would do so on a few key points. Firstly, animals which are used are subjected to in humane treatment. This consists of tests such as the LD50, which entails giving an animal a lethal dose of a chemical or drug until 50% of them die. Also, experimenters are subjecting them to wound experiments, radiation experiments and studies on the effects of chemical warfare.(PETA, 2) Organizations such as PETA are also opposed to cosmetic testing on animals due to experimenters spraying, injecting, and feeding cosmetics to animals which cause labored breathing, blindness and death in some cases. These organizations argue that cosmetics haveShow MoreRelatedAnimal Rights And Human Rights923 Words  | 4 Pages Animal Rights â€Å"Nearly as many, 68 percent, were concerned or very concerned about the well-being of animals used in ‘sports’ or contests as well as animals in laboratories (67 percent) (Kretzer, 1).†Many people question whether an animal is capable of thought and emotions. Others feel as though animals are the equivalent of humans and should be treated as such. Since the 1800’s, animal rights has been a topic that has several different sides including two extremes. If animals can react to theirRead MoreThe Debate On Animal Rights910 Words  | 4 PagesThere are two major schools of thought on animal protection. First, is the tenet that animals should have rights and the second, more radical view, is that animals should be liberated. Many of the rights that are promoted for animals are similar to the rights of human democratic societies. The basic rights, which are recommended by a number of advocates, are that animals should be free from suffering, be in posses sion of their own life, and their basic interests should be given the same considerationRead MoreAnimal Rights Essay886 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal rights - moral or legal entitlements attributed to nonhuman animals, usually because of the complexity of their cognitive, emotional, and social lives or their capacity to experience physical or emotional pain or pleasure. (Britannia encyclopedia online, n.d.). The definition of animal rights is so clear to us. Human rights need to be protected, so do animal rights. In 1976, in New York City, thousands of cat lovers were beaten when they heard a painful test to be taken for pets’ sexualRead MoreEssay on ANIMAL RIGHTS790 Words  | 4 PagesAnimals have their own rights as do to humans and we should respect that and give them the same respect we give each other. Animals deserve to be given those same basic rights as humans. All humans are considered equal and ethical principles and legal statutes should protect the rights of ani mals to live according to their own nature and remain free from exploitation. This paper is going to argue that animals deserve to have the same rights as humans and therefore, we don’t have the right to killRead MoreAnimal Rights Philosophy768 Words  | 4 Pagesissue of animal rights, Carl Cohen takes on the perspective of a reformist. This means that he accepts animal experimentation and meat eating, but believes that these institutions need to be improved upon. Cohen approaches the issue of animal rights using the ideas of obligations and rights, with not only the reformist perspective, but with the speciesist perspective. The conclusion he draws is that animals do not necessarily have rights just because humans have moral obligations to animals. CohenRead MoreThe Argument Of Animal Rights2068 Words  | 9 PagesSeems rhetorical, but the fact is animals live through this everyday, without even given the choice. As humans, we establish our authority among all living beings, but for what reasons? Are humans better than all other species? Or is it true that we should hold a precedence over nonhuman animals? The ultimate question then remains, should animals have as much or equal to the same rights as humans? Their are endless arguments for and against this question, and many sub arguments that go hand in handRead MoreAnimal Rights And The Rights Of Animals1843 Words  | 8 Pagesthe rights of animals and if they think and feel like humans do. Many people see animals as mindless creatures or as food, while others think they have emotions and can feel pain. In other countries animal protection laws are in place that are strictly enforced and seem to work well with the system. In the United States however; some of the anima l rights laws are considered to be useless and under-enforced (Animal Legal Historical Center). More people today are beginning to see that animals shouldRead MoreThe Issue Of Animal Rights Essay2300 Words  | 10 PagesAnimals have the right to equal consideration in regards to their being used for human needs as most people use animals for their own needs on a daily basis even if only indirectly whether to entertain us, or to attain the product we are using, or on our dinner plate. The controversy of the treatment of animals range from some activists and philosophers that are outspoken against animals being used by humans in any way for our own personal needs, while others are candid in their belief that animalsRead More Animal Rights Essay2330 Words  | 10 PagesAnimals and man have shared this planet since humans first appeared on earth. Animals have provided transportation, food, clothing, shelter, companionship and entertainment throughout the ages. Therefore, it is our duty to treat animals with respect, care and kindness and not cause them undue suffering, because they have, in many ways, made it possible for man to survive on earth. However, because normal adult humans have superior mental abilities in the hierarchical scale in nature, animals haveRead MoreArgumentary On Animals And Animal Rights1523 Words  | 7 Pagesclass was crazy! There was so much information regarding animal rights†¦ Sasha: I know. But I don’t know if any of that changed my views. I still think becoming a vegetarian is the way to go. Devon: You think? I still think that it is okay to eat meat. The animals just need to be raised in a humane manner. Sasha: Eh†¦I don’t know. Animals should just be left alone and be free to roam around in the wild. They should not be tortured like those animals that I saw while visiting that â€Å"kill floor†. Devon:
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Who Invented the Lightbulb
On October 21st, 1879, in one of the most famous scientific tests in history, Thomas Edison debuted his signature invention: a safe, affordable, and easily-reproducible incandescent lightbulb that burned for thirteen and a half hours. Bulbs tested following that lasted for 40 hours. Although Edison cannot fairly be credited as the sole inventor of the lightbulb, his final productâ€â€the result of years of collaboration and testing alongside other engineersâ€â€revolutionized the modern industrial economy. Below is a timeline of major milestones in the development of this world-changing invention. Inventor Timeline 1809 - Humphry Davy, an English chemist, invented the first electric light. Davy connected two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between the other ends of the wires. The charged carbon glowed, making what became known as the first-ever Electric Arc Lamp. 1820 - Warren de la Rue enclosed a platinum coil in an evacuated tube and passed an electric current through it. His lamp design was worked but the cost of the precious metal platinum made this an impossible invention for wide-spread use. 1835 - James Bowman Lindsay demonstrated a constant electric lighting system using a prototype lightbulb. 1850 - Edward Shepard invented an electrical incandescent arc lamp using a charcoal filament. Joseph Wilson Swan started working with carbonized paper filaments the same year. 1854 - Heinrich Gà ¶bel, a German watchmaker, invented the first true lightbulb. He used a carbonized bamboo filament placed inside a glass bulb. 1875 - Herman Sprengel invented the mercury vacuum pump making it possible to develop a practical electric lightbulb. As de la Rue had discovered, by creating a vacuum inside the bulb an eliminating gasses, the light would cut down on blackening within the bulb and allow the filament to last longer. 1875 - Henry Woodward and Matthew Evans patented a light bulb. 1878 - Sir Joseph Wilson Swan (1828-1914), an English physicist, was the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electric lightbulb (13.5 hours). Swan used a carbon fiber filament derived from cotton. 1879 - Thomas Alva Edison invented a carbon filament that burned for forty hours. Edison placed his filament in an oxygen-less bulb. (Edison evolved his designs for the lightbulb based on the 1875 patent he purchased from inventors, Henry Woodward, and Matthew Evans.) by 1880 his bulbs lasted 600 hours and were reliable enough to become a marketable enterprise. 1912 - Irving Langmuir developed argon and nitrogen-filled bulb, a tightly coiled filament and a hydrogel coating on the inside of the bulb, all of which improved the efficiency and durability of the bulb.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Avoiding Relationships Can Be A Method Of Protecting...
Avoiding relationships can be a method of protecting oneself from hurt. Knowing that only oneself can create irreparable damage ensures that your well-being depends on you. Being involved in a relationship, or experiencing conflicting thoughts on whether one should start a relationship, can ultimately cause fearing for the worst, thus driving individuals towards keeping to themselves. In Zedd’s single, â€Å"Clarity,†the featured singer-songwriter Foxes returns to her senses when she â€Å"dive[s] into frozen waves†(1-2) and realizes she would be better off if she gave up her love for her partner. Often times, however, feelings of needing and wanting someone arise; her partner can cure past or present heartbreak, loneliness, and despair. Foxes believes her lover represents a vital â€Å"piece†(9) of her. While love may present cycles of abandonment and create tragedy, going through the motions of life reveals that love can be a remedy. Foxes’ relationship constantly takes a hit from many different factors, most of which, ironically, stem from the man in her relationship. Their relationship appears to be strict and stressful because their â€Å"clock ticks ‘til it breaks [his] glass†(7-8). Foxes’ partner puts up an emotional wall when trying to push her away and the wall shatters. Although this wall created a barrier in their relationship, the shattering of it demonstrates the truth of the tension; her lover’s wall will keep rebuilding and tragically crumbling because of the relationship’sShow MoreRelatedPrinciples of safeguarding and protection Principles of communication in adult social care settings2202 Words  | 9 Pagesabuse is the illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s property, money, pension book or other valuables. †¢ Institutional abuse involves failure of an organisation to provide appropriate and professional individual services to vulnerable people. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour that amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, stereotyping and rigid systems. †¢ Self-neglect is a behavioural condition in which an individual neglectsRead More Religion and Relationships in Christina Rossetti’s Work Essay4406 Words  | 18 PagesReligion and Relationships in Christina Rossetti’s Work Our dreams are commonly known as the subconscious manifestations of our inner desires. Creative writing, like dreams, can represent an outlet, a method of pseudo-fulfillment for those unrealized wishes or fears. In the case of much fiction, especially poetry, these hidden triumphs are often so subtle that the reader may not recognize the achievement or the repressed emotion to which it relates. Christina RossettiRead MoreFree Marriage : Can It Save Your Marriage?10636 Words  | 43 PagesTable of contents Introduction: Counselling: can it save your marriage? 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It was prepared within the framework of the joint UNESCO–Green Cross International project entitled â€Å"From Potential Conflict to Co-operation Potential (PCCP): Water for Peace,†and was made possible by the generous financial assistance of the Japanese governmentRead MoreOverview of Hrm93778 Words  | 376 Pagesimplementing employee communication system). †¢ Interrelationship of HR functions. A. What is human resource management? As we said that HRM is the management of people working in an organization, it is a subject related to human. For simplicity, we can say that it is the management of humans or people. HRM is a managerial function that tries to match an organization’s needs to the skills and abilities of its employees. Human Resource Management is responsible for how people are managed in the organizationsRead More Workplace Mediation36362 Words  | 146 Pages Some workplace conflict s healthy and if viewed positively, however where unhealthy conflict is present it has a potential risk to cause the company serious problems Workplace conflict can be in many forms from serious flare-ups to less obvious, but less destructive forms of negativity. Workplace conflict can be caused by personality clashes or style differences and personal. Workplace factors such as poor leadership, poor management, unfair treatment, poor communication, budgets, discriminationRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesWeidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproductionRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesNot Treating It Fairly ..................................................................... 174 Not Accepting the Burden of Proof ............................................................................................. 175 Diverting Attention from the Issue ............................................................................................. 176 Re-defining the Issue ....................................................................................................................Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagessave money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » www.wileyplus.com ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started www.wileyplus.com/firstday Student support from an experienced
Train Of Thought At Boston College - 1205 Words
Train of Thought While standing nervously in the entrance of Cushing Dormitory where I live while at school, I request an Uber. Plenty of time remains before I have to be at the station, so I opt to do an Uber Pool, where the driver picks up another passenger on the way to split the fare. I look around me as I wait. This lobby which had once looked so foreign to me is now just those familiar cream-colored tile walls with a door to my hall on one end and a door to the Law School parking lot on the other. I reminisce on when I first arrived here at Boston College. I expected the transition to be difficult as I knew I would miss home and would have to acclimate to being on my own. What I did not expect, however, was for the day I went back†¦show more content†¦As the oldest sibling and therefore the first to leave home, I worry I will return to a family whose dinner table stories I do not know or whose inside jokes I am not a part of. I worry that when I reunite with friends I have spent years becoming close to that we won’t have the same connections we had when we parted at the end of August. I worry we won’t know the people in each others’ lives anymore and that disparity will weaken our bonds. I worry that my cats will never forgive me for â€Å"abandoning†them and that they will never fall asleep, purring while curled up at my side, again. I worry that when I got off the train I will feel lost and distant, cultured-shocked, in my own home. Whi le lost in these thoughts, thirty-five minutes quickly pass and the 4:30 pm Northeast Regional’s track is listed on the board in the center of South Station. As one of the most popular trains traveling right before a holiday, the rush to get out to Track 8 quickly turns into a scramble. Moving as quickly as possible out to the train’s line, I still find myself at its end. 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Beowulf Sigemund Episode Free Essays
Analysis of the Sigemund Episode Within Beowulf One of the best literary devices the author of Beowulf uses is the use of episodes and digressions. Each of these episodes and digressions tell another story apart from the main plot of Beowulf, but sets up an introduction to the main plot. One such episode, the Sigemund episode, tells of valiant King Sigemund who received glory and honor through his killing of the dragon and possession of the hoard. We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf: Sigemund Episode or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sigemund became a noble and experienced king, only to be betrayed and brought to his downfall. Beowulf was much the same as Sigemund, and both were great examples of heroes. The Sigemund episode introduces a comparison to Beowulf, foreshadows Beowulf’s downfall, and parallels the irony of Beowulf’s shortcomings. As we see in the following lines: â€Å"Sigemund’s name was known everywhere. / He was utterly valiant and venturesome, / a fence round his fighters and flourished therefore†(897-898), the author introduces Sigemund as an excellent comparison to Beowulf. The author uses the Sigemund episode to set up a better understanding of the character of Beowulf by describing a king much like himself. This allows the reader to understand the character of Beowulf and know what a noble and valiant character he was. The author presents Sigemund as a brave warrior who defeated the dragon, much like the victorious warrior that Beowulf was. And within the Sigemund episode, Heremod is introduced as a wicked king, an exact opposite of Sigemund and Beowulf. This allows the reader to compare the three kings, and promote Beowulf as a noble king such as Sigemund. Another purpose of the Sigemund episode within Beowulf is to foreshadow Beowulf’s defeat and downfall. Sigemund is a noble and mighty king, but is led to his defeat in the following lines: â€Å"†¦ The king was betrayed, ambushed in Jutland, overpowered / and done away with†(901-903). This defeat of Sigemund foreshadows Beowulf’s defeat and death during the battle with the dragon. As Sigemund and Beowulf are both valiant kings, they both are led to their failure and death. This part of the Sigemund episode gives the reader a glimpse of what is to come for Beowulf in the rest of the poem. From this episode, the author uses irony that Beowulf will become a great and mighty king, but also will come face to face with his destruction. The author uses this irony to connect the characters of Sigemund and Beowulf. Not only does the Sigemund episode foreshadow the downfall of Beowulf, but it also sets up a choice that Beowulf has to make. Beowulf has to either chose to be like Sigemund, a courageous and noble king, or take the path of Heremod, an evil king. This gives the reader a sense of uncertainty of the choice Beowulf will make. As the reader, the choice that Beowulf will make is obvious, but this is a huge choice of character for Beowulf. It gives a chance for Beowulf to prove his character, and allows the reader to understand the trustworthiness of Beowulf once he does chose to be a noble king. Among the various episodes and digressions within Beowulf, Sigemund’s episode sets up the best foreshadowing of Beowulf’s life. In all, Sigemund’s episode clues the reader in with what type of character Beowulf is. Sigemund is the perfect comparison to Beowulf, and this allows the reader to expect what is to come for Beowulf. Sigemund’s hymn apart from the main plot of Beowulf accomplished the task of introducing and setting up the destiny for Beowulf. How to cite Beowulf: Sigemund Episode, Essay examples
Herman Miller Inc free essay sample
From the headquarters of Herman Miller Inc. , Curt Pullen talks amid the unmistakable pounding sounds and commotion associated with a construction work site about his companys plan to rebound from the recession. Pullen, the firms executive vice president and president of North America, says the workers are installing new lower-height Herman Miller workstations designed to accommodate a growing trend in offices toward more open, collaborative environments. The new product, called Canvas, is part of the companys market-shift strategy after the demand for office furniture fell hard during the economic downturn. The plan also involves diversifying into the health care and academic furniture markets and more emphasis on emerging economies. The plan appears to be paying off. For the first time in nearly four years the company reported two consecutive quarters of double-digit percentage sales growth after releasing its second-quarter earnings statement on Dec 15th. Orders in the second quarter rose 34% to 2 million. Significant increases occurred in international markets where sales rose 33%. In 2010 the company acquired UK-based ergonomic workstation manufacturer Colebrook Bosson Saunders and purchased assets from Australian furniture maker Living Edge Group. In 2008, the company announced a partnership with Chinas Posh Office Systems Ltd. to expand in the Asia-Pacific region. The company attributed a year-end surge to gains in its international, health care, learning and retail vertical markets. The expanding health care industry has become one of the companys key growth targets. One of the more recent expansions into the health care field came on Jan. 31 when Herman Miller completed its acquisition of health care furniture manufacturer Nemschoff Chairs LLC based in Sheboygan, Wis. Herman Miller designed the Canvas workstation at a lower height than traditional workstations to facilitate a workplace trend toward more collaborative environments. The design also allows more light into work areas and saves space, the company says. Including sinks and headwalls, to be reconfigured to meet patient needs. 2. Business Strategy: Broad Differentiation Strategies This strategy pursues the buyer’s needs and preference to make them satisfied with the product. And to be different from other rivals, the product must have unique product attributes that a wide range of buyers find appealing and worth paying for. The strategy achieves its aim when an attractively large numbers of buyers find the customer buyer value proposition. Herman miller is pursuing this strategy as we refer to the case study that their products are based on the design which is designed according to the people who use the furniture. Like the president of Herman Miller said: ‘people are important not the furniture. Furniture should be useful’. Besides, this company emphasizes on product design and environmental friendly, these are two basic things that they have been practicing for many decades. Furthermore, they also invest more in research and development for product innovation. Take an example of office design product, Herman Miller’s Insight and Exploration team observed various workplaces to analyze how people collaborate and the ways in which their interactions vary over the course of a day, and throughout the life of a project by differentiating the subtleties of how, when, where, and why people connect independent of content or industry. Senior Researcher Shilpi Kumar notes that, â€Å"outlining these collaborative work behaviors will empower designers and decision makers with a greater understanding for how people really work, and will enable more informed choices in regards to office spaces. Herman Miller takes advantage of the growing desire for green products to create a better world and increase ergonomic furniture, because the consumers are willing to pay a premium for such quality and social responsible product. Since the designer of Herman Miller emphasized quality, excellence, and the continual improvement of their products, obviously one of their product which is designed by Charles and Ray Eames since its launch in 1950 had developed from plastic chair to wood chair in 2000. She also confirmed that this wood chair is 100 times recyclable since Herman Miller is concerned about environmental friendly, and Eames Molded Wood Side Chair earns Gold award at NeoCon 2013 in the Guest Seating category. 3. Functional strategy: Research and Development (RD) This category focuses on strategy that is concerned with the actions in managing particular functions within a business especially in RD. In terms of Herman Miller RD, they invested in research and development (RD) financially. Although there was downturn in financial, Herman Miller still invested tens of millions of dollars in RD. The investment in RD was code named Purple. A result of investment in RD was an outgrowth of project Purple. The goal of this project was to spread beyond the boundaries of normal business. Herman miller created a special team called the accessories team in which the team-identified a potential growth area. This team is made to recruit people with different disciplines needed to support that goal. In addition, this team focuses on contributing ideas to the success of the team from all resources and also to develop a particular product as it goes through that piece of work. This project is in line with functional strategy of RD in which a company’s product development represents the plan for keeping the company’s product in accordance with what buyers are looking for (Thompson et al, 2014). In the case of Herman Miller Inc, they began with research in every real design solution in which the exploitation and insights of the best research leads to human-centered design and problem solving. Herman Miller Inc is doing many things for RD in the case of education, sustainability, performance, healthcare, manufacturing, architectures design and ergonomics. Herman Miller Inc has its major RD activities and projects, i. e. its way to support and develop a company’s product. According to Herman Miller’s financial statement for fiscal years 2006-2011, there was a decline in design and research in 2009 due to the ongoing economic downturn. Figure 1. 1: Spending on Design and research So far, they have done some research projects regarding education such as; student’s research work behaviors behind innovation spaces. In the fall 2012, there was a project Herman Miller funded as a way of investing in the next generation of workers by giving students the chance to apply what they learn in a real-world setting. Herman Miller wanted them to look at the business objective of the company. Besides Herman Miller providing the funds, the employees of the company also participated in the project. After the field research, the goal of this project was that the students shared what they had learned from going to the company for a workshop. The company also wanted to discover more about places that encourage creativity and the places of creative people. Besides Herman Miller providing the funds, the employee of the company also participated in the project. In regarding with the research in technology, the research starts by understanding which technological trends are creating new behaviors in the workplace. So from that, they can produce new design solution. Over the last three years, a group of designers, engineers, and researchers, the Insight Herman Miller and Exploration Team (I E) has focused on emerging technologies and how they alter social behavior in the workplace. Herman Miller’s goal is to identify the technology trends that are relevant to the office and also understanding new behaviors that allow the designers, architects and manufacturers to bring new workplace design. For healthcare, Herman Miller Healthcare saw the opportunity to study and analyze by doing the research from the discussion of Bluewater health in which prior to design development and also the satisfaction and safety of patients and staff members. Herman Miller Healthcare is sponsoring a research project that will explore how changes in the built environment have affected staff in three important areas: Ambulatory Care, Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department. 3 4. Functional Strategies: Marketing Marketing is one of the strategies used under functional strategy. First and foremost, Herman Miller products were sold internationally through wholly owned subsidiaries in countries including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, China, India, and the Netherlands. Hence, they use the international strategy to compete its products in each country. In other words, they use the foreign subsidiary strategies because it seemed that they prefer to have a direct control over all aspects of operating in a foreign country that is the reason why they established wholly owned subsidiaries. As a result, this strategy was successful as their brand was recognized by customers and increased customer base spreading over 100 countries. Moreover, they used green marketing strategy to sell their products. This is because they mainly focus on environmental friendly such as Mirra chair, one of their products which was made of 45 percent recycled materials, and 96 percent of its material were recyclable. Therefore, the chairs used 100 percent renewable energy. Due to this strategy used, Mirra chair was recorded as one of the Top 10 Green Products by Architectural Record and Environmental Building News. Hence, this can indicate the success of using this strategy. In addition, Herman Miller engaged in cooperating advertising with strategic partners. As the example of Hilton Garden Inns which they equipped the Mirra chair in some room and on the desk in the room, was a card that explain how to adjust the chair while also providing the advertisement of Herman Miller’s website, how to purchase the products. Likewise, this is one of the advertising used to promote their products by using the strategic partner. As a result, they can reduce the advertising cost and gain more brand awareness. Lean Production Initially, at Spring Lake, Herman Miller had invested in a giant robot assembly that welded supports inside file cabinet housings, including a tractor-trailer-length automated welding line with 1,000 sensors to drive labor completely out of the process. Unfortunately, big customers like Hewlett-Packard and ATT were pulling their orders of 100 instead of 500 and some wanted file cabinets in two weeks instead of six with much higher quality. The Spring Lake plant could not deliver, and certainly not for the lower prices customers demanded. HMPS created competitive advantage through large assembly – manufacturing based. For example, direct materials and components purchased as needed to meet the demand and some suppliers delivered parts to Herman Miller production facilities five or six times per day. This resulted in a standard lead time of 10 to 20 days for majority of the products and low inventories on hand. Interestingly, HMPS managed to increase the variable costs rather than fixed costs while retaining proprietary control over manufacturing process. It was reported that â€Å"the plant managers across Herman Miller have learned that the best-run plants rely on people, not machines. Only people can solve problems to make assembly lines go faster, run cheaper, and deliver higher quality†(Boozco. , 2010, para 25). Therefore, it can be concluded that labor intensive approach tend to outperform machine intensive approach especially when the products demand further customization with limited time and the majority of industry products are built to each customers unique order. Question 2: Culture at HMI: healthy and largely supportive of good strategy execution. Herman Miller had codified its long-practiced organizational values, intended as a basic for uniting all employees, building relationship, and contributing to society. Herman Miller started in 1905 with the Star Furniture Company and created the Herman Miller furniture company with his son in law named Dirk Jan De Pree. From the beginning, De Pree committed himself to treating all workers as individuals with specials talents and potential. This was part of Herman Miller’s corporate culture which continued to generate respect for all employees and take advantage of the diversity of skills possessed by all. This is one of the functional strategies in corporate culture in Herman Miller Inc in which included the company’s approach to people management, procedures and operating practices that provide the guidelines for the behavior of the company. The impact of this culture became one of the competitive advantages that make strong management and employee satisfaction in the company. The business principles and ethical standard of Herman Miller are the management practices as the key of company’s culture. Herman Miller was one of the furniture company named to Fast Company’s â€Å"Most Innovative Companies†in both 2008 and 2010. Herman Miller had pursued a path of reinvention and renewal. Herman Miller has many ways to develop their products and its culture is also unique. Through the growing of the company, Herman Miller maintains the relationship with the employees. Herman Miller’s commitment to innovation included sharing ideas and opinions from the employees. On January 1979, Herman Miller established new organization structures that included all employees were to be given the opportunity to discuss new plan in small group settings. In addition, Herman Miller also established a plan in which all employees became shareholders. Herman Miller Inc. also focuses on more efficient and environmentally friendly by taking a major initiative in 1981. It is in line with a better world value which is pursuing sustainability and environmental policy. They established environmental quality action team whose goal was to coordinate environmental programs worldwide that involves many employees. A Herman Miller’s culture is grounded in and resides to certain core value and some sets for ethical behavior. Herman Miller had long practiced organizational values that were still used in 2012. The values are as basis for uniting all employees, building relationship, adapt the implied attitude, behaviors and work practices. The company adopted inclusiveness which means they include all the expressions of human talent and potential that society offers. As mentioned before, Herman Miller corporate culture continued to create respect to all employees and looking for and utilizing the skills possessed by anyone. The second value is design in which it is important to Herman Miller Inc. in order to make innovative products. It is the way for them for looking at the world and how it can work. The results of this value are Herman Miller established many innovative products and designs. In 1971 and 1984, they introduced products based on ergonomics principles such as the Ergon chair and Equa chair. For another groundbreaking design, it introduced the Aeron chair which was almost added to New York Museum of Modern Art’s permanent design collection in 1990. Other important values are based on Herman Miller’s best performance that focuses on enriching the lives of employees, customers and create value for the shareholders. The result of this value has made Herman Miller share the gains and pains with the employees especially about the compensation. All employees received a base pay and they also participated in a profit sharing program where they received stock in accordance to the company’s financial performance. The company also offered to the employees the employee stock purchase plan (ESPP), retirement income plan, offered annual bonus to all employees based on company’s performance, and in regard to profit sharing both the employees and executives have same calculation of bonus potential. High performance culture. In Herman Miller Inc. there is a strong sense of involvement on the part of company personnel and emphasis on individual initiative and creativity. Two of the greatest strengths lie behind our heritage of research-driven design. Respecting and encouraging risks, exploring new ideas and freedom of speech. Owners actively committed to the life of the community called Herman Miller, pride in doing things right, sharing in its success and risks. The strengths and payoff really comes in when engaging in people’s own problems, solutions and behavior. Performance is required at the highest level possible. Herman Miller enriches employees’ lives, delight its customers, and create value for its shareholders. Herman Miller includes all the express human talent and potential, everyone should have a chance to realize his or her potential regardless of color, gender, age, sexual orientation. It believes that skill; different educational background could bring the company uniqueness. Adaptive Culture Herman Miller always keep innovating its products to serve their customers better. Herman Miller’s corporate culture, which continued to generate respect for all employees, had fueled the quest to tap the diversity of gifts and skill held by all. The company designs products according to what people want the most, and it is a way of looking at the world and how it works or does not. To design a solution, rather than simply devising one, required research, thought sometime starting over, listening and humility. Manager and employees support each other in dealing with working environment. Herman Miller designed the Canvas workstation, at a lower height than traditional workstations to facilitate a workplace trend toward more collaborative environments. The design also allows more light into work areas and saves space, the company says. In terms of leverage, overall, it can be said that the performance of the company has been improving over the years and regaining its position in the furniture market after the economic downturn. Although it may not do well as compared to its competitors in terms of financing the debt and equity, there is a sign of improvement and effort in positioning its self in the market industry in U. S. iv. Activity Ratios Figure 3. 4. 1: HMI’s Inventory turnover ratio versus its competitors’ ratio The inventory turnover is commonly used to measure the operational efficiency in managing its assets. Based on the figure 4. 1 illustrated above, in 2009, Herman Miller Inc. has the highest ratio compared to other years. This high ratio could indicate two conditions, such as; whether the company has strong sales during the year or it has an ineffective buying activity. However, it is perceived that the company did have strong sales proven from the lowest level of inventory and high sales revenue which are seen in the annual report during the year. While in 2010, Herman Miller Inc. ’s turnover ratio drops significantly compared to the other years. Its cost of sales for the year has the lowest and showed a decrement of 24% from previous year which simultaneously contribute to low ratio as well as indicating the lack of effectiveness particularly in turning its inventory into sales. One of the reasons is that it could be due to the recession which highly affected the company, and hence making them to reduce the cost of sales. However, Herman Miller Inc is getting better in turning its inventory into sales proven from the increment of its ratio by year. Additionally, compared to competitors, the position of the ratio shown for Herman Miller Inc. is located somewhat in the middle. Steelcase is somewhat faster in turning their inventory into sales compared to others. In contrast, HNI has the lowest rate. This proves that Steelcase is more effective in managing its operational assets. Figure 3. 4. 2: HMI’s Average collection period versus its competitors’ ratio Average collection period is the number of days it takes a company to collect its account receivables. As illustrated from the figure 4. 2 above, Herman Miller is getting better in obtaining its receivables shown by the average days taken which was from 58 days in 2008 and 34 days in 2012. This demonstrates that Herman miller Inc. Constantly improve its credit policy effectiveness confirmed by a dramatic slump by years. Comparing to other competitors, originally HNI was the most effective company in managing its credit term policy, as the company only took 38 days in collecting its account receivables compared to Steelcase or Herman Miller. However, the company ended up to be the highest rate at 2012 showing that it is not effective in evaluating company’s credit policy. As a result, when a company possesses a lower average collection period, it is seen as optimal as it indicates that the company does not take very long to turn its receivables into cash. HMI’s current strategies: an issues of need to change its strategies during poor economic conditions The current Herman Miller strategy which focuses on growth strategy, through innovative products and related diversification made the company to survive the Great Depression early in its history, multiple recessions in 20th century and in early 21st century the company recovered from the dot-com bust and was able to continue expanding overseas. The furniture industry is an economically volatile industry. The office furniture segment of the industry was hit hard by the recession. Industry sales decreased 26. 5 percent during the 2009 economic downturn. However, because of the innovative and diversification, Herman Miller was able to outperform its competitors in terms of sales and profitability, during that time Herman Mill’s sales dropped by 19% which is relatively low in comparison with its competitors HNI Corporation and Steelcase which had dropped by 33 percent and 28% respectively. The furniture industry is at its maturity stage, thus Innovation is crucial to the company’s survival. If Herman Miller continues to successfully innovate, it will enable them to compete in the market strongly. The industry had been negatively impacted telecommunication which had reduced the need office furniture. Yet, more employees were spending more hours in front of the computer screens than ever before. Because of Herman Miller’s effective innovation, they were able to respond to the need of ergonomically correct office furniture that had helped to decrease fatigue and injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. In summary, the company does not need to radically alter its main strategy which focuses more on innovation and diversification as it’s the reason they were not dramatically hit by recessions and competitions among the rivals. 3. Recommendation: i. Reduced current benefit and incentive schemes There are several incentives that had been eliminated by Herman Miller’s management due to the economic downturn in 2009. The suspend of 401(k) contribution plans (saving contribution plan), cut-off 15 percent of current workforce and 10 percent reduction in salary for remaining workforce had been implemented during the crisis. However the pay cuts was discontinued because of Herman Miller’s quick turnaround. The company was stable starting the year 2011, but the selling, general, and administrative were the highest contribution of the operating expenses. Specifically, â€Å"†¦$3.8 million and $16. 6 million of additional operating expenses during fiscal 2011 due to the reinstatement of all of our employee benefits and employee incentive expenses†(Herman Miller’s Annual Report, 2011). The company believed that the large benefit and incentives had created motivated and skilful employees which are the key of its competitive advantage. Even though the company has increased in sales as compared to the year 2010, it is important to cut the costs by eliminating some of the less important incentives schemes and benefits such as $100 rebate on a bike purchase, concierge services and one-site services to name a few. Previously, the company had eliminated the 401(k) contribution plan so that they could stop providing some percentage on the employees’ contribution. It is crucial since it could allow the company to save a significant amount of money in the long run (Richardson, 2009). It can be done by communicating the problems and issues which need to be addressed to the staff before they get out of hand. Address the problems proportionately and regular communication could make the staff be aware on their role to support the company throughout the economy downturn. By having it, the staff might accept the decision positively and provide effort to help the company to fully recover after the recession (‘Recession Business Cost Cutting†, 2013). ii. Reduction in company’s cost of sales According to Herman Miller’s Annual Report (2011), the increase in cost of sales for the year 2011 was due to the increase in sales volume that was driven primarily by cost leverage on higher production, which was partially offset by deeper discounting, higher employee benefit and incentive costs, and higher costs of key direct materials, most notably steel and steel components. Besides that, the cost of direct material increased as compared to previous years which there was increase in the cost of commodities and the increase in discounting, which has the effect of reducing net sales The costs of certain manufacturing materials used in producing finished products are sensitive to the volatility of commodity market price. The cost of direct labor and overhead were increased due to increase in product volume while the cost of freight expenses had increased during the year because of increase in product volume as well as increase in fuel costs in 2011. First recommendation to cut the cost of sales in terms of direct material is substituting lower cost material where possible to replace the expensive one and each angle should be considered for better decision. For example, the substitution of carbon steel to replace expensive stainless steel could reduce the cost but the corrosion protection might not last longer. This method should be applied if only the benefit from the substitution is higher than the cost of reduction in quality (Lewis, n. d. ). Second recommendation is by eliminating unnecessary product features to reduce cost. The company should produce a product that really suits customers’ preferences in buying their products. For example, the company should identify whether customers are purchasing its products because of their unique looks, lower price or high quality. If customers buy the products because of their lower price, unique features may not be needed (Lewis, n. d. ). Third recommendation which is the most effective one is by hedging the price of the steel through futures contract. According to Herman Miller’s Annual Report (2011): â€Å"The company believes market prices for commodities in the near term may move higher and acknowledges that over time increases on its key direct materials and assembly components are likely. Consequently, it views the prospect of such increases as an outlook risk to the business†(p. 34). By locking the price in the contract, it could eliminate any risk of price volatility (â€Å"Hedging in Practice†, 2013). For example, if there is a huge possibility that the price of steel will increase in a certain period of time. Due to that, the company will engage in future contract and lock-in the price for a specific period in the future. Regardless of increase in steel price, the company is eligible to buy the commodity at a lower lock-in price as stated in the agreed future contract. Conclusion Herman Miller Inc. has implemented different strategies in order to improve its performance and expand its self in furniture market, such as diversified strategy, broad differentiation strategy, green marketing, product development and innovation. In addition, besides focusing on those strategies to achieve the business goals, the company also concerns about how it communicates and treat its employees. â€Å"All workers as individuals with special talents and potential†can be considered as one of the healthy culture at Herman Miller since 1927 and the Company continued to generate respect for all employees and fueled the quest to tap diversity of gifts and skills held by all. According to one of the verse in chapter 42 of the Qur’an: â€Å"Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance†(Quran 42:38) The verse above explains the importance of mutual consent in making a decision. Islam encourages Muslims to decide their affairs by consulting with those who will be affected by the decision. Thus, in the case of Herman Miller, it empowers its employees and nurture participative decision making so that the employees feel as part of the company. Surviving in matured furniture industry and the economic volatility such as recession, demand full cooperation from the whole organization. It is not easy to integrate the diverse nature of employees with different backgrounds and behaviors to achieve goal congruence. Thus, Herman Miller’s healthy culture leads to its employee’s readiness to accept any relevant decision by Herman Miller such as cutting their salaries as the employees work with Herman Miller and not just work for it. Furthermore, in term of design value, the designer team of Herman Miller always emphasized on quality, excellence, and the continual improvement of their products. â€Å"At Herman Miller the products we made decade ago are still sold after today, and products we make today we will do for a decade to come. †All in all, Herman Miller should pursue its current strategies and continue to expand those strategies such as product innovation, diversification and so on. We believe that these strategies have made and will make Herman Miller one of an outstanding and award winning Company. They will continue to provide the Company with the ability to renew and reinvent itself in the furniture market and outperform its rivals in the future. From the explanation above, it gives us a broad view of how the company’s long-term strategy and objective affects all their business: from product design to decision-making process to the culture of the Company.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Trip to New York City Essay Example For Students
A Trip to New York City Essay My favorite vacation of all time was to New York also known as the best place on Earth. I loved being in Times Square and seeing all the neon lights flashing. The peaceful atmosphere of the Twin Towers Memorial and how it contrasts from the high speed life that surrounds it. The walks that who took around the beautiful harbors there and all of the scenery was to die for. I loved being in such a high paced atmosphere where everyone knows where they are going and what they need to do. It is like they are all little ambulances that travel with the utter most urgency to get to where they need to go. Times Square was by far the best part of my trip to New York. I loved all of the lights. Some of the lights were flashing and others were the colors of neon. They were so distracting that it made it impossible to focus on just one sign. I loved walking around and going into all the shops. The buses even light up and are bright enough to be seen for miles down the road. The way it sounded like a huge beehive with thousands of bees buzzing around. People talking loudly and horns honking louder. The Twin Towers Memorial was the most beautiful part of New York City. It was surrounded by the most fast paced city in the whole world and it was so peaceful there. The quiet, sincere feeling brought me great peace. The water even had a calm way of down the sides of the square falls. It was so awesome seeing the only tree that survived that day. It was the craziest feeling that such a tragedy happened in now such a peaceful place. I felt a constant respectful atmosphere there. I was so disappointed to see that the museum was not yet open to the public. However hopefully the next trip I make to New York, it will be open. I saw two harbors when I went to New York. They were the most elegant and angelic places in New York. The beautiful blue water both calm but still waving was glistening from the setting sun. It was such a fresh crisp day. The temperature was a perfect cool but not too cold day. The wind was lightly blowing, which was just the right amount, and the boats were rocking in a graceful manner. It was a great way to spend the end of my first day in New York. The high paced atmosphere was the best part of being in New York, even though it is the polar opposite of home. It was like the energy level was on maximum at all times and the people were on full blast. It is like a huge bee hive with bees constantly buzzing loudly and flying around like it was there last days. It was the most exciting experience of my whole life. It gave me so much energy, life, and such a feeling of power like no other. It is like no one has to know you. You are walking down the streets in Times Square and you feel like a New Yorker. That is part of the reason why I would love to live in New York one day, because of the feeling the city brings to me. New York is by far my favorite place for vacation in this whole world. Times Square is my favorite part about going to New York with all its many lights and signs. The Twin Towers Memorial was very serene place to be in New York and it was so crazy because such a terrible thing happened at that spot. The harbors were so beautiful and provided such nice scenery to all that see it. Lastly the high paced lifestyle of the people in New York is the most energizing thing I have ever experienced. New York was by far the best trip I have ever taken and will one day want to be there again.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
HCA Case Study for Health Outcomes and Care- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHCA Case Study for Health Outcomes and Care. Answer: Introduction: Summary of the case study: The case study provided is related to that of a trainee to join as a health care attendant who had been working as an attendant in the residential care. Therefore it is understood that he possessed some sort of experience regarding healthcare. The new attendant named David had some sort of experience in residential care. However according to the case study provided it was the first day of Davids joining under his trainer Barbara, who had worked as a HCA for the last one year. Concerns according to the case study: The case study puts forward concerns such as the safety of the patient, the problems of miscommunication. It also puts to the fore the issues regarding the identification of the patient awaiting discharge. These issues have been addressed. In light of all these issues it needs to be mentioned that Barbara should maintain a particular decorum while approaching David (3). He needs to be given a brief regarding the war in which he should understand instructions and communicate them. It is advisable that Barbara at first ask David about his decision to move a particular patient from his bed before clarifying whether it is required or not. The explanation of the way to approach a particular brief or a command needs to be clearly explained by Barbara to David. It also needs to be checked whether the command is related to the patient on which David is performing the operation or not. The importance of communication in healthcare needs to be clarified (2). Finally after proper explanation of the scenario, it is to be stated to David that there are several implications of a particular decision taken by David on the lives of the patients. It is necessary that David gets a brief regarding the decision making techniques in future. It also needs to be understood that there needs to be certain guidelines which need to be maintained related to the decisions in connection to the patient care (4). It needs to be understood that the trainees need to perform any severe or impactful tasks in the presence of a senior. It always needs to be kept in mind that a doctor or a senior health care attendant is to be informed at all times regarding a patients condition. In case any mismatches or anomalies are found related to the patients health or it is found that the patient is not responding to the care, the trainee should stop at once from deploying any sort of attention or duties which might harm the condition of the patient in any way (7). Proper identification of the patient is a crucial task and its utility needs to be clearly explained to David by Barbara. Barbara should clearly state that, the clinical leaders and senior managers of a health service organization establish systems in order to ensure the proper identification of patients and correct matching of the patients with the intended treatment and proper methods of discharge. The clinicians, healthcare assistants and all the members of the workforce should make proper identification and procedural matching systems (6). Barbara should clearly mention to David that he abide by all the existing rules and regulations of the healthcare industry in order to maintain the patients health at all costs (5). The other team members need to be informed as the healthcare industry involves a lot of team work where the attendants help each other in providing the best quality of healthcare to the patients. Ones the attendants, assistants and trainees are aware similar situations can be avoided in the future. The new trainees specifically need to be briefed that they should learn from situations like Davids so that they do not repeat these issues or problems in future so that they maintain the quality and reputation of the organization they work for. The hands-on experience is always better than the theoretical knowledge and therefore this example is significant for all the trainees and attendants (6). In case the situations are informed to the attendants or other members of the team or even the helpers, then these people can prevent the occurrences of miscommunication and wrong identification and ultimately save the patients from being harmed in any way. The members of the team who can contribute to an improved transition of care includes the hospital nursing staff, the trainees the case managers, pharmacists, nurse practitioners physical assistants, in hospital and outpatient physicians (7). The inter-professional communication needs to be maintained at all times in any health care association. A proper network of communication needs to be maintained at all times so that all the members of the team are aware of all the situations which the patients are in and what needs to be done in each of the cases. A helper should be posted in the room at all times to ensure that the patient is well attended to (3). The communication procedures should be established among the patients care sites, including the hospital, specialists office and also the primary care office. Other members of the healthcare team can also stops mishaps from happening (2). Telephonic connectivity should also be ensured at all times so that the patients condition is taken care of at all times. The families of the patients should also be informed at all times in case of any emergency so that they can come at any time. Every member of the team should put forward his or her skills and challenges faced and discuss his or her experiences so that proper knowledge can be learned from them (6). The inter-professional collaboration is an essential part of improving the accessibility, quality and the value of the health care (7). Conclusion: In the case study mentioned the inter-professional communication needs to be improved. The case managers need to be informed about all the cases. In this case, Mr. Roberts suffering from pneumonia who is awaiting his discharge needs to be mentioned to all the members of the team so that they can inform David when he comes to the wrong patient and tries to remove him from the bed. Such situations need to be avoided in future at any cost. References: Hibbard JH, Greene J. What the evidence shows about patient activation: better health outcomes and care experiences; fewer data on costs. Health affairs. 2013 Feb 1;32(2):207-14. 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